What is Your Chiro-Identity: How Self-Discovery Can Set You on an Exciting New Path in Chiropractic

December 13, 2021 00:44:29
What is Your Chiro-Identity: How Self-Discovery Can Set You on an Exciting New Path in Chiropractic
ChiroCast: Insights for modern chiropractors
What is Your Chiro-Identity: How Self-Discovery Can Set You on an Exciting New Path in Chiropractic

Dec 13 2021 | 00:44:29


Show Notes

Welcome to Catch Up With ChiroTouch with Dr. Ronnie Simms. Tune in to this educational and inspirational podcast series for conversations with chiropractic’s most influential speakers.

In this episode, Dr. Allen Miner of Chiro Match Makers discusses how to find your identity as a chiropractor and apply that discovery to take your career to the next level. He explains the three main personas most chiropractors identify with, career path options best suited for each type, and how to respond to the findings of your self-discovery journey. As mentioned in the episode, download your free infographic on helpful hiring tips.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:01.080 --> 00:00:05.519 Welcome to this edition of catch up with Cairo touch. My Name is Dr 2 00:00:05.639 --> 00:00:09.189 Ronnie Sims and I'm your host today. Our whole goal with this is to 3 00:00:09.269 --> 00:00:13.509 help you reach your full potential and we think that what the world needs more 4 00:00:13.750 --> 00:00:18.469 now than ever is chiropractors to be at their best. So this podcast is 5 00:00:18.629 --> 00:00:22.260 in the spirit of that, and so today we're going to really dive into 6 00:00:22.500 --> 00:00:27.059 helping you find your Chiro identity. I feel like so many chiropractors on this 7 00:00:27.219 --> 00:00:31.059 call and in the profession today are having little bit of what we call identity 8 00:00:31.100 --> 00:00:35.420 crisis, where they just don't know really what the unique gifts and talents are 9 00:00:35.539 --> 00:00:39.810 and they maybe are operating as a round peg in a square hole and it 10 00:00:39.929 --> 00:00:42.890 just there may be either burning out or they just don't know what to do 11 00:00:42.969 --> 00:00:46.890 next. So I could not have a better guest on with me today to 12 00:00:46.929 --> 00:00:51.399 talk about these things. I'm really talking about a wonderful game Dr Alan Minor 13 00:00:51.840 --> 00:00:55.320 and Dr Allen. If you haven't met Dr Allen, is one of those 14 00:00:55.600 --> 00:01:00.200 unique individuals within chiropractic that has so much to say, but he does it 15 00:01:00.320 --> 00:01:03.239 in such a humble way and I just really appreciate that about him. It's 16 00:01:03.239 --> 00:01:07.109 got the real humble spirit of a leader that is just willing to help and 17 00:01:07.269 --> 00:01:14.750 help chiropractors grow. He not only operates and owns a beautiful family wellness practice 18 00:01:15.030 --> 00:01:19.900 and Alburquerque in New Mexico, healthquest Chiropractic, where he has multiple associates and 19 00:01:19.900 --> 00:01:25.980 multiple locations, he's also co founder and principle in a wonderful company that I 20 00:01:26.140 --> 00:01:30.739 use called Chiro matchmakers. And though this is not a chiropraedic dating service, 21 00:01:30.780 --> 00:01:37.409 hire matchmakers is a business that helps chiropractors like myself, like you, help 22 00:01:37.569 --> 00:01:41.849 build your dream practice and build your Dream Team by pairing you with the right 23 00:01:41.930 --> 00:01:46.129 associates and the right CAA is to reach your vision. And so, Dr 24 00:01:46.209 --> 00:01:49.000 Allen Minor, welcome to our show. We're so glad to have you here. 25 00:01:49.079 --> 00:01:52.079 Brother, thanks, and so let's go ahead. I'M gonna dive right 26 00:01:52.120 --> 00:01:55.519 into the questions. Okay, acter and I think this topic is right in 27 00:01:55.560 --> 00:01:59.760 your sweet spot based on our past conversations. But the first question is, 28 00:01:59.879 --> 00:02:04.030 is this whole thing about finding your true identity? You know, when I 29 00:02:04.069 --> 00:02:06.629 say that, a lot of docks in the car are going to probably be 30 00:02:06.750 --> 00:02:08.750 looking at this going well, how do I do that you know and most 31 00:02:08.789 --> 00:02:12.669 people, I think, kind of think they know their identity, but as 32 00:02:12.710 --> 00:02:15.780 I learned when I went through your work, I realize some things about myself 33 00:02:15.780 --> 00:02:19.659 that I just didn't know. But can you kind of talk about that and 34 00:02:19.740 --> 00:02:23.780 talk also within that answer, about the different kind of genotypes and breeds within 35 00:02:23.860 --> 00:02:30.169 our profession? Yeah, sure, it's like always. We like to say 36 00:02:30.289 --> 00:02:34.490 this is all come about from our scar tissue, from our failures, and 37 00:02:35.530 --> 00:02:38.569 we do. We have clinics and Albuquerque, in New Mexico and and Dallas 38 00:02:38.689 --> 00:02:44.840 Texas, and starting out on that path we failed several times, pretty miserably 39 00:02:44.960 --> 00:02:50.000 and pretty expensively, and I'm one of those people who just always had this 40 00:02:50.080 --> 00:02:54.840 vision of scaling a lot of clinics and as I started that, we really 41 00:02:54.960 --> 00:02:59.389 tripped coming out of the gate with with a couple offices we ended up having 42 00:02:59.430 --> 00:03:06.949 to close because they failed. And in that stress, in that burning down 43 00:03:07.789 --> 00:03:10.949 process, there are a lot of answers for me, and you know how 44 00:03:12.509 --> 00:03:15.259 how things work. On all of a sudden the right people kind of came 45 00:03:15.300 --> 00:03:19.620 into my life and and gave me some insights, and one of the big 46 00:03:19.740 --> 00:03:25.460 insights was starting to analyze, you know, why some groups not only in 47 00:03:25.500 --> 00:03:30.650 Chiropractic is with offices, but other groups and all aspects of life. You 48 00:03:30.729 --> 00:03:32.930 know why do some groups just kind of click in? And you've been in 49 00:03:34.050 --> 00:03:37.770 practice with multiple practice is long enough for on that. You've seen that. 50 00:03:37.930 --> 00:03:42.879 You get those teams and periods where it's just there's something special and you get 51 00:03:42.960 --> 00:03:47.120 those teams where everybody's offbeat and things never get going. And so I knew 52 00:03:47.199 --> 00:03:53.039 that I wanted to scale multiple clinics. We had to figure this out. 53 00:03:53.080 --> 00:03:59.110 It was just too expensive to have practices fail. And so he alone behold. 54 00:03:59.150 --> 00:04:05.270 There's an entire science and entire world behind measuring predictive behavioral makeup of individuals 55 00:04:05.430 --> 00:04:11.060 and as we started looking at that in my own clinics, we got some 56 00:04:11.259 --> 00:04:14.620 really profound insights on why, you know, we actually were able to vary 57 00:04:15.379 --> 00:04:23.060 strategically and systematically measure and predict how certain groups and individuals worked together and who 58 00:04:23.180 --> 00:04:27.689 was most poised for success under our system, inside of the culture of our 59 00:04:27.769 --> 00:04:31.930 offices, and and who is really primed and not to succeed. And that 60 00:04:32.170 --> 00:04:39.680 has just really enabled us to move things to where we're at today and wouldn't 61 00:04:39.680 --> 00:04:44.199 have been for for that understanding. And so then at the time I was 62 00:04:44.879 --> 00:04:48.199 involved in a CEO Group and I started having other CEO members asked me to 63 00:04:48.279 --> 00:04:54.230 help them with you know, they've been on their third COO in the last 64 00:04:54.350 --> 00:04:58.910 year, or somebody had two great salespeople but eight that weren't performing, or 65 00:04:58.949 --> 00:05:03.350 did all these funny scenarios that we started using these tools on and and kind 66 00:05:03.350 --> 00:05:08.139 of honing this skill in this craft. At the same time I had other 67 00:05:08.220 --> 00:05:12.100 chiropractor friends starting to reach out saying hey, I heard about what you're doing. 68 00:05:12.980 --> 00:05:15.459 You know, we keep having turnover at the front desk or in the 69 00:05:15.500 --> 00:05:19.660 back office, or we can't find an associate hole stay longer, they're not 70 00:05:19.819 --> 00:05:25.769 performing how they want. And so when I say CAIRA matchmakers was formed out 71 00:05:25.810 --> 00:05:30.290 of scar tissue, it really was US working on solving our own problems and 72 00:05:30.769 --> 00:05:33.129 all of a sudden, by very organically word of mouth, friends started saying, 73 00:05:33.129 --> 00:05:36.040 Hey, can you help me over here with my assistant, with my 74 00:05:36.839 --> 00:05:41.360 CEA, with my office manager, and that is how this was born. 75 00:05:41.680 --> 00:05:48.240 And so you're right. We've now literally done behavioral assessments on on thousands and 76 00:05:48.360 --> 00:05:55.230 thousands of chiropractors run and what's become very evident is there are, broadly speaking, 77 00:05:56.029 --> 00:06:00.829 three big categories of chiropractors and the majority of Chiropractors Fall into category we 78 00:06:00.910 --> 00:06:06.899 call caregivers. Roughly seventy percent of our profession are our caregivers, and those 79 00:06:06.939 --> 00:06:14.740 are people who are very clinically minded. Their focus is, you know, 80 00:06:14.779 --> 00:06:20.769 they're very loyal, very strategic, very systems oriented, phenomenal physicians, typically 81 00:06:20.769 --> 00:06:27.810 great adjusters, great notes, great exams, very thorough. And what was 82 00:06:27.850 --> 00:06:32.480 really fascinating is these are not people that traditionally have been celebrated in Chiropractic. 83 00:06:32.639 --> 00:06:36.160 These are people who oftentimes, you know, one of the things we're working 84 00:06:36.240 --> 00:06:44.000 to eradicate at Chira match makers is even the term associate doctor just immediately implies 85 00:06:44.639 --> 00:06:48.310 less than in and they're not. Those are colleagues. You know, we 86 00:06:48.430 --> 00:06:53.509 always point out you don't have brain surgeons saying I'm an associate brain surgeon at 87 00:06:53.509 --> 00:06:55.870 the hospital is just I'm a brain surgeon, you know, and but they 88 00:06:55.870 --> 00:07:00.990 are an associate. They don't own the hospital. But so just the nature 89 00:07:00.029 --> 00:07:05.300 of the profession kind of looking down on associates, not edifying these people. 90 00:07:05.500 --> 00:07:11.379 And they make up the majority of our profession. In what we found is 91 00:07:11.459 --> 00:07:17.170 the most successful practices have found a way to stop this hierarchy and really bring 92 00:07:17.290 --> 00:07:23.850 this to where there's colleagues working side by side and and and are paid appropriately 93 00:07:24.410 --> 00:07:28.089 and who really honored for their strengths. You know, we've learned in my 94 00:07:28.930 --> 00:07:33.600 organization when somebody's in the right role doing the job, that is can gruent 95 00:07:33.680 --> 00:07:38.759 with how they're hardwired, how God designed them. You don't have to motivate 96 00:07:38.800 --> 00:07:41.560 a person anymore. They're excited to show up for the work. It's, 97 00:07:41.600 --> 00:07:46.269 after all, why they got educated, why they become chiropractors. You know, 98 00:07:46.350 --> 00:07:48.949 there's a lot of work we've done to what's interesting, just a little 99 00:07:48.949 --> 00:07:55.509 tidbit, is one of the most demotivating things for a caregiver is somebody is 100 00:07:56.149 --> 00:08:01.259 uncertainty and what's the majority of care plan, excuse me, of compensation plans 101 00:08:01.300 --> 00:08:05.579 you see in Chiropractic for associates? It's these sliding scales with if you hit 102 00:08:05.699 --> 00:08:09.620 this will pay you that and this level and that level. And you could 103 00:08:09.660 --> 00:08:15.529 not more quickly demotivate a caregiver than having that pay structure in place. And 104 00:08:15.569 --> 00:08:18.370 yet that's what most of the profession has done. These are people and other 105 00:08:18.490 --> 00:08:26.649 professions, or typically engineers, architects, physicians, accountants, they're very specific 106 00:08:26.889 --> 00:08:30.399 detail or in two people. In surprise, guess what, it's the majority 107 00:08:30.439 --> 00:08:35.279 of our profession and we've done a really poor job of creating a great home 108 00:08:35.360 --> 00:08:37.120 for these people. And so, you know, here's my big secret sauce. 109 00:08:37.879 --> 00:08:43.110 We're creating a great environment for these people. Were really lift them up, 110 00:08:43.389 --> 00:08:45.909 give them the tools they need, but we support them. You know, 111 00:08:46.029 --> 00:08:50.909 these people are not energized by going out in marketing and screening. They're 112 00:08:50.950 --> 00:08:52.870 typically a little more introverted, but boy, you get them one on one 113 00:08:52.950 --> 00:09:00.019 with we're really clear systems and procedures, clear expectations and are really solid pay 114 00:09:00.179 --> 00:09:03.659 that's not based on all these numbers, and you'll be shocked at at how 115 00:09:03.779 --> 00:09:11.370 well these doctors do and how passionate they are in their practices by simply being 116 00:09:11.409 --> 00:09:13.529 able to express why they went to school in the first place. So that's 117 00:09:13.570 --> 00:09:20.250 one big category. Is Caregivers. The other end of it is entrepreneurs. 118 00:09:20.610 --> 00:09:24.360 We find that's roughly ten to fifteen percent of the profession and you know those 119 00:09:24.360 --> 00:09:30.360 are the big personalities and Chiropractic that we've all seen, you know, very 120 00:09:30.519 --> 00:09:35.240 extroverted, very dominant, very outgoing typically big visionary kind of people. They 121 00:09:35.279 --> 00:09:39.950 usually really suck at details. You know, you could probably go behind Cairo 122 00:09:41.070 --> 00:09:45.629 touches metrics and very quickly see way which office has had more detail or in 123 00:09:45.750 --> 00:09:48.870 its systems people and which had more visionaries. Lots of new patients, lots 124 00:09:48.909 --> 00:09:52.379 of energy and the visionary offices, but the back ends usually just a hot 125 00:09:52.460 --> 00:09:56.659 mess, and vice versa. The real detailed offices. The notes are great 126 00:09:58.179 --> 00:10:01.220 the reek, the rescans and care plans are well taken care of, you 127 00:10:01.299 --> 00:10:05.220 know, all the coding and billings great, but the front ends kind of 128 00:10:05.259 --> 00:10:09.330 quiet. And so, anyways, we've been measuring how to analyze people. 129 00:10:09.330 --> 00:10:11.649 So you've got entrepreneurs, you got caregivers and somewhere in the middle of those 130 00:10:11.690 --> 00:10:16.289 two or something we call business builders, and that's about the other fifteen percent 131 00:10:16.330 --> 00:10:24.039 of the profession. And these folks are are outgoing, but that they lean 132 00:10:24.200 --> 00:10:28.759 more towards systems orientation. At the end of the day they do really well 133 00:10:28.919 --> 00:10:31.200 and in a kind of an environment where they can kind of have some autonomy, 134 00:10:31.360 --> 00:10:35.789 to have some wiggle room to do their own thing, but not completely, 135 00:10:35.269 --> 00:10:41.389 you know, under the umbrella of another system. They really succeed and 136 00:10:41.789 --> 00:10:46.389 do well, and so we've really seen these are all based on behavioral archetypes 137 00:10:46.470 --> 00:10:52.059 that are very measurable and and that's maybe the challenge we have in Chiropractic, 138 00:10:52.100 --> 00:10:56.139 because most people don't have a self awareness of how they're wired, or even 139 00:10:56.179 --> 00:10:58.820 if they do, they think, well, you know, I really am 140 00:10:58.899 --> 00:11:03.139 not extroverted. I'd rather not spend my weekends doing screenings and doing talks and 141 00:11:03.289 --> 00:11:07.009 networking, but I don't think I'm going to make a good living if I 142 00:11:07.049 --> 00:11:09.210 don't do that, so I guess I'm just going to suck it up and 143 00:11:09.289 --> 00:11:15.809 figure it out. And unfortunately that's a really high probability that person is going 144 00:11:15.809 --> 00:11:20.000 to burn out because they're having to act in a way that's opposite of what's 145 00:11:20.080 --> 00:11:24.320 natural to them. So that's really our work is if we can just help 146 00:11:24.399 --> 00:11:31.000 the profession understand itself and and get people into the right roles, into really 147 00:11:31.120 --> 00:11:35.710 great positions, it really becomes a win win for everybody. Run Medicine figure 148 00:11:35.789 --> 00:11:39.070 this out. I mean you can go to get a degree to be a 149 00:11:39.149 --> 00:11:43.789 hospital administrator. They let the doctors be the doctors and then they bring in 150 00:11:43.950 --> 00:11:48.100 hospital marketers and hospital admin and people are all in their wheelhouse doing with you 151 00:11:48.179 --> 00:11:52.340 know, my big epiphany my business group was I had a plumber who had 152 00:11:52.940 --> 00:11:58.259 this thirty year business, twenty million dollar plumbing business. He'd leave town for 153 00:11:58.340 --> 00:12:01.049 two months at a time and I figured out pretty quick his secret is he 154 00:12:01.129 --> 00:12:05.570 had a team of thirty plumbers who'd all average being with him for like fifteen 155 00:12:05.649 --> 00:12:09.889 to twenty years. And when I asked them, he said I pay him 156 00:12:09.889 --> 00:12:11.370 better than anybody else and they all get to do what they wanted to do 157 00:12:11.529 --> 00:12:15.529 in life, which is be plumbers. And he said they don't mark it, 158 00:12:15.690 --> 00:12:18.159 they don't sell, they don't deal with Admin, they don't deal with 159 00:12:18.240 --> 00:12:20.840 scheduling, they don't deal a job planning and estimates. I hire those people 160 00:12:22.240 --> 00:12:26.279 because they're experts at that. And it was really that epiphany because I'd been 161 00:12:26.320 --> 00:12:28.600 the guy trying to make my associates go out and mark it and I get 162 00:12:28.679 --> 00:12:33.509 really frustrated because then they wouldn't perform how I performed and and and and I 163 00:12:33.629 --> 00:12:37.830 was missing the big picture of all of this. And so that's really how 164 00:12:37.870 --> 00:12:39.710 all this work came about. And those are the big categories. Entrepreneur, 165 00:12:41.110 --> 00:12:45.340 business builder, caregiver. Well, that's very interesting to hear. How you 166 00:12:45.539 --> 00:12:50.500 put how you came to that kind of conclusion through your own scar tissue and 167 00:12:50.580 --> 00:12:54.379 your own, let's say, failings. That, man, I need to 168 00:12:54.539 --> 00:12:58.460 add a layer here, and your CEO Group is where you first got exposed 169 00:12:58.460 --> 00:13:01.610 to that. The prior of that I was curious. Were you just going 170 00:13:01.850 --> 00:13:05.129 off your gut like Hey, I like this guy, and how did you 171 00:13:05.169 --> 00:13:07.850 do it before this objective, Larry, you put in place? Yeah, 172 00:13:07.889 --> 00:13:11.730 I you know, I built a big practice on my own with me in 173 00:13:11.769 --> 00:13:13.840 the middle of it. Well, when you're not in the middle of it 174 00:13:13.879 --> 00:13:18.080 anymore, it changes pretty quickly when you have satellite offices and so a I 175 00:13:18.240 --> 00:13:22.559 was on a learning a see EO learning curve, and that I realized, 176 00:13:22.639 --> 00:13:24.039 all right, it's not the same thing to build a big, thousand a 177 00:13:24.080 --> 00:13:28.830 week practice when you're in it as it is to build these satellite clinics. 178 00:13:28.909 --> 00:13:33.429 And I spun a dock off who had helped me build a practice, who 179 00:13:33.590 --> 00:13:37.750 was a far end caregiver and you know, we just sent three hundred patients 180 00:13:37.309 --> 00:13:41.539 with him to start a satellite clinic and just from the beginning that thing just 181 00:13:41.779 --> 00:13:46.179 atrophied and atrophied and it was just it was an unfair expectation. And then 182 00:13:46.179 --> 00:13:50.299 I had another guy who's the other end of that, entrepreneur, who actually 183 00:13:50.299 --> 00:13:54.100 learned about Chiropractic in my practice. So I had a lot of loyalty. 184 00:13:54.700 --> 00:13:58.649 and Man did he hit the ground running for six months and grew that practice 185 00:13:58.809 --> 00:14:01.210 really quickly. But then before you know, it was on to the next 186 00:14:01.250 --> 00:14:05.129 thing and on his own practice and we were like wait time out. We 187 00:14:05.409 --> 00:14:09.600 and so it was really maybe a blessing that I had such a wide juxtaposition 188 00:14:09.679 --> 00:14:15.879 of the two extremes. That helped me, like you said, from scar 189 00:14:16.000 --> 00:14:18.799 tissue, kind of get some inside and so I was doing it off a 190 00:14:18.879 --> 00:14:22.120 gut. I was doing off the loyalty. I liked them, they were 191 00:14:22.240 --> 00:14:24.629 good people that had helped me out, so I wanted to reward them back 192 00:14:24.789 --> 00:14:31.909 and very blind to how the dynamics would change when when you're in the satellite 193 00:14:31.950 --> 00:14:35.070 environments and those people are having to create the culture of the clinics they're in. 194 00:14:35.269 --> 00:14:39.539 And I was just, I think gut's a good way to say iron 195 00:14:39.659 --> 00:14:43.340 I was trying to just kind of figured I was successful here, that that 196 00:14:43.419 --> 00:14:48.899 must be the next steps this and I really had had to eat about six 197 00:14:48.940 --> 00:14:52.289 hundred thousand dollars and losses. In the pain of that, in the humility 198 00:14:52.409 --> 00:14:56.610 to just really recognize I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to scaling 199 00:14:56.690 --> 00:15:01.049 these businesses. It's not the same game as me building a practice with me 200 00:15:01.169 --> 00:15:05.370 in it. There's one pearl of wisdom I'll share with with Docs. Is 201 00:15:05.409 --> 00:15:07.679 My advice. And everybody wants to open another clinic. Is All right. 202 00:15:09.200 --> 00:15:13.000 Step one you need to leave your clinic for three months. You can't step 203 00:15:13.080 --> 00:15:16.919 foot in it all, you can get his monthly reports and when you show 204 00:15:16.960 --> 00:15:20.559 back up in three months, if it's grown or stayed the same, you're 205 00:15:20.600 --> 00:15:24.269 ready to start opening more clinics. And the reason is that shows that that 206 00:15:24.909 --> 00:15:28.269 clinic has all the systems and all the right people in place that it can 207 00:15:28.309 --> 00:15:31.389 run independent of you. Because when you're in a clinic and you're trying to 208 00:15:31.389 --> 00:15:35.500 run another clinic, you're shocked at how quickly your energies divided and now you're 209 00:15:35.539 --> 00:15:39.019 existing clinic drops and now the new clinics not doing what it's supposed to do. 210 00:15:39.179 --> 00:15:43.779 And so if your existing clinic can run without you in it for three 211 00:15:43.820 --> 00:15:48.940 months, then you have something ready to scale up. And until you can 212 00:15:48.980 --> 00:15:52.210 do that, don't waste your time on a second clinic because you're just creating 213 00:15:52.009 --> 00:15:58.370 incredible money pit and headache and time suck for yourself that you'd be better off 214 00:15:58.490 --> 00:16:00.370 just to grow the clinic you're in. And you know, most of us 215 00:16:00.409 --> 00:16:06.559 are. Clinics do become personality driven. We helped build them and that that's 216 00:16:06.679 --> 00:16:10.480 what you've got to avoid if you're trying to build something that's scaling. Yeah, 217 00:16:10.480 --> 00:16:12.240 and that's a great point, Doctor. You know, we talked in 218 00:16:12.320 --> 00:16:18.360 one of our podcasts about basically you said there is getting to a place of 219 00:16:18.440 --> 00:16:22.149 an anmity, and I personally have finally arrived there to some degree. You 220 00:16:22.230 --> 00:16:25.789 know, I show up on my practice on a Friday to get an adjustment 221 00:16:26.509 --> 00:16:29.549 and walk through and nobody knew my name. The other day I was like 222 00:16:29.629 --> 00:16:33.379 this is wonderful, and years ago I've had my feelings her, and now 223 00:16:33.419 --> 00:16:37.820 I'm like yeah, maybe, but I really appreciate you being so transparent about 224 00:16:37.860 --> 00:16:41.139 your past and some of the mistakes you made and that you didn't give up. 225 00:16:41.500 --> 00:16:44.059 That, to me is just a sign of a true leader. Now 226 00:16:44.299 --> 00:16:48.889 let's dive a little bit more into this selfdiscovery, self assessment. What does 227 00:16:48.970 --> 00:16:53.690 that look like? kind of walk our listeners through. You mentioned pro scan, 228 00:16:55.250 --> 00:16:59.210 but if I were to, you know, enlist your services, you 229 00:16:59.289 --> 00:17:02.240 know, I thought it was wonderful when you what I enlisted your services. 230 00:17:02.399 --> 00:17:03.319 The first thing you guys did was say, Hey, we need to get 231 00:17:03.319 --> 00:17:07.920 to know you better on before we start trying to build this Dream Team. 232 00:17:07.559 --> 00:17:11.200 And so walk us through that a little bit. What's that look like and 233 00:17:11.279 --> 00:17:15.309 then give me, in that answer, give me some scenarios of some beautiful 234 00:17:15.630 --> 00:17:22.589 relationships that you've seen that were created through this this this level of process procedure 235 00:17:22.589 --> 00:17:26.789 you're talking about, and maybe give a couple of examples of ones that didn't 236 00:17:26.829 --> 00:17:30.940 go so well. Yeah, first of all, it depends on where you're 237 00:17:30.940 --> 00:17:33.940 at in your chiropractic career. What season are you in? Are you a 238 00:17:33.099 --> 00:17:38.299 student? Are you just launching your first practice? Are you in associate with 239 00:17:38.420 --> 00:17:44.220 the practice, new associate associated has been the practice for many years and you're 240 00:17:44.259 --> 00:17:48.970 looking for a change? Are you Sca Ling your practiced, maybe looking to 241 00:17:48.049 --> 00:17:52.970 open more practices or growing you practice larger? Are you looking to exit out 242 00:17:52.009 --> 00:17:57.089 of your practice? There really is that arc to our profession, and so 243 00:17:57.490 --> 00:18:02.759 it depends on you know, whose where is. How' start answering that. 244 00:18:03.240 --> 00:18:07.599 So Chira match makers is a staffing company and we kind of meet all those 245 00:18:08.240 --> 00:18:12.829 different areas for people who are looking for jobs. We call those doctors. 246 00:18:12.990 --> 00:18:18.990 Our talent there the talent of our profession and a lot of times the starting 247 00:18:19.029 --> 00:18:26.950 point is a program we created called next, and next is a way of 248 00:18:26.069 --> 00:18:30.380 me paying something back forward that I was given when I was in school. 249 00:18:30.380 --> 00:18:33.579 Roun there was a doctor named John Whitney who since passed. He was Canadian 250 00:18:34.420 --> 00:18:38.660 and he offered a program my last year in Chiropractic school called Whitney transitions, 251 00:18:38.700 --> 00:18:45.009 and Dr John came in and kind of highlighted some different options you could go 252 00:18:45.210 --> 00:18:48.289 through as a graduate and it was it was really illuminating and enlightening for me 253 00:18:49.250 --> 00:18:53.049 and I've never seen anybody do it since and I and I realized with the 254 00:18:53.130 --> 00:18:57.559 work we do a Chira match makers also there's been an evolution in the options 255 00:18:57.640 --> 00:19:02.680 that people have in jobs. So there's now ten tracks inside of Chiropractic that 256 00:19:02.759 --> 00:19:08.200 we've highlighted that a doctor can take and we go through from the entrepreneurial end 257 00:19:08.240 --> 00:19:12.309 of the spectrum, the most capital intensive, most expensive, highest risk, 258 00:19:14.109 --> 00:19:17.269 all the way through the business builder and then there's, you know, the 259 00:19:17.390 --> 00:19:21.869 five different, six different options that associates have now that people don't realize, 260 00:19:22.230 --> 00:19:26.220 all the way down to the least risk, lowest cost of money to the 261 00:19:26.339 --> 00:19:30.980 doctor and everything in between. And so we base that on, like you 262 00:19:32.059 --> 00:19:36.259 said, self awareness, which we call the pro scan, and that is 263 00:19:36.339 --> 00:19:40.650 a system that has been around since the S and they've done over three million 264 00:19:40.730 --> 00:19:45.529 scans now. It's the most researched product that exists and we have the exclusive 265 00:19:45.609 --> 00:19:49.690 license inside of healthcare around the world for this pro scan. So it's really 266 00:19:51.529 --> 00:19:55.640 been neat for us because typically these are sold into fortune. One hundred companies 267 00:19:55.680 --> 00:20:00.680 and their HR departments use them and even their lowest level license costs about twenty 268 00:20:00.720 --> 00:20:03.480 thousand dollars. So it makes annually. So it makes no sense for a 269 00:20:03.480 --> 00:20:07.069 chiropractor to WHO's hiring a couple times a year to to have access to this 270 00:20:07.910 --> 00:20:12.829 and we were able to negotiate where we can do these one off for Chiropractors, 271 00:20:14.349 --> 00:20:17.829 which really change the game that we now have this tool that gives people 272 00:20:17.950 --> 00:20:19.789 this insight. Takes about four minutes to take a pro scan and you get 273 00:20:19.829 --> 00:20:26.500 literally twenty pages of insight into how you're hardwired, your natural self, the 274 00:20:26.660 --> 00:20:30.779 stresses that are in your life today and that outward self. If you've ever 275 00:20:30.819 --> 00:20:34.890 are an owner and have interviewed somebody and who you interviewed and thought you were 276 00:20:34.890 --> 00:20:40.049 hiring was not the same person three months later, that's because you know that 277 00:20:40.210 --> 00:20:45.329 person was under stress, adapting, adjusting their natural bay real profile and you 278 00:20:45.410 --> 00:20:48.730 are reading the wrong not the wrong person, but you weren't reading who they 279 00:20:48.730 --> 00:20:52.920 naturally are going to be. So that's the pros cancel. For somebody who 280 00:20:52.039 --> 00:20:56.240 is coming out of school looking to change jobs, looking to be an associate, 281 00:20:57.240 --> 00:21:03.039 our next program is awesome. It's a thousand dollar online course that goes 282 00:21:03.200 --> 00:21:08.509 through eleven different courses of all those tracks and overview and understanding of the pro 283 00:21:08.630 --> 00:21:11.750 scan for students. We do that for two hundred and ninety nine and I 284 00:21:11.789 --> 00:21:15.829 think you guys will share the link. So that's one side of the equation. 285 00:21:17.349 --> 00:21:22.779 For owners, we do a discovery process for owners who are looking to 286 00:21:23.099 --> 00:21:26.539 considering higher an associate and what we find actually is half of the owners we 287 00:21:26.619 --> 00:21:30.339 talked to aren't yet ready to hire an associate. So what we do with 288 00:21:30.420 --> 00:21:34.369 this discovery process is, you know, we go through their clinic and their 289 00:21:34.410 --> 00:21:40.130 clinic numbers and their goals and we go through the owners pro scan and we 290 00:21:40.289 --> 00:21:44.410 help them build out an Avatar for an associate they're looking for who would fit 291 00:21:45.329 --> 00:21:48.400 into into the role that they have. And we really helped coach Chiropractors as 292 00:21:48.480 --> 00:21:52.559 well, because a lot of chiropractors wanted. All they want the person who 293 00:21:52.559 --> 00:21:56.759 will stay there for ten years and go market every weekend and do screenings and 294 00:21:56.960 --> 00:22:02.109 bring in fifty people a week and and build great relationships with the parents and 295 00:22:02.190 --> 00:22:07.029 give great adjustments and it. The truth is, that's not reality. You've 296 00:22:07.029 --> 00:22:11.589 got to pick you know where you're going. So you know we part of 297 00:22:11.670 --> 00:22:15.779 our process is we always do an an initial call with anybody, a consultation 298 00:22:15.779 --> 00:22:18.819 at no charge, and kind of get into the nuts and bolts of what 299 00:22:18.940 --> 00:22:23.140 we do. And so those are the kind of the different areas Um of 300 00:22:23.259 --> 00:22:29.099 where somebody engages with us to start getting that level of self awareness Um for 301 00:22:29.339 --> 00:22:33.490 me. And the success is firsthand our clinics. Now our average doctor has 302 00:22:33.529 --> 00:22:37.529 been with us for eight years run. They're all making over a couple hundred 303 00:22:37.569 --> 00:22:45.160 thousand dollars annually and it's really rewarding to see we have something that I think 304 00:22:45.279 --> 00:22:48.319 sustainable for the profession. I have a real concern with the two hundred fiftyzero 305 00:22:48.839 --> 00:22:53.119 average student loan that our students are coming out with. And you know there's 306 00:22:53.119 --> 00:22:57.119 still a lot of jobs chiropractors wanting to pay fifty, sixtyzero dollars and you 307 00:22:57.160 --> 00:23:02.190 don't have to be an economist to know that math does not bode well for 308 00:23:02.349 --> 00:23:07.710 our profession. And so one thing the things that we're conscious about it Chira 309 00:23:07.750 --> 00:23:11.470 match makers is we only take on jobs that really we know we can place. 310 00:23:11.509 --> 00:23:17.259 There's an interesting staff today run there are four jobs available for everyone associate 311 00:23:17.420 --> 00:23:21.779 doctor. So there's been a massive shift since covid there's a lot more job 312 00:23:21.819 --> 00:23:26.019 openings than there are chiropractors, and so that's given the power to the associate 313 00:23:26.140 --> 00:23:30.369 doctor, which a lot of associates are are surprised to hear back one of 314 00:23:30.410 --> 00:23:37.049 our clients the highest paying associate job that we have come across. That associate 315 00:23:37.569 --> 00:23:41.440 is making a little over eight HUNDREDZERO dollars a year. So we're seeing these 316 00:23:41.519 --> 00:23:48.599 numbers that are representative of what a doctor should be making and that's representative of 317 00:23:48.720 --> 00:23:53.559 you have to have a really solid business and you know the flaw in our 318 00:23:53.599 --> 00:23:57.509 profession. A lot of times chiropractors try to hire an associate to come save 319 00:23:57.589 --> 00:24:02.549 their practice, save their butts. They pay them nothing, but if they 320 00:24:02.750 --> 00:24:06.309 perform really well, they'll give them a sliding scale. And and guess what, 321 00:24:06.430 --> 00:24:07.710 if somebody's really good at that, they're going to go run their own 322 00:24:07.710 --> 00:24:11.819 practice pretty quickly and nuts stick around with you. So so for my success, 323 00:24:11.900 --> 00:24:15.740 I'd say it's in our own clinics. I've really gotten to see this 324 00:24:15.339 --> 00:24:18.740 play out. We you know, we've been at this now for four years, 325 00:24:18.859 --> 00:24:22.940 and so every year our data on our placements and how long our placements 326 00:24:22.980 --> 00:24:27.690 stay because we find the right person who's the right match for the right role. 327 00:24:29.809 --> 00:24:32.089 They're happy, you know, they're making a great living there. You 328 00:24:32.170 --> 00:24:33.650 know, believe it or not, if you're an owner you don't think this 329 00:24:33.730 --> 00:24:37.289 way, but most chiropractors have zero interest in owning a business and dealing with 330 00:24:37.410 --> 00:24:42.200 payroll and managing stress and debt marketing, and if they can just show up 331 00:24:42.319 --> 00:24:45.640 and love on people, serve with their hands and go home and have a 332 00:24:45.720 --> 00:24:49.839 great weekend with their family and make a good living, I mean that they're 333 00:24:51.200 --> 00:24:53.029 that's what they got into this for and then we're all kind of shocked to 334 00:24:53.109 --> 00:24:56.750 learn that no, you got to run a business if you want to be 335 00:24:56.950 --> 00:25:00.670 successful. So and the other end of it's that's probably the horror stories. 336 00:25:00.750 --> 00:25:03.869 In the practice we have a lot of burned out chiropractors, a lot of 337 00:25:03.950 --> 00:25:07.660 chiropractors who were probably never should have gotten in practice. They weren't really wired 338 00:25:07.779 --> 00:25:11.099 for it, they didn't want to, but they didn't think they had another 339 00:25:11.140 --> 00:25:14.180 choice. And so when they learned that wow, there's some jobs out there 340 00:25:14.259 --> 00:25:18.019 that pay six figures and I can just be a chiropractor, and they really 341 00:25:18.059 --> 00:25:22.890 get reinvigorated and excited. That's that's the good and the ugly of a lot 342 00:25:22.930 --> 00:25:26.769 of the people that we're dealing with right now, and also students. You 343 00:25:26.890 --> 00:25:30.769 know, just just were we with? Next, we go into the schools 344 00:25:30.769 --> 00:25:33.529 and we talked numbers. I'm not afraid to tell them. You know, 345 00:25:33.690 --> 00:25:37.640 here's what we're seeing. A base salary start add and here's you know, 346 00:25:37.720 --> 00:25:40.359 as we go through the tracks, there's different, you know, tracks of 347 00:25:40.440 --> 00:25:45.920 associate doctors with corporate clinics and single clinics and Frand chises and people that are 348 00:25:45.960 --> 00:25:52.750 doing plant to partner and other people do like clinics where they plant a satellite 349 00:25:52.990 --> 00:25:56.470 for the for the associate to purchase it, and there's there's a wide variety 350 00:25:56.589 --> 00:26:00.829 out there right now. But, um, it's exciting for people to really 351 00:26:00.829 --> 00:26:04.940 understand what their options are and not just think I got to take this this 352 00:26:06.140 --> 00:26:11.700 Fiftyzero your job and work, you know, Monday through Saturday and screen Saturday 353 00:26:11.740 --> 00:26:17.019 and Sunday. And you know, fortunately we're seeing the tie shift in our 354 00:26:17.059 --> 00:26:19.529 profession where there's so much demand on the talent that they can say, you 355 00:26:19.609 --> 00:26:22.569 know what, no thanks, I'm going to take the three and a half 356 00:26:22.569 --> 00:26:27.529 day, a hundred thousand dollar job and love what I do instead of trying 357 00:26:27.569 --> 00:26:30.450 to grind this thing out. And if you look at any other profession run, 358 00:26:32.529 --> 00:26:36.200 they figure that out. dentistries maybe the best example. Fifteen years ago 359 00:26:36.200 --> 00:26:38.480 everybody dentistry went and worked for themselves. Now eighty five percent of Dennis go 360 00:26:38.640 --> 00:26:42.599 work for a company and make a great living and don't have that stress. 361 00:26:42.720 --> 00:26:47.950 And so for the fifteen percent of us that are entrepreneurs and Chiropractic, you're 362 00:26:47.990 --> 00:26:49.950 daring right, you better go open your own clinic and open lots of clinics, 363 00:26:49.990 --> 00:26:53.829 because the world needs us. But for the majority of chiropractors. Just 364 00:26:55.430 --> 00:26:57.950 you just got to, you know, pull alongside somebody with favor and success 365 00:26:59.029 --> 00:27:03.220 and ride that way and you have a lot more enjoyable career. Wow, 366 00:27:03.380 --> 00:27:07.460 it's great answer. You know, I'm I can't help a think about my 367 00:27:07.619 --> 00:27:11.859 own career track and what you described. For me as a client of car 368 00:27:11.980 --> 00:27:18.529 match makers, it's just change my whole perspective to where now I can still 369 00:27:18.609 --> 00:27:22.250 use my gut, but it's at a different stage of the process. Having 370 00:27:23.009 --> 00:27:29.089 my one for your associate, I thank you guys for but just looking back 371 00:27:29.130 --> 00:27:33.519 at that going you know, wow, this guy's in the right seat on 372 00:27:33.640 --> 00:27:37.839 the bus. He's doing the right job the right way with the right attitude 373 00:27:37.359 --> 00:27:41.400 and it's just beautiful to see Cuz he's happy. He loves it. He 374 00:27:41.680 --> 00:27:48.390 loves not having to worry about the electricity bill or I'll practice renewals or, 375 00:27:48.670 --> 00:27:52.630 you know, setting marketing calendars and ninety day project planners and looking at, 376 00:27:52.789 --> 00:27:57.509 you know, score cards and score boards and KPI's with our staff and all 377 00:27:57.579 --> 00:28:02.059 the stuff that guys like you and I give question. Did he practice on 378 00:28:02.220 --> 00:28:03.619 his own? Did he owned his own clinic at some point? Did for 379 00:28:03.700 --> 00:28:10.940 a while, and a lot of chiropractors have a negative association in around a 380 00:28:10.940 --> 00:28:15.009 Chiropractor who maybe failed in practice. I'll tell you it's the opposite. We 381 00:28:15.130 --> 00:28:18.250 have found they make the absolute best team members because what you just said, 382 00:28:18.289 --> 00:28:22.490 they appreciate. You deal with that. They're so thankful to have a great 383 00:28:22.609 --> 00:28:26.400 home, and so it's funny. I'm any chiropractors get really negative on season 384 00:28:26.599 --> 00:28:30.440 docks and boy, it's the opposite, it really is. I love that. 385 00:28:30.680 --> 00:28:33.640 That's a great point. I just can't my heart of hearts, just 386 00:28:33.880 --> 00:28:41.119 can't help but think how much more successful, how much more impactful would chiropractic 387 00:28:41.240 --> 00:28:48.109 be in our society if doctors like you and I, who are entsprenell spirits, 388 00:28:48.150 --> 00:28:52.390 were doing all this due diligence and process procedure before adding people to their 389 00:28:52.509 --> 00:28:56.779 team? I just can't I can't imagine. I just feel like chiropractic would 390 00:28:56.940 --> 00:29:00.180 grow dramatically if we so. I guess the question, and that is, 391 00:29:00.900 --> 00:29:07.579 what percent of hiring doctors out there, whether it be the corporate chiropractor or 392 00:29:07.619 --> 00:29:12.930 the franchise model, what percent are hiring associates without doing this type of stuff? 393 00:29:12.970 --> 00:29:17.250 They're just going off their gut. I'd say most. I mean, 394 00:29:17.529 --> 00:29:21.730 what we do is a very blue ocean. Most chiropractors have heard of these 395 00:29:21.849 --> 00:29:29.400 low level Myers, Brig Disc Colby strength finders and they kind of think, 396 00:29:29.480 --> 00:29:33.640 okay, that's kind of cool, or they use it not realizing most of 397 00:29:33.759 --> 00:29:37.319 those are not EOC compliant. You're actually not. They're considered discriminatory. So 398 00:29:37.359 --> 00:29:41.710 there does designed to be used after you hire somebody. Like chiropractors use those 399 00:29:41.750 --> 00:29:45.549 as screening tools, which we've had a few instances where docs end up getting 400 00:29:45.549 --> 00:29:49.069 sued by somebody because you didn't hire because of that test you gave me. 401 00:29:49.789 --> 00:29:53.539 Well, the one we use. That's a really important fact is it is 402 00:29:53.660 --> 00:30:00.140 compliant with the EOC because it's not discriminatory and anyway. But interesting most people 403 00:30:00.180 --> 00:30:03.460 don't and so it's just it's kind of this blue ocean business we created where 404 00:30:03.460 --> 00:30:10.529 there really wasn't anyone doing staffing well and chiropractic and there was nobody using these 405 00:30:10.569 --> 00:30:14.970 assessments to help build out teams, which again has been used in fortune one 406 00:30:15.009 --> 00:30:18.930 hundred companies for the last forty years. You know, they figured this out 407 00:30:18.009 --> 00:30:22.759 long ago. And you know why are these companies multi billion dollar companies? 408 00:30:22.759 --> 00:30:26.119 Well, in large part they figured out how to assemble different teams, and 409 00:30:26.440 --> 00:30:32.039 so it was just a neat opportunity through again our failure and trying to figure 410 00:30:32.079 --> 00:30:37.069 out, you know, what's the best system? I don't think most chiropractors 411 00:30:37.230 --> 00:30:40.670 they have a pretty low level awareness. It is a gut level. Oh, 412 00:30:40.750 --> 00:30:42.589 you adjust like I do. You seem to have a similar philosophy. 413 00:30:44.309 --> 00:30:47.589 Great, let's come together. And you know, we talked about most people 414 00:30:47.670 --> 00:30:52.380 hire for technical reasons, like a chiropractic degree or technique, but they fire 415 00:30:52.500 --> 00:30:57.619 for behavioral reasons. You rarely fire for technical reasons, and so to miss 416 00:30:57.740 --> 00:31:02.539 that whole part of your hiring process. You know, I just are are 417 00:31:03.460 --> 00:31:07.529 doctors who get this, who are very busy, they're not staffing experts and 418 00:31:07.690 --> 00:31:11.970 they recognize I don't even want to talk to somebody unless I know on paper 419 00:31:11.410 --> 00:31:15.930 they're the right fit for who we're looking for, because we're funny as chiropractors. 420 00:31:15.970 --> 00:31:18.839 You start talking with somebody and you can't help but love them and think 421 00:31:18.880 --> 00:31:22.519 you can fix them and change them and and you start bonding to him and 422 00:31:22.559 --> 00:31:26.279 it. We'd really kind of try to bring the data on the front end 423 00:31:26.319 --> 00:31:29.920 before that happens, to know if they're not a match on paper. I 424 00:31:29.960 --> 00:31:32.599 don't even want you to waste a second of your time, because your time 425 00:31:32.640 --> 00:31:36.630 it's better spent adjusting people, educating people, grow in your practice. So 426 00:31:36.990 --> 00:31:40.589 you should be sitting with five people who, on paper, are exactly the 427 00:31:40.710 --> 00:31:44.589 right person who you should be hiring. Now you can figure out culturally if 428 00:31:44.630 --> 00:31:51.579 you guys vibe and but that really hedges, then you know you towards success 429 00:31:51.660 --> 00:31:53.539 and hiring, because you know, the most painful thing for any business owners 430 00:31:53.619 --> 00:31:57.700 having to Rehire, having to train. You know, when your front desk 431 00:31:57.819 --> 00:32:01.849 is turning over, that looks so bad to your patients versus the clinic where 432 00:32:02.250 --> 00:32:07.609 that same great face has been there for five, ten years. This is 433 00:32:07.690 --> 00:32:09.690 how you get that right. You can measure for loyalty, you can measure 434 00:32:09.769 --> 00:32:15.450 for patients and longevity. If it's important somebody stays or ten years, that's 435 00:32:15.490 --> 00:32:19.599 a measurable trait. If it's important somebody's really loyal to you, that's a 436 00:32:19.680 --> 00:32:22.799 measurable trait. If it's important that somebody's a leader because you don't want to 437 00:32:22.839 --> 00:32:27.880 be, that's a measurable trait. If it's important somebody's the the the rainmaker 438 00:32:28.039 --> 00:32:30.910 and they can go out in the community and they're extroverted. Those are measurable 439 00:32:30.990 --> 00:32:34.269 traits, but you got to pick. You don't get to have all of 440 00:32:34.349 --> 00:32:36.910 them, and you know none of us do. Just as entrepreneur or is 441 00:32:36.950 --> 00:32:39.430 we just get a little better at faking some of those. Usually it's the 442 00:32:39.509 --> 00:32:45.500 detail stuff we fake until you find some CAA or wife or husband or somebody 443 00:32:45.779 --> 00:32:49.619 make who kind of shores up your deficiencies and that's how we kind of get 444 00:32:49.660 --> 00:32:52.700 the thing down the road. But that's not that's not a true business. 445 00:32:52.420 --> 00:32:57.500 Just how expensive are these mistakes? I mean, I'll tell you. My 446 00:32:57.619 --> 00:33:02.690 clinics literally were. The one clinical was a three hundred thousand dollar work. 447 00:33:02.769 --> 00:33:07.250 Three HUNDERZERO dollars with the annual care plans we sent down there and the thing 448 00:33:07.329 --> 00:33:12.450 closed. You throw on top of then the other lost money on tables, 449 00:33:12.569 --> 00:33:15.640 on signage, on lease's, on everything. It was probably more like four 450 00:33:15.640 --> 00:33:17.599 or five hundred thousand. I always say three hundred, but there's a lot 451 00:33:17.640 --> 00:33:22.119 of stats. Most people say a bad higher cost anywhere from three to five 452 00:33:22.160 --> 00:33:27.549 times the first year salary. I know that's a moving science where it really 453 00:33:27.630 --> 00:33:30.430 has gotten more expensive. As Google. You get the wrong person in there 454 00:33:30.549 --> 00:33:34.349 and they start pissing your people off and you have four, five back Google 455 00:33:34.390 --> 00:33:37.630 reviews. Those don't go away for years and years. That has an impact 456 00:33:37.750 --> 00:33:44.779 on your business. So you know having again and you shouldn't start hiring people 457 00:33:45.180 --> 00:33:47.539 until you have really clear systems, because if you're just trying to like teach 458 00:33:47.619 --> 00:33:52.900 them what you did, that's your personality that made that work. And so 459 00:33:52.140 --> 00:33:55.130 that's with the whole thing about stepping out of the practice for a few months. 460 00:33:55.650 --> 00:34:00.769 That means that you've got a training manual and office systems and procedures and 461 00:34:00.930 --> 00:34:02.529 people have been trained and now, once you have that defined, you can 462 00:34:02.569 --> 00:34:07.930 define who's the right person that that should be running those different tasks. And 463 00:34:07.130 --> 00:34:12.440 that's really the secret that makes any business, not just a chiropractic business, 464 00:34:13.079 --> 00:34:15.760 really home. Yeah, I'll tell you that that that idea that you just 465 00:34:16.119 --> 00:34:22.760 shared is pretty adcting ideology for a doc to think about leaving this practice for 466 00:34:22.840 --> 00:34:28.630 ninety days. And I just love that, though, as really a microscope 467 00:34:28.670 --> 00:34:32.070 on the practice to say, did this person build a personality practice it's all 468 00:34:32.110 --> 00:34:37.750 based on them, or did they build a true business that's durable, scalable 469 00:34:37.949 --> 00:34:42.659 and hopefully someday exitable or up that's a word. Yeah, it is, 470 00:34:42.739 --> 00:34:45.340 and you know there's so there are a lot of great chiropractic coaches now out 471 00:34:45.340 --> 00:34:50.579 there that train these things, and that's maybe the thing for entrepreneurs to realize 472 00:34:50.619 --> 00:34:52.809 is you don't have to reinvent this. Don't even know to be a chiropractor. 473 00:34:52.849 --> 00:34:57.010 There's other coaches that can help bring in systems, but you need to 474 00:34:57.050 --> 00:35:00.369 find somebody who can help systemize what you're doing and that is how you really 475 00:35:00.409 --> 00:35:04.570 that's the old e myth, right. Yeah, just here the your the 476 00:35:05.170 --> 00:35:07.880 grinder, the technician doing it, and if you're really going to become the 477 00:35:08.039 --> 00:35:13.760 business owner, entrepreneur, it's getting systems in place so then you know, 478 00:35:13.840 --> 00:35:16.239 it's not so difficult when somebody leaves you either, because it does happen. 479 00:35:16.880 --> 00:35:20.280 But if you know the system, you got the procedures and you know the 480 00:35:20.360 --> 00:35:22.630 right person you're looking for, it's a lot easier to move somebody in when 481 00:35:22.670 --> 00:35:29.429 somebody does leave you. Yeah, I think Chiropractic is is marked by chiropractors 482 00:35:29.550 --> 00:35:34.230 selling their practice for pennies on the dollar. And like where I was in 483 00:35:34.309 --> 00:35:38.340 a associate, wonderful practitioner, love him, and he sold his practice and 484 00:35:38.380 --> 00:35:43.179 I believe that it closed. I'm not sure entirely, but I just feel 485 00:35:43.219 --> 00:35:45.179 like you know, I don't know about you, I know this is your 486 00:35:45.300 --> 00:35:50.530 mission. In my mission is to leave a true legacy behind. You know 487 00:35:50.690 --> 00:35:53.050 we leave, that practice is going to be stronger than it was when we 488 00:35:53.130 --> 00:35:58.369 left it and to keep getting stronger like a true business. And I think 489 00:35:58.849 --> 00:36:01.329 back to what you said about the e myth with Gerber's idea. You know, 490 00:36:01.530 --> 00:36:05.079 that whole idea that you have a business, when the reality is you 491 00:36:05.159 --> 00:36:07.320 just have. You made yourself a really good job and you'd better be really, 492 00:36:07.360 --> 00:36:10.679 really good at saving money in that model. Otherwise, guess what, 493 00:36:12.000 --> 00:36:15.760 you're going to sell your practice and have to go get another job to survive 494 00:36:15.880 --> 00:36:17.909 through the end of your life. So that doesn't have to be the case. 495 00:36:17.949 --> 00:36:22.710 So if you could help me on this, in your visionary soul, 496 00:36:22.789 --> 00:36:27.190 your visionary heart that you have, look at Chiropractic and talk to me about 497 00:36:27.190 --> 00:36:30.469 the next ten years, what you would like to see and only where. 498 00:36:30.630 --> 00:36:34.699 Yeah, so let's double what I like to see. What we're seeing right 499 00:36:34.739 --> 00:36:39.500 now car matchmakers is what we're calling gentrification of our profession. There is big 500 00:36:39.619 --> 00:36:45.019 money moving into our EHR companies private equity that have bought off these companies and 501 00:36:45.099 --> 00:36:50.570 consolidated them. Same things happening to chiropractors. Probably every couple weeks we get 502 00:36:50.570 --> 00:36:54.210 to call it car match makers from some group with millions and millions of dollars 503 00:36:54.929 --> 00:36:59.530 that are, you know, wanting to scale fifty, a hundred, two 504 00:36:59.530 --> 00:37:01.960 hundred clinics in the next year and they want our help. It's why I 505 00:37:02.000 --> 00:37:06.159 tell you they're there's only one chiropractor very four jobs right now. There's a 506 00:37:06.199 --> 00:37:09.400 lot of money. A lot of business people have realized Hump. These chiropractors 507 00:37:09.480 --> 00:37:12.719 have been in a bubble over here for a long time and a lot of 508 00:37:12.800 --> 00:37:15.309 them have these really loyal patient base. A lot of them pay out a 509 00:37:15.389 --> 00:37:20.989 pocket for many years. We should consolidate those people up. So I think 510 00:37:20.989 --> 00:37:23.670 you're going to see what happened with dentistry in the next ten years. Also, 511 00:37:23.789 --> 00:37:28.989 Google's forced that if you're not a good business owner, the world knows 512 00:37:28.989 --> 00:37:31.019 about it. Your kind of have to drop your drawers and you start seeing 513 00:37:31.019 --> 00:37:36.659 those google reviews and naturally those business is atrophy and a lot of those people 514 00:37:36.659 --> 00:37:39.739 will naturally then go work for business as chiropractic offices that are working properly. 515 00:37:39.820 --> 00:37:45.530 So I think you're going to see some level of consolidation within our profession and 516 00:37:45.889 --> 00:37:52.929 kind of a bigger corporate imprint in the next decade that comes in now. 517 00:37:52.010 --> 00:37:55.730 There's an opportunity for clinic owners on that exit strategy. You know, if 518 00:37:55.769 --> 00:38:00.840 you've built a solid business, there's more buyers out there with more money who 519 00:38:00.840 --> 00:38:06.719 are interested in your clinic. There can be more opportunities for associates because usually 520 00:38:06.800 --> 00:38:10.960 corporations understand on a higher level you got to pay people well and treat them 521 00:38:12.000 --> 00:38:15.150 well for them to want to stay there. Especially in a service industry job 522 00:38:15.190 --> 00:38:19.989 where the chiropractors using their body to provide the service, it really is important 523 00:38:20.030 --> 00:38:23.550 that you're taking great care of that, of that individual. So that's where 524 00:38:23.550 --> 00:38:29.219 I see a trending. Quite frankly, we have seen a very clear bifurcation 525 00:38:29.579 --> 00:38:32.619 out of covid is. We've seen so many practices and groups having record months, 526 00:38:32.659 --> 00:38:37.099 days, years and we've seen a lot of practices close and so I 527 00:38:37.219 --> 00:38:43.289 think you're just kind of seeing the stress of the world right now. Let's 528 00:38:43.329 --> 00:38:47.210 be blunt. Those practices that taught people that Chiropractic is part of a wellness 529 00:38:47.289 --> 00:38:52.449 lifestyle did really well during covid those practices that we're all about pain relief and 530 00:38:52.570 --> 00:38:57.079 people were afraid to come in because they want to get exposed. Are a 531 00:38:57.119 --> 00:39:00.239 lot of practice there really atrophied. So, and in general we tend to 532 00:39:00.440 --> 00:39:06.840 be biased that a cash practice tends to be a healthier practice because people value 533 00:39:06.880 --> 00:39:09.309 your services more if they're using their hard earned dollars to pay your services. 534 00:39:10.190 --> 00:39:15.710 They value it if a third party like an insurance company or an auto insurance 535 00:39:15.710 --> 00:39:21.230 going bees paying your services, people just don't have that natural value somebody else 536 00:39:21.309 --> 00:39:23.300 is paying for it. So we do find, and you know, you 537 00:39:23.380 --> 00:39:28.900 are subject to changes of insurance companies then if laws change, if regulations of 538 00:39:28.980 --> 00:39:34.340 payment and codes change. So I think you're going to see they're not. 539 00:39:34.539 --> 00:39:36.940 You know, you've seen it with the joint. I call them the planet 540 00:39:37.019 --> 00:39:43.489 fitness of Chiropractic. They've kind of taken that lower end, low cost model. 541 00:39:43.969 --> 00:39:45.730 But Hey, our practice is benefit. We get a lot of people 542 00:39:45.730 --> 00:39:49.889 who have been to the joint who come into our practices because we do different. 543 00:39:50.250 --> 00:39:54.039 We use CLA insight and they want some measurement and more objectivity. So 544 00:39:54.039 --> 00:39:59.559 I think there's a lot of room right now ron for chiropractic chains and groups 545 00:39:59.639 --> 00:40:05.360 to kind of become the orange theory, very the soul cycle. You know 546 00:40:05.480 --> 00:40:09.150 the play the Yoga Hot Yoga Studio where people are paying a couple hundred bucks 547 00:40:09.190 --> 00:40:13.150 a month for their membership instead of the ten dollars a month. But you 548 00:40:13.230 --> 00:40:15.230 know, the joints got the low end of the market corner. They're growing 549 00:40:15.349 --> 00:40:19.750 with it. I think it's a positive thing exposing chiropractic to more people, 550 00:40:20.309 --> 00:40:22.579 but there's a lot of room at the other end of the to be the 551 00:40:22.659 --> 00:40:24.699 high end, and so I think you're going to see kind of a race 552 00:40:24.820 --> 00:40:29.980 into that area. You'll see other people consolidating insurance who are really good at 553 00:40:30.059 --> 00:40:35.539 doing insurance. Huge opportunity you'll consider. Can you to see groups doing functional 554 00:40:35.659 --> 00:40:39.610 medicine, and there's so much cool functional stuff out there that these groups that 555 00:40:39.690 --> 00:40:45.929 combined nurse practitioners and doctors with more of a chiropractic philosophy. There's you know, 556 00:40:45.969 --> 00:40:49.969 a lot of our baby boomers are really interested in not getting old and 557 00:40:50.079 --> 00:40:52.079 wanting to take advantage of that. So I think you'll consider continue to see 558 00:40:52.079 --> 00:40:59.280 those kinds of our Dallas practices are primarily pregnancy and pediatric focused and manned. 559 00:40:59.360 --> 00:41:01.760 Are we just booming out there? Within there's a huge refral network and that 560 00:41:01.920 --> 00:41:07.789 whole tribe of different practitioners. You know the sports recovery. There's there's a 561 00:41:07.829 --> 00:41:12.429 lot of room for us in chiropractors. There's a lot of positive opportunity, 562 00:41:12.590 --> 00:41:17.230 but I think you're going to see some kind of silo consolidation in these different 563 00:41:17.269 --> 00:41:22.699 areas in the next decade. Now. I completely agree and I'm so glad 564 00:41:22.739 --> 00:41:27.780 you elaborate on that. It's very encouraging for our listeners to hear that and 565 00:41:28.099 --> 00:41:31.820 I just I, like you, believe that chiropractics potential is so high, 566 00:41:31.860 --> 00:41:37.849 because we all know that chiropractic works and we just have to follow some of 567 00:41:37.889 --> 00:41:39.650 the other professions out there. Like you said, you know, it's not 568 00:41:39.769 --> 00:41:44.690 bad to model what we do after the dental profession. I mean Dennis are 569 00:41:44.730 --> 00:41:47.400 doing great, man. You See donal practices everywhere and big groups and whatnot. 570 00:41:47.519 --> 00:41:52.119 So I'm completely with you. I'm completely behind that. So I hope 571 00:41:52.000 --> 00:41:55.239 something on the line right now is hearing this going. These guys got my 572 00:41:55.360 --> 00:41:59.360 attention. I want to step it up, I want to go to the 573 00:41:59.440 --> 00:42:02.030 next level. I want to create a true business that scalable, durable and 574 00:42:02.309 --> 00:42:06.070 is going to help more people, and I really am encouraged by what you 575 00:42:06.150 --> 00:42:07.909 said there. Alan, this has been wonderful. You and I could probably 576 00:42:07.909 --> 00:42:12.150 keep talking on this stuff, but I think that's a good place to cap 577 00:42:12.269 --> 00:42:15.820 it right there. I know we had a couple calls to action. One 578 00:42:15.860 --> 00:42:20.139 of the resources you mentioned was this next program so we're going to make that 579 00:42:20.219 --> 00:42:23.460 available in the show notes and a highly recommend if you're a doctor on this 580 00:42:23.539 --> 00:42:29.300 call and you haven't personally gone through any self assessment or self discovery, maybe 581 00:42:29.579 --> 00:42:30.809 you, being on this college, your time to take action. We need 582 00:42:30.889 --> 00:42:35.289 chiropractors at their best right now. We need you to take action and start 583 00:42:35.369 --> 00:42:38.530 discovering who you are so that you can begin to build your team and know 584 00:42:38.690 --> 00:42:43.969 what type of people add your team, and having somebody else do that for 585 00:42:44.170 --> 00:42:47.519 you is so free I can't tell you. I'm in a search right now 586 00:42:47.599 --> 00:42:52.480 with CAIRA match makers and it's been a great process. Little harder than it 587 00:42:52.599 --> 00:42:55.519 was three years ago. Like Dr Allen said, there's more jobs in there 588 00:42:55.559 --> 00:43:00.030 are associates, so it's a competitive market, especially for me in California, 589 00:43:00.550 --> 00:43:05.309 but I'm still optimistic. I've got some great candidates I'm looking at right now 590 00:43:05.349 --> 00:43:09.710 and it's just so nice to have an objective layer that is laid before me 591 00:43:09.869 --> 00:43:14.500 that I don't have to look at until it's all sudden done, and then 592 00:43:14.579 --> 00:43:17.219 at the end I can use my gut level instincts, and it's at that 593 00:43:17.380 --> 00:43:21.420 point that does will serve me well. Anyway, I really appreciate you, 594 00:43:21.860 --> 00:43:24.179 Alan. You're wonderful. It's been a great time together. I would love 595 00:43:24.179 --> 00:43:27.809 to have you come back on again because you have so much wisdom. And 596 00:43:28.329 --> 00:43:30.289 for those of you on the call today, I just think now's the time 597 00:43:30.449 --> 00:43:35.210 to take action. We need you to take action. Chiropractic need you to 598 00:43:35.289 --> 00:43:37.849 take action, our communities need you to step up and really start looking at 599 00:43:37.889 --> 00:43:43.079 your practice as a true business. If you're that young student or that associate 600 00:43:43.159 --> 00:43:46.599 it, maybe now's the time to go through some self assessment and start looking 601 00:43:46.639 --> 00:43:51.280 for that place where you could really thrive and really feel like you're in the 602 00:43:51.360 --> 00:43:54.039 right spot. And so I want to applaud you also for taking the time 603 00:43:54.159 --> 00:44:00.510 to be on this podcast. We believe anytime spent on personal development is time 604 00:44:00.750 --> 00:44:04.710 well spent. You'll never regret it and mostly make sure that you're taking care 605 00:44:04.750 --> 00:44:07.829 of yourself physically and that you're getting adjusted. And I just want to thank 606 00:44:07.869 --> 00:44:12.739 hire touch again for doing these podcasts. I think they're wonderful and we're going 607 00:44:12.780 --> 00:44:15.420 to keep it going and I hope you guys are enjoying these. So, 608 00:44:15.940 --> 00:44:19.139 once again, this is Dr Ronnie and Dr Allen thinks again. I A 609 00:44:19.179 --> 00:44:22.340 Christian, your brother. Thanks, guys, appreciate thank care of Man

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