How to Build a Robust Marketing Strategy for Today’s Chiropractor

November 05, 2021 00:46:34
How to Build a Robust Marketing Strategy for Today’s Chiropractor
ChiroCast: Insights for modern chiropractors
How to Build a Robust Marketing Strategy for Today’s Chiropractor

Nov 05 2021 | 00:46:34


Show Notes

Welcome to Catch Up With ChiroTouch with Dr. Ronnie Simms. Tune in to this educational and inspirational podcast series for conversations with chiropractic’s most influential speakers.

In this episode, Drs. Jason Deitch and Jeff Langmaid of The Smart Chiropractor team up to discuss the right—and wrong—ways to approach marketing strategy. They address common challenges faced by practices, including the need for new patients, the feast-and-famine cycle caused by new patient discounting, and getting stuck in a marketing rut. They also offer solutions to revamp your marketing approach.

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#ChiropracticMarketing #ChiropractorSEO #ChiropracticRevenueStreams #SustainableMarketing #ChiropracticPracticeGrowth #MarketingMindset #ChiropracticPatientAcquisition #RecurringRevenue #PoweringTheModernPractice

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:01.120 --> 00:00:05.759 Welcome to this episode of catch up with Cairo touch. Thank you for tuning 2 00:00:05.799 --> 00:00:08.949 in today. I'm your host, Dr Ronnie Sims, and I'm so glad 3 00:00:08.949 --> 00:00:12.710 you're here. You'll never regret your time with us today. I'm super excited 4 00:00:12.750 --> 00:00:17.710 about this episode and I just want to know inspiring and advancing the chiropractic profession 5 00:00:18.030 --> 00:00:23.059 is what this whole series is about. This is Kiro touches way to support 6 00:00:23.100 --> 00:00:26.500 you as a chiropractor, to help you grow in every area of your life, 7 00:00:26.899 --> 00:00:31.019 and our response has been so great with the early episodes. So we're 8 00:00:31.019 --> 00:00:33.979 going to keep them coming. We're going to keep great guests coming on and 9 00:00:34.100 --> 00:00:37.009 today we have two of the best and this is going to be really fun 10 00:00:37.130 --> 00:00:40.409 because this is definitely an area that I want to grow in, and so 11 00:00:40.530 --> 00:00:46.530 today we're going to talk about how to build a robust marketing plan that dominates 12 00:00:46.609 --> 00:00:51.640 the digital space, and we have two of our professions experts on today that 13 00:00:51.719 --> 00:00:54.920 are going to help us unpack that. They're going to inspire you. But 14 00:00:55.000 --> 00:00:58.280 it's not just going to be inspiration. There's going to be education, but 15 00:00:58.320 --> 00:01:03.119 also there's going to be things you can apply right now, and so I'm 16 00:01:03.159 --> 00:01:07.069 super excited to have these two awesome guys on, Dr Jeff Lange made and 17 00:01:07.109 --> 00:01:12.310 Dr Jason Ditch, code leaders in the Smart Chiropractor, which remind you guys. 18 00:01:12.310 --> 00:01:15.549 I want to talk to you guys more about that for me, but 19 00:01:15.629 --> 00:01:18.819 anyway, I love what you guys are doing. Everything you guys do I 20 00:01:18.939 --> 00:01:21.620 just gobble up and love. And so, how you guys doing? Man, 21 00:01:21.659 --> 00:01:23.980 how's it going today? D and fantastic. We appreciate you taking the 22 00:01:25.019 --> 00:01:27.099 time. We're super excited to be on the PODCAST. Past as awesome and 23 00:01:27.780 --> 00:01:32.739 we're fortunate to be guessed. I love it. Yes, thanks for your 24 00:01:33.010 --> 00:01:36.090 words. Wrong. I totally appreciate it and thank you all for putting this 25 00:01:36.209 --> 00:01:40.849 together. The profession needs more of this, and I'll start off by saying 26 00:01:41.489 --> 00:01:45.969 what we're doing right here, right now, is a great example of what 27 00:01:46.090 --> 00:01:49.239 chiropractors want to be doing in their communities. People are here to learn, 28 00:01:51.319 --> 00:01:55.439 you're here to share because of your authentic desire and value to help others. 29 00:01:55.480 --> 00:02:00.400 It's a win win win, and it's a model of what exactly we're talking 30 00:02:00.439 --> 00:02:04.430 about for chiropractors to do locally in their communities. I love that. So 31 00:02:04.510 --> 00:02:07.750 how do you guys look up? You guys meet. We're both areas. 32 00:02:07.870 --> 00:02:10.750 He's a Tampa Bay on the San Francisco Bay. Jeff Good, I'll let 33 00:02:10.750 --> 00:02:15.300 you opener. I'll spare you the the the detailed exclamation and give you the 34 00:02:15.379 --> 00:02:19.819 high level overview. You know, Jason I've known as kind of a leader 35 00:02:19.860 --> 00:02:23.580 in the chiropractic profession for from many years and you know, eventually there became 36 00:02:23.699 --> 00:02:29.340 this point where I knew I wanted to start something that really made a big 37 00:02:29.340 --> 00:02:32.009 impact in the chiropractic profession. I had an intuition that I wanted to reach 38 00:02:32.050 --> 00:02:37.210 out to him and through a series of events, meetings and phone calls, 39 00:02:37.289 --> 00:02:39.289 we ended up deciding, man, we not only do we get along great 40 00:02:39.330 --> 00:02:43.729 as friends, but this could be a great opportunity to help a bunch of 41 00:02:43.889 --> 00:02:46.360 docs long term. So that's the seeds that started at the take home message 42 00:02:46.400 --> 00:02:51.680 there would be follow your intuition. Absolutely. Yeah, and you're living high, 43 00:02:51.840 --> 00:02:54.960 high there in the Tampa Bay with all your professional sports team that it's 44 00:02:55.039 --> 00:03:01.509 understand it always cycles back then. But anyway, Hey, so you guys 45 00:03:01.550 --> 00:03:07.990 have both become, from my seat, to the experts in this digital world 46 00:03:07.069 --> 00:03:10.629 that we live in, and you guys both seem to understand that in a 47 00:03:10.669 --> 00:03:14.780 way that most chiropractors don't. So how did that come to be? How 48 00:03:14.819 --> 00:03:17.659 did you guys gain such a strong understanding the space? You know, I 49 00:03:17.740 --> 00:03:21.979 have a long, I'll say, history within this space. You know, 50 00:03:22.099 --> 00:03:25.699 my background in college was marketing. My Dad loves to tell a story how, 51 00:03:25.780 --> 00:03:29.689 when I was, I think five or six years old, my dad 52 00:03:29.810 --> 00:03:31.330 was an entrepreneur. He said to me, I said to him one day 53 00:03:31.330 --> 00:03:35.090 I go Gad, I think I get this. You know, I don't 54 00:03:35.129 --> 00:03:39.250 know what's so hard about business. You just got to give something that everybody 55 00:03:39.409 --> 00:03:44.960 needs at a price they can afford, and that business. You know what's 56 00:03:45.039 --> 00:03:49.960 so difficult about that? So I always knew, for whatever reason, that 57 00:03:50.000 --> 00:03:53.879 as I got older, whatever I chose to do, you've got to be 58 00:03:54.000 --> 00:03:59.990 really good at communicating what that is so you can attract people to want it. 59 00:04:00.189 --> 00:04:03.069 So marketing is always been sort of in my DNA, in my background 60 00:04:03.110 --> 00:04:08.789 and sort of putting things you know what. Watching myself grow up and, 61 00:04:08.949 --> 00:04:12.340 you know, reviewing what happened, it became obvious to me that the answer 62 00:04:12.580 --> 00:04:18.339 was, well, chiropractic care is something everybody needs and I could certainly give 63 00:04:18.379 --> 00:04:20.980 it to them at a price they can afford. It's me, in my 64 00:04:21.139 --> 00:04:28.209 hands and it is the, as far as I'm concerned, best kept secret 65 00:04:28.410 --> 00:04:32.209 in healthcare. There's far too few people that understand what it is. It's 66 00:04:32.209 --> 00:04:36.889 the most right opportunity. There's no lack of need, of people who need 67 00:04:38.009 --> 00:04:43.040 care, whether it's reactively or proactively. It's the greatest opportunity, you know, 68 00:04:43.240 --> 00:04:46.720 from a business standpoint, let alone a humanitarian standpoint, any of us 69 00:04:46.720 --> 00:04:51.279 can imagine. Fast forward, went to college, got my marketing degree. 70 00:04:51.910 --> 00:04:56.509 My Dad was like, wow, this is great, you're following your dreams. 71 00:04:56.550 --> 00:04:59.550 I then tell them I'm going to become a chiropractor, to which he 72 00:04:59.709 --> 00:05:04.189 saaid, I don't think you realize what people think of Chiropractors, to which 73 00:05:04.230 --> 00:05:09.220 I said well, if you knew what I knew about with Chiropractic really is, 74 00:05:09.779 --> 00:05:15.180 you'd probably want to be on yourself. Long Story Short, he finally 75 00:05:15.259 --> 00:05:18.579 decided to try chiropractic locally. It took US five chiropractors to find one that 76 00:05:18.620 --> 00:05:24.250 actually did what I was describing. He ends up becoming very good friends, 77 00:05:24.329 --> 00:05:27.769 best friends, with this chiropractor, and at gave me his blessing to go 78 00:05:27.810 --> 00:05:31.490 to chiropractic school as I'm graduating, I get a call from him one day 79 00:05:31.569 --> 00:05:33.850 and said, I'm so proud of you. You know, I've been getting 80 00:05:34.170 --> 00:05:38.959 such an amazing results. I've been learning all about this. I'm going to 81 00:05:39.000 --> 00:05:42.839 go to chiropractic school. So literally, at Fifty Five Years Old, my 82 00:05:42.920 --> 00:05:46.319 dad is he likes to jokingly say, decided to follow in his son's footsteps 83 00:05:46.600 --> 00:05:51.069 and go to life wes. He did that. Of course, I'm fast 84 00:05:51.110 --> 00:05:57.310 forwarding the story with my brother, who was playing professional basketball in Israel, 85 00:05:57.509 --> 00:06:00.910 who had to listen to all these family conversations. When my dad told my 86 00:06:00.990 --> 00:06:03.899 brother he was going to chiropractice school, my brother's response was can I go 87 00:06:04.060 --> 00:06:08.379 with? So we all drove out here. They went to life West. 88 00:06:08.420 --> 00:06:12.420 I started a practice. I was in practice for roughly ten years. I 89 00:06:12.540 --> 00:06:16.180 was applying everything I learned. I was doing local, live television, local 90 00:06:16.339 --> 00:06:21.930 live radio, writing for newspapers magazines, getting out the message in every way 91 00:06:21.930 --> 00:06:26.769 I knew possible. And, as I sort of jokingly say, a funny 92 00:06:26.810 --> 00:06:30.810 thing happened on the way to following my dreams. I was married at the 93 00:06:30.930 --> 00:06:33.040 time and my wife at the time said, you know, I'll tell you 94 00:06:33.120 --> 00:06:36.959 what, I'll go back to work and you know, you follow whatever your 95 00:06:38.000 --> 00:06:41.560 dream is next. I always wanted to write a book about this message, 96 00:06:41.560 --> 00:06:44.399 so I wrote a book called Discover Wellness House. Staying healthy can make you 97 00:06:44.480 --> 00:06:48.589 rich. She simultaneously, miraculously, whatever you want to call it, ended 98 00:06:48.589 --> 00:06:55.550 up becoming the first director of marketing at Facebook, and so through her experience 99 00:06:55.709 --> 00:07:00.990 and my passion, I've been able to from a very early start, understand 100 00:07:00.230 --> 00:07:04.459 really the DNA, the understanding of, you know, the power and potential 101 00:07:05.060 --> 00:07:09.819 of what these social networks are all about, facebook, instagram, etc. 102 00:07:10.860 --> 00:07:17.410 And I've been doing everything possible to try to explain to our profession how powerful 103 00:07:17.449 --> 00:07:21.050 these tools really are if used correctly. And that's what we're going to talk 104 00:07:21.050 --> 00:07:26.529 about today. Confusion About, Oh, you know, I've got a company 105 00:07:26.610 --> 00:07:29.730 that runs facebook ads for me. Isn't that what you're talking about? You 106 00:07:29.810 --> 00:07:32.040 know? No, it's not. So hopefully we'll clear a lot of that 107 00:07:32.160 --> 00:07:36.879 up. We're talking about how to use these tools to really build an audience 108 00:07:38.000 --> 00:07:42.199 of people that want to learn from you, want to advocate for you, 109 00:07:42.399 --> 00:07:47.230 want to share you with their social networks so that you never have to market 110 00:07:47.470 --> 00:07:53.829 ever again. So that's my story. Jeff's got a fascinating one, also 111 00:07:53.949 --> 00:07:58.230 about working at like the largest orthopedic I'll let your share a jeff it's. 112 00:07:58.550 --> 00:08:01.939 It's a phenomenal start. Yeah, my story is a little bit I'm going 113 00:08:01.980 --> 00:08:05.379 to say Jason's is so inspiring. I'll kind of give the short version, 114 00:08:05.699 --> 00:08:07.779 you know, on mine, and it's a lot of school, a hard 115 00:08:07.779 --> 00:08:11.620 knocks so coming out of school and really finding out everything not to do, 116 00:08:11.819 --> 00:08:16.170 practicing as an associate and then as my own kind of clinic director and owner, 117 00:08:16.490 --> 00:08:18.170 and then I kind of had this fortunate it wasn't for everybody, but 118 00:08:18.290 --> 00:08:22.290 for me it kind of was this fortunate step to really see on the other 119 00:08:22.370 --> 00:08:26.009 side of what people are doing, being a multi discplinary group that was really 120 00:08:26.170 --> 00:08:30.079 building and growing fast and at the time they were spending about five million dollars 121 00:08:30.120 --> 00:08:33.720 a month on advertising. So, you know, I kind of transitioned into 122 00:08:33.759 --> 00:08:37.519 the marketing leadership role with them and that open my eyes to what could be 123 00:08:37.559 --> 00:08:41.230 done at scale and my goal has been to pull back some of those tenants 124 00:08:41.309 --> 00:08:46.710 from what I've seen really the biggest players in the healthcare space doing and applying 125 00:08:46.750 --> 00:08:50.269 it to us and what we can do as chiropractice. That's beautiful and you 126 00:08:50.309 --> 00:08:54.950 guys will probably touch on this later, but I was you know, thank 127 00:08:54.990 --> 00:08:58.820 you, by the way, for saying either the rough manuscript of your book 128 00:08:58.860 --> 00:09:00.899 that's going to be released I think fall of two thousand and twenty one. 129 00:09:01.419 --> 00:09:05.019 But in there I was just blown away when you stated the sheer numbers of 130 00:09:05.059 --> 00:09:09.899 people that are engaging online. That just it's staggering and I think for us 131 00:09:09.940 --> 00:09:13.330 to not do what you guys are talking about is as an active ignorance. 132 00:09:13.370 --> 00:09:16.370 I mean it's think about all the people out there we can help and so 133 00:09:16.690 --> 00:09:20.009 hey, let's dive right in. So just so you two know, and 134 00:09:20.049 --> 00:09:24.799 I shared a couple episodes with you, but over these last eight episodes on 135 00:09:24.919 --> 00:09:28.279 this show catch up with car touch, we've been focusing on the four domains 136 00:09:28.320 --> 00:09:31.840 of practice, and I know there's more domains. We have really talked about 137 00:09:31.879 --> 00:09:35.159 collections, but the four main ones we've talked about our attraction, conversion, 138 00:09:35.559 --> 00:09:39.990 retention and team building. And in there we've had an amazing guest. So 139 00:09:39.429 --> 00:09:43.789 I've been blessed to have a front row seat for all these amazingly inspirational guys. 140 00:09:43.830 --> 00:09:46.830 It's been so good for me. But for this episode we're going to 141 00:09:46.870 --> 00:09:50.470 stay laser focus on this attraction piece and I think for you guys, is 142 00:09:50.789 --> 00:09:56.419 just this idea of building this authentic tribe of followers that are into what we're 143 00:09:56.419 --> 00:10:00.539 doing and we're inspiring them. So let's just dive right into that and I 144 00:10:00.899 --> 00:10:03.100 think our listeners are going to be taking a lot of notes, so if 145 00:10:03.139 --> 00:10:07.100 I hit a pause it's because I'm taking notes. But in that book, 146 00:10:07.100 --> 00:10:11.049 you guys said something early on that tied into what we've been talking about, 147 00:10:11.529 --> 00:10:15.450 and so if you guys can elaborate on those on what are the best sources 148 00:10:15.610 --> 00:10:18.370 of new patients in the chiropractic practice? That kind of opened my mind and 149 00:10:18.450 --> 00:10:20.840 reminded me again of these truths. So please share that. All right. 150 00:10:20.879 --> 00:10:24.480 All right, so the name of the book is called the payday practice. 151 00:10:26.240 --> 00:10:33.039 How to cover your monthly expenses in one day, guaranteed. So it is 152 00:10:33.559 --> 00:10:39.029 truly a game changing way of looking at and thinking about your practice from what 153 00:10:39.190 --> 00:10:43.990 I'll call a reactive care way. Most of us know you know, hey, 154 00:10:43.110 --> 00:10:48.269 nobody calls up your practice saying can you correct my sublexations for maximum health 155 00:10:48.350 --> 00:10:52.179 benefit, but most chiropractors believe that. You know, people only come in 156 00:10:52.620 --> 00:10:58.539 reacting to care and it's a self fulfilling prophecy. So you know, we 157 00:10:58.059 --> 00:11:03.580 go ahead and we put messages out that attract that motivated group of people that 158 00:11:03.700 --> 00:11:07.809 have a symptom to come on in. And according to the math I've done, 159 00:11:07.850 --> 00:11:11.330 that's roughly one percent of the population. There's roughly one percent of the 160 00:11:11.370 --> 00:11:18.960 population that is actively right now today go into a search engine typing in chiropractor 161 00:11:18.159 --> 00:11:24.720 their town, looking for a chiropractor. And so my question becomes, wait 162 00:11:24.720 --> 00:11:28.600 a minute. I've sat up through hundreds of seminars, I've broken bread and 163 00:11:28.679 --> 00:11:35.070 had meals with the professions best minds. I've been around the block for decades 164 00:11:35.269 --> 00:11:39.669 now and somehow and we talk amongst our elves. We got this whole conversation 165 00:11:39.909 --> 00:11:45.870 going on about how you should use chiropractic care proactively to enhance your health and 166 00:11:46.269 --> 00:11:50.259 reactively if you've got a symptom. But nowhere do I see that type of 167 00:11:50.379 --> 00:11:54.779 message and going out into the public. So how's the public ever going to 168 00:11:54.860 --> 00:12:00.299 know that we're good for those things if we never put that message out there? 169 00:12:01.220 --> 00:12:05.450 So what we include in the book is sort of a reframing of what 170 00:12:05.570 --> 00:12:09.690 all called Jeff and I's experience as we've been going out now for I think 171 00:12:09.730 --> 00:12:13.889 it's about five years sharing this message, longer on our own, but together 172 00:12:13.090 --> 00:12:20.399 five years. The number one response we get from almost every chiropractor and Chiropractic 173 00:12:20.519 --> 00:12:24.639 leader or group manager, Management Company and so on, all of a sudden 174 00:12:24.679 --> 00:12:28.679 immediately goes okay, but is this going to give a new patients? Like 175 00:12:28.799 --> 00:12:33.350 there's no thought. It's almost the same hypocrisy. As you know, you 176 00:12:33.470 --> 00:12:35.629 doing your leg lecture, you trying to explain to people the nerve system, 177 00:12:35.950 --> 00:12:39.149 the in a healing ability we have, etc. And they go yeah, 178 00:12:39.190 --> 00:12:43.230 but well, my neck and going so you kind of go okay, well, 179 00:12:43.269 --> 00:12:46.220 let's just pause for a moment. We have to reframe this conversation, 180 00:12:46.500 --> 00:12:52.019 and so the way we're reframing it is that we think most of the profession 181 00:12:52.059 --> 00:12:58.289 has this bass actwards. It's just not thinking smart or intelligently about it. 182 00:13:00.049 --> 00:13:05.850 We focus collectively. I know there's exceptions, collective. The most of people 183 00:13:07.009 --> 00:13:11.730 in our profession are addicted to meeting new patients and they're addicted because every time, 184 00:13:11.879 --> 00:13:13.960 you know, we go you want to try this? They go yeah, 185 00:13:15.120 --> 00:13:18.440 but I need new patients now. You go okay, well, what 186 00:13:18.519 --> 00:13:22.720 are you doing? Well, we're doing advertisements to target people who have these 187 00:13:22.799 --> 00:13:28.029 particular symptoms and then offer a deep discount to come into our office. That's 188 00:13:28.070 --> 00:13:31.389 the way to get them in. But if you've been around for the group 189 00:13:31.470 --> 00:13:37.110 on days, you know just getting warm bodies in your door may not necessarily 190 00:13:37.309 --> 00:13:41.659 be the best long term strategy for any of you. So what we had 191 00:13:41.700 --> 00:13:43.299 to do was we sort of came up with a new way of thinking about 192 00:13:43.299 --> 00:13:52.059 how this is and it sounds something like this. Most chiropractors next best new 193 00:13:52.220 --> 00:13:58.570 patient is actually keeping your current patients. Okay, as long as you're providing 194 00:13:58.570 --> 00:14:01.129 a service. Let me give the disclaimer, as long as you're providing a 195 00:14:01.210 --> 00:14:07.049 service you authentically know as a positive health benefit for people and is not, 196 00:14:07.330 --> 00:14:11.639 you know, nobody saying overtreat, nobody saying take advantage, nobody saying extend 197 00:14:11.759 --> 00:14:16.480 care unnecessarily. But if you're like me and many other chiropractors that you know 198 00:14:16.279 --> 00:14:22.480 getting checked and adjusted if necessary proactively has a positive health benefit, then we 199 00:14:22.600 --> 00:14:28.750 understand that this is a lifestyle and for a lifetime. That's up to people 200 00:14:28.750 --> 00:14:30.909 to choose what they want to do. But if you don't lay that out 201 00:14:30.950 --> 00:14:35.669 as an option, they're not can necessarily intuitively know that's the right choice. 202 00:14:35.230 --> 00:14:41.259 So your next best new patient is keeping your current patient. Your second best 203 00:14:41.419 --> 00:14:46.659 next new patient is a friend or family member or referral of a current patient, 204 00:14:46.179 --> 00:14:50.460 client member, whatever you want to refer to them as. The third 205 00:14:50.059 --> 00:14:54.129 next best new patient or client to come into your practice is someone following you 206 00:14:54.330 --> 00:14:58.889 online, who's been watching you, listening to you, learning from you, 207 00:14:58.370 --> 00:15:03.210 seeing their friends or their social network engage with you. And all of that 208 00:15:03.409 --> 00:15:09.799 is because those are three ways or three categories that build trust. And the 209 00:15:09.960 --> 00:15:16.960 currency in today's world is not information. There's lots of information, disinformation, 210 00:15:16.320 --> 00:15:22.070 misinformation. Nobody knows how to hear it, filter it, determine what's true 211 00:15:22.190 --> 00:15:26.830 it's not true and make good decisions. We follow people, we trust and 212 00:15:26.990 --> 00:15:31.389 we assume they've done the due diligence to come to the conclusions they have. 213 00:15:31.070 --> 00:15:35.500 And that's really the paradigm shift from Hey, let's just make it super cheap 214 00:15:35.620 --> 00:15:41.700 for strangers who have no idea who you are to come on in for what 215 00:15:41.779 --> 00:15:46.059 they think you provide, which is typically pain relief covered by their insurance, 216 00:15:46.460 --> 00:15:48.740 so that then they could even get out of there. which is your fourth 217 00:15:48.860 --> 00:15:54.210 best new patient. Maybe even fifth. Okay, so what we're trying to 218 00:15:54.289 --> 00:16:00.129 do is reframe the conversation about needing more new patients from hey, let's just 219 00:16:00.529 --> 00:16:03.759 throw a bunch of deep discount adds to anybody who lives locally and has some 220 00:16:03.919 --> 00:16:11.000 sort of orthopedic symptom into why don't we share our truth? Why don't we 221 00:16:11.039 --> 00:16:17.440 do it consistently over time, authentically with those people that already agree with us? 222 00:16:17.919 --> 00:16:23.230 And let's authentically earn our audience, like everybody does, of people that 223 00:16:23.269 --> 00:16:29.549 actually aligned with our philosophies, that agree with our perspectives and that actually use 224 00:16:29.629 --> 00:16:33.340 our services and positive ways, and I'm such remarkable both results and outcomes, 225 00:16:33.700 --> 00:16:37.659 but also shifts in their thinking, that they end up becoming the ones who 226 00:16:37.659 --> 00:16:44.139 share you with their social networks. And you're really using social media the way 227 00:16:44.139 --> 00:16:48.409 it's intended to be used, because people forget that it's social media. It's 228 00:16:48.450 --> 00:16:53.169 not advertising media, it's not sponsored media, it is social media. So 229 00:16:53.250 --> 00:16:56.730 that's really the way it's designed and intended to be used at its best. 230 00:16:57.289 --> 00:17:02.440 And I think about the energy drain it is on a practice to have a 231 00:17:02.559 --> 00:17:06.200 bunch of people coming in because you offered such a little price and then it's 232 00:17:06.240 --> 00:17:10.440 hard on the staff, it's hard on the dock and it just taxes and 233 00:17:10.519 --> 00:17:12.720 it's hard on the existing clients, I think too. From you got a 234 00:17:12.759 --> 00:17:18.309 doctor spread thin trying to manage new patients there are going to accept his advice 235 00:17:18.430 --> 00:17:21.750 on day two or whatever they do. The report. So deep diskind advertising 236 00:17:21.910 --> 00:17:23.349 is like sugar. It's going to get you a result over a short period 237 00:17:23.349 --> 00:17:26.069 of time and then you're going to crash. So there's always a tradeoff there 238 00:17:26.230 --> 00:17:30.059 and there's there's a lot of practices that have suffered that crash and sometimes that 239 00:17:30.180 --> 00:17:33.779 can be almost more difficult than the potend, the benefit given up front by 240 00:17:33.819 --> 00:17:37.619 that little boost. So I love that. That's a good analogy, man. 241 00:17:37.660 --> 00:17:41.299 I love that. Okay, so we live in this, obviously, 242 00:17:41.420 --> 00:17:44.609 and you can share some numbers with me on this guy's we live in this 243 00:17:45.049 --> 00:17:48.490 massive digital world. I mean, it is what it is. It's not 244 00:17:48.690 --> 00:17:52.769 going anyway. It's only going to get bigger. And you know, how 245 00:17:52.849 --> 00:17:56.049 important is it, what you already said, Jason, to regularly engage with 246 00:17:56.170 --> 00:18:02.119 them and and to go further with that? How does one start building a 247 00:18:02.359 --> 00:18:04.519 tribe of followers online? How do you go about that? How do you 248 00:18:04.680 --> 00:18:11.200 start, I think it starts with the doctor understanding what this is. Okay, 249 00:18:11.720 --> 00:18:18.069 so we've actually built a program for our clients that helps doctors literally teach 250 00:18:18.230 --> 00:18:22.549 their patients, teach their community, teach their what we call health tribe, 251 00:18:22.789 --> 00:18:30.019 how to make social media healthy for you. And that's really understanding. That's 252 00:18:30.140 --> 00:18:33.859 the first understanding is from the doctor's viewpoint, is that this is not a 253 00:18:34.259 --> 00:18:37.980 sugar high. Even though this is not, I'll pay someone else to run 254 00:18:38.180 --> 00:18:41.009 ads for me, and I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I'm saying 255 00:18:41.049 --> 00:18:45.130 that's not the highest and best use. Sure, you can get an adjustment 256 00:18:45.170 --> 00:18:48.849 for a headache and stop. It's an option. It's not your highest and 257 00:18:48.930 --> 00:18:52.650 best use. So, yes, you can run ADS get patients in. 258 00:18:52.329 --> 00:18:56.880 Yes, not your highest and best use. That's not your full understanding. 259 00:18:56.000 --> 00:19:00.599 So it starts with the doctor understanding that, wait a minute, this is 260 00:19:00.759 --> 00:19:04.599 not just a drug that wears off temporarily and then you grow and you know, 261 00:19:04.680 --> 00:19:07.880 immune to it and you've got to use more and more over time. 262 00:19:07.720 --> 00:19:11.670 This is something that is like, you know, one of the ways we 263 00:19:11.950 --> 00:19:15.470 say it is this is the difference between hunting versus farming. You know, 264 00:19:15.509 --> 00:19:18.470 if your hunter, you go out, you kill, you eat and you 265 00:19:18.630 --> 00:19:22.630 start over again. If you're farming, you've got a strategy, you've got, 266 00:19:22.829 --> 00:19:26.859 you know, land, you've got an idea and you know there is 267 00:19:26.900 --> 00:19:30.579 a natural law to planting seeds, nurturing those seeds and having them harvest over 268 00:19:30.740 --> 00:19:37.019 time, a sustainable supply of food versus an instant supply of food, and 269 00:19:37.180 --> 00:19:38.970 that's really what we're talking about here. Again, we're not saying do one 270 00:19:40.089 --> 00:19:42.970 not the other. We're saying pay attention to which ones you're using and the 271 00:19:44.130 --> 00:19:49.009 build a portfolio of resources to hopefully focus on more sustainable supplies over time. 272 00:19:49.809 --> 00:19:56.200 So that's really the whole idea is understanding. Wait a minute, I should 273 00:19:56.200 --> 00:19:57.799 be building an audience. And one of the things we say we know there's 274 00:19:57.839 --> 00:20:03.000 a lot of controversy, especially right now. FACEBOOK's good, facebook's bad, 275 00:20:03.480 --> 00:20:07.230 it's you know, there's all kinds of talk about the addiction of social media 276 00:20:07.230 --> 00:20:11.190 and so on. Here's the framework. If social media has the potential to 277 00:20:11.269 --> 00:20:17.509 be so damaging, so dangerous that it can shift elections, that can change 278 00:20:17.549 --> 00:20:19.910 the world, it can get all these negative and bad things to happen, 279 00:20:19.950 --> 00:20:26.940 it's that powerful. My question is, doesn't that mean that it's equally potentially 280 00:20:26.980 --> 00:20:33.380 powerful to do the same or better for good right if it's got the ability 281 00:20:33.539 --> 00:20:41.089 to communicate with basically billions of people around the world. Isn't the issue what 282 00:20:41.369 --> 00:20:45.329 we're consuming, not that we're consuming it. Media is not new. People 283 00:20:45.369 --> 00:20:51.000 have been addicted to television, their telephones, all the media of the past. 284 00:20:51.960 --> 00:20:56.440 What's new is the speed and the scale that you can now this is 285 00:20:56.480 --> 00:20:59.599 a good thing as much as it's a could be a negative thing, and 286 00:20:59.799 --> 00:21:02.839 that's really where it starts, is understanding. If I said to you and 287 00:21:02.920 --> 00:21:06.549 I said listen, Hey man, I'm going to I'm going to grant your 288 00:21:06.630 --> 00:21:11.750 wishes, like bj Palmer in the very early days, who invested resources and 289 00:21:11.869 --> 00:21:18.470 radio stations and television stations so that he can build an audience of people that 290 00:21:18.779 --> 00:21:22.339 listen to his message, I'm going to now grant you your wish and I'm 291 00:21:22.380 --> 00:21:27.700 going to give you access to your own television studio that you have one hundred 292 00:21:27.700 --> 00:21:32.819 percent access to twenty four seven, three hundred and sixty five for free. 293 00:21:33.450 --> 00:21:36.609 I'm also going to give you a radio station where you can say whatever you 294 00:21:36.730 --> 00:21:40.690 want to anybody. You can get to listen around the world for free. 295 00:21:41.089 --> 00:21:44.970 I'm also going to give you a printing press so you can type and write 296 00:21:45.170 --> 00:21:48.119 whatever you want to get anybody you can get to read it or down the 297 00:21:48.160 --> 00:21:55.079 world for free. What would you say to me? Let's get that's a 298 00:21:55.200 --> 00:22:00.000 miracle. Now I've got the tools and resources and I don't have the excuses 299 00:22:00.039 --> 00:22:03.910 as to why I can't get my message out to the masses. So it 300 00:22:04.150 --> 00:22:11.029 starts with that mindset that this isn't just some asterisks advertising option. But you 301 00:22:11.150 --> 00:22:14.910 know, all I really want to do is a just we believe that doctor 302 00:22:14.990 --> 00:22:21.779 means teacher and a teacher teaches, and being a chiropractor really is about teaching. 303 00:22:22.140 --> 00:22:26.380 First, being a mechanic or adjuster second, that if you will build 304 00:22:26.380 --> 00:22:30.210 a big enough audience of people that trust you, are inspired by you and 305 00:22:30.450 --> 00:22:36.490 therefore want to learn from you on an ongoing basis, you will build an 306 00:22:36.609 --> 00:22:41.730 audience of people that become your advocates and ambassadors. H really how this is 307 00:22:41.809 --> 00:22:45.359 all designed to work. The tactics are simple and easy, once you get 308 00:22:45.359 --> 00:22:48.880 the mindset straight and get it right. Well, that's great, and maybe 309 00:22:48.920 --> 00:22:52.319 Jeff elaborate on some of those tactics. You know, really it's about teaching 310 00:22:52.359 --> 00:22:56.400 and inviting consistently. So we think every opportunity that somebody's taking to shoot a 311 00:22:56.440 --> 00:23:00.670 video, to write something online, whatever it might be, to put out 312 00:23:00.670 --> 00:23:04.509 a piece of content, that's your opportunity to teach your audience something about themselves. 313 00:23:04.630 --> 00:23:07.869 Right. How can you get people to engage? How can you entertain? 314 00:23:07.910 --> 00:23:11.750 How can you educate? So the more that you can teach. Every 315 00:23:11.789 --> 00:23:14.579 time you do that, it gives you an opportunity to invite. And now, 316 00:23:14.660 --> 00:23:17.660 if you're listening to marketing in the past, you might have heard the 317 00:23:17.700 --> 00:23:19.740 word call to action, and that's what we call your called action is your 318 00:23:19.859 --> 00:23:22.980 invitation. You can invite them to take the next step. And then the 319 00:23:23.019 --> 00:23:26.250 last word there is critical, and that's consistently. If you do that once 320 00:23:26.289 --> 00:23:29.529 a year, it's going to be tough to hit a home run if you 321 00:23:29.569 --> 00:23:30.930 only swing the bat, you know, once a month. So you want 322 00:23:30.930 --> 00:23:33.849 to get out there and get those reps and I think the best way to 323 00:23:33.930 --> 00:23:37.970 do that is we always think about things with a smart chiropractor, through a 324 00:23:37.210 --> 00:23:42.559 framework of monthly campaign's, weekly topics and daily posts, and the short version 325 00:23:42.599 --> 00:23:48.240 of that is identifying those areas of WHO's your ideal person, who would who 326 00:23:48.279 --> 00:23:51.240 would you love to have in your practice? What are the challenges they're dealing 327 00:23:51.319 --> 00:23:55.910 with, and then proactively teaching them something about how they can overcome that challenge. 328 00:23:56.549 --> 00:24:00.349 So that's really a simple framework to start thinking about. How can I 329 00:24:00.390 --> 00:24:02.910 produce content? What do I talk about? Well, heck, who's that 330 00:24:03.029 --> 00:24:04.589 person you'd love to have in your practice? What are they dealing with that 331 00:24:04.670 --> 00:24:07.309 you could help them get over the Hump with? That's a great place to 332 00:24:07.349 --> 00:24:11.660 start teaching and that gives you the opportunity to invite them. If you do 333 00:24:11.779 --> 00:24:15.059 that consistently, you'll find your way to success. And I'm assuming that this 334 00:24:15.259 --> 00:24:25.690 strategy is a synergistic kind of blend of email campaigns, facebook groups. have 335 00:24:25.809 --> 00:24:29.569 an instagram page with the practice. Is that kind of what you guys are 336 00:24:29.609 --> 00:24:32.769 talking about? And then maybe even podcast, and there's so many place you 337 00:24:32.849 --> 00:24:34.769 can go with that. Right. But is that stuff you guys work with 338 00:24:34.809 --> 00:24:38.799 people on? Its helping them kind of established that rhythm and that consistency. 339 00:24:41.119 --> 00:24:44.880 You're digging in perfectly wrong. That's exactly it. There's not a one size 340 00:24:44.920 --> 00:24:48.480 fits all for everyone's solution, but your concept is exactly right on. It's 341 00:24:48.680 --> 00:24:55.509 okay. Are the resources that you have access to and interest in. Some 342 00:24:55.710 --> 00:25:00.069 people do navigate more towards, you know, longer form at podcasts. Other 343 00:25:00.150 --> 00:25:03.390 people are great writers, other people are really good on video and just like 344 00:25:03.589 --> 00:25:08.099 to get on share. So what we really provide with the smart chiropractor is 345 00:25:08.220 --> 00:25:12.900 the framework and the structure to be able to, as Jeff said, really 346 00:25:14.059 --> 00:25:18.339 build almost what you think of yourself as an educational institution first and a service 347 00:25:18.420 --> 00:25:23.170 provider second. So you know, monthly campaigns means that instead of when I 348 00:25:23.250 --> 00:25:30.490 was in practice, every day was chiropractic education day. And I'll be honest, 349 00:25:30.690 --> 00:25:33.930 you know, after ten years, part of my inspiration for retiring was 350 00:25:34.529 --> 00:25:41.039 I was board saying the same thing every day for a decade. You know, 351 00:25:41.440 --> 00:25:45.400 sounds like it might be a sublixation coming from your spine, putting the 352 00:25:45.480 --> 00:25:48.119 interference on your nerves. That's what we're going to keep on work. Same 353 00:25:48.240 --> 00:25:52.670 words, same thing, every day, over and over again. I wish 354 00:25:52.710 --> 00:25:56.309 I could have joined the smart chiropractor and really gotten what we think of a 355 00:25:56.430 --> 00:26:00.990 sort of the hybrid approach. Like one of the things jeff comes up with 356 00:26:00.109 --> 00:26:03.460 a brilliant he says, you know, we do the things for you that 357 00:26:03.619 --> 00:26:10.299 you know you should be doing but aren't getting to and and oftentimes it's under 358 00:26:10.700 --> 00:26:15.859 standable. You know, there's very few chiropractors that are researchers, writers, 359 00:26:15.859 --> 00:26:26.170 enders, copywriters, graphic designers, content managers, social media experts, email 360 00:26:26.369 --> 00:26:30.529 experts in office, video streaming experts. In fact, I don't know anybody 361 00:26:30.569 --> 00:26:34.279 who's can knock off, any chiropractor that can knock all those things off. 362 00:26:34.359 --> 00:26:38.880 It takes the team. All these companies, even these individuals that have these 363 00:26:40.160 --> 00:26:45.319 massive followings it don't do hit by themselves. They are randomly pick up their 364 00:26:45.359 --> 00:26:48.750 phone and go, wait, I haven't done this for a week. Maybe 365 00:26:48.750 --> 00:26:52.150 I should put a bunch of them out and randomly put things out. There 366 00:26:52.309 --> 00:26:57.390 is a strategy, in fact a hearly campaign with monthly meant monthly topics. 367 00:26:57.430 --> 00:27:00.109 You know, here's what we're talking about this month. Each week there's a 368 00:27:00.230 --> 00:27:06.380 strategize version of what that month's campaign is all about, and each day there's 369 00:27:06.380 --> 00:27:11.019 a protocol. You actually think about what we do for communications as what your 370 00:27:11.059 --> 00:27:15.220 chiropractic technique would be about. Nobody that suggest you just go up to the 371 00:27:15.299 --> 00:27:18.369 body and randomly do things right. Usually you got a system, you got 372 00:27:18.490 --> 00:27:22.930 a protocol, you got structure, to what am I trying to accomplish, 373 00:27:23.410 --> 00:27:27.529 doing it, knowing if I accomplished it, and then being consistent with that 374 00:27:27.650 --> 00:27:32.200 type of structure. That's really what we provide. A lot of our clients 375 00:27:32.319 --> 00:27:34.480 just go just handle it for me. Thank you. Do what you do. 376 00:27:36.119 --> 00:27:38.640 Thank you very much. I'll never do it myself. And those benefits 377 00:27:38.680 --> 00:27:44.670 are amazing because they are really automatic and automated. And then there's others who 378 00:27:45.109 --> 00:27:48.349 you know really, you know, admire that. Joe Murclas, Josh axe 379 00:27:48.470 --> 00:27:52.470 is and other, you know, health influencers, almost celebrities at this point, 380 00:27:52.509 --> 00:27:57.150 and they become sort of celebrities in their own communities by following a similar 381 00:27:57.230 --> 00:28:02.500 formula. Those guys all have massive teams, I know that, and so 382 00:28:02.660 --> 00:28:06.819 we become sort of your outsource team to handle, you know, the structure 383 00:28:06.900 --> 00:28:10.940 and the daytoday stuff. Make you look great, almost like a rock star 384 00:28:11.019 --> 00:28:12.849 who kind of just gets to get out on stage, be the front man 385 00:28:12.890 --> 00:28:15.970 or woman, and we'll handle, you know, the crowd will handle, 386 00:28:17.009 --> 00:28:18.690 the stage will handle, you know, writing all the music, so you 387 00:28:18.769 --> 00:28:22.329 just get to go out and be the rock star that you are. HMM, 388 00:28:22.410 --> 00:28:27.400 I wish. Yeah, it sounds like you know, basically you guys 389 00:28:27.440 --> 00:28:32.640 are the publicist to the chiropractor. So that ties into my next question. 390 00:28:33.440 --> 00:28:36.680 You know Dr Bow and I you guys know Dr Box Pierce, Great Guy, 391 00:28:37.359 --> 00:28:40.880 and we kind of had a little bit of a rabbit trail talking about 392 00:28:41.549 --> 00:28:44.710 the frustration that a lot of docs we meet, and I know you guys 393 00:28:44.750 --> 00:28:49.190 meet them too, that they're feeling this big gap between what they really want 394 00:28:49.190 --> 00:28:52.470 to do and know that they need to do, but then they had this 395 00:28:52.549 --> 00:28:55.349 other the voice as Oh, you can't afford that right now. So Huh. 396 00:28:55.859 --> 00:28:59.299 You know again a lot of what you're talking about. It takes not 397 00:28:59.500 --> 00:29:03.380 so much money, rather it takes more time and focused energy. But kind 398 00:29:03.380 --> 00:29:07.140 of encourage the doctors on the call and think about who's on this on this 399 00:29:07.500 --> 00:29:11.049 podcast right now. Is going to be a variety of practitioners. But kind 400 00:29:11.049 --> 00:29:15.210 of think that through as we answer that of what advice can you give them 401 00:29:15.529 --> 00:29:19.130 as far as overcoming that mental hurdle of bridging that gap between what they want 402 00:29:19.130 --> 00:29:22.369 to do what they can afford to do? Number One, I'd say that's 403 00:29:22.410 --> 00:29:27.000 fantastic that you're speaking with with Dr Bou he's Great. We Love strategizing with 404 00:29:27.039 --> 00:29:32.599 him and talking shop on exactly these types of topics. So that's that's absolutely 405 00:29:32.680 --> 00:29:36.279 fantastic. And what comes to mind for me when you mentioned that is we 406 00:29:36.359 --> 00:29:37.789 have an internal saying that we use within our team, but I think it 407 00:29:37.869 --> 00:29:42.309 applies to this and that's results follow actions, you know. So what action 408 00:29:42.430 --> 00:29:48.230 step are you taking today to get the result you desire the day after next, 409 00:29:48.390 --> 00:29:51.269 month, next year? Right, and you don't have to do everything 410 00:29:51.309 --> 00:29:53.980 in a day, but take that one action step. What's that one action 411 00:29:55.019 --> 00:29:56.660 step that you can take today? Then what's that one step you can take 412 00:29:56.700 --> 00:30:02.299 tomorrow? Because I'll guarantee you that if you continue to take positive action steps 413 00:30:02.339 --> 00:30:04.579 to build and grow your practice, you will get the results that you desire. 414 00:30:04.940 --> 00:30:08.450 And I think sometimes the challenge is the overwhelm of thinking you need to 415 00:30:08.529 --> 00:30:14.250 take a hundred action steps yesterday as opposed to taking the one today. So 416 00:30:14.529 --> 00:30:18.369 what I'd say of a word of encouragement to all the docs out there is 417 00:30:18.849 --> 00:30:22.279 just focus in and take away those distractions. Take two to three minutes for 418 00:30:22.359 --> 00:30:26.079 yourself tonight and think about what that one thing you can do tomorrow to move 419 00:30:26.119 --> 00:30:27.799 your practice forward. If you start to make that a habit, you're going 420 00:30:27.839 --> 00:30:32.119 to find yourself getting those results you desire before you know it. Jason, 421 00:30:33.440 --> 00:30:34.990 I'm going to push a little bit harder on this one. You know, 422 00:30:36.069 --> 00:30:41.069 this comes down to what's your goal, what's your objective? And you know, 423 00:30:41.150 --> 00:30:44.430 the reality is this is hard work. There is a lot to it. 424 00:30:44.869 --> 00:30:47.109 Jeff is a hundred percent right. You know, if you're a do 425 00:30:47.269 --> 00:30:51.099 it Yourselfer and you know you just, you know, for whatever reason, 426 00:30:51.299 --> 00:30:53.579 want to do it yourself, which I don't even do it all myself. 427 00:30:53.619 --> 00:30:57.420 Jeff doesn't do it all is self. If you're crazy like that, that's 428 00:30:57.460 --> 00:31:00.579 the way to go. You know, take one step at a time. 429 00:31:00.819 --> 00:31:06.369 If you were looking to succeed, if you're looking to win, if you 430 00:31:06.450 --> 00:31:08.769 were looking to, you know, express your best. You know, I 431 00:31:08.809 --> 00:31:11.490 almost think of it like, you know, a bodybuilder, right, even 432 00:31:11.529 --> 00:31:18.079 experienced athletes have a coach, have a team, have the people they need 433 00:31:18.400 --> 00:31:25.160 in order to support their success, and that's just an essential nobody does this 434 00:31:25.279 --> 00:31:27.839 by themselves. This is hard work. So if you were trying to get 435 00:31:27.839 --> 00:31:32.079 in shape to you know, even compete in the contest, let alone win 436 00:31:32.119 --> 00:31:37.829 a contest, you would likely hire people to be there to handle those issues. 437 00:31:37.549 --> 00:31:41.349 The biggest issue is is, I sort of said in the very opening 438 00:31:41.430 --> 00:31:45.470 of all of this is that most chiropractors don't understand what this even is. 439 00:31:45.269 --> 00:31:49.940 So if you think of this as just some advertising thing that I know, 440 00:31:49.980 --> 00:31:52.779 I hate social media. I hate facebook, what a waste of my time. 441 00:31:52.819 --> 00:31:56.059 I don't like getting on it. You got all this negativity, like 442 00:31:56.420 --> 00:32:00.849 so many people do, about what you to because they don't understand what it 443 00:32:00.970 --> 00:32:06.210 is, then you're going to go down one pathway and probably not be very 444 00:32:06.250 --> 00:32:10.930 successful. Once people understand the big idea of what you know, getting adjusted, 445 00:32:10.970 --> 00:32:15.720 seeing a chiropractor being a line understanding. Are An eight potential to heal 446 00:32:15.759 --> 00:32:21.839 ourselves, remembering the concept that health is a matter of optimal function, not 447 00:32:22.000 --> 00:32:27.240 just a lack of symptoms, that your practice is about expressing itself and reaching 448 00:32:27.279 --> 00:32:30.789 as many people as possible, not just getting by and paying the mortgage again 449 00:32:30.990 --> 00:32:37.509 few this month. Once you reef structure your goals and understanding, then you 450 00:32:37.630 --> 00:32:39.630 realize, wait, this is a different game. How do I build a 451 00:32:39.829 --> 00:32:46.059 team of people that can consistently get these actions? Jeff's of talking about consistency 452 00:32:46.140 --> 00:32:50.500 is the name of the game. You can do it perfectly once and you 453 00:32:50.579 --> 00:32:55.500 don't win. It is in the follow through in the consistency. One one 454 00:32:55.579 --> 00:33:00.650 adjustment can be life changing, but it's in the consistency over time that you 455 00:33:00.769 --> 00:33:06.930 really get your long term benefits and results momentum. And so, once again, 456 00:33:07.049 --> 00:33:09.569 that's really who we are. We happen to work beautifully with bow. 457 00:33:10.170 --> 00:33:15.880 Bow Happens to be great at the content side himself, which most chiropractors are 458 00:33:15.920 --> 00:33:20.480 not. He focuses very much on sort of the technical search engine optimization, 459 00:33:21.000 --> 00:33:24.720 website stuff, brilliant stuff, top of his game. Great work there. 460 00:33:25.160 --> 00:33:30.349 But that's where we really go parallel, because he is such a pro at 461 00:33:30.509 --> 00:33:35.509 creating his own content. He doesn't rely on us that to the same degree 462 00:33:35.630 --> 00:33:38.269 that most chiropractors have to. And the same thing is true otherwise. You 463 00:33:38.390 --> 00:33:44.059 know, we have so much great content out there that actually provides a lot 464 00:33:44.140 --> 00:33:50.460 of search engine optimization organically. So it's really a perfect fit. It would 465 00:33:50.460 --> 00:33:52.380 be like somebody saying, Oh, I don't need a chiropractor because I have 466 00:33:52.420 --> 00:33:55.490 a personal trainer. What are you're talking about? That makes no sense. 467 00:33:55.490 --> 00:34:00.170 Or have a massage therapist. You know, when you understand what needs to 468 00:34:00.250 --> 00:34:04.329 be done, you have a better understanding as to who you need to hire 469 00:34:04.809 --> 00:34:08.489 to get those jobs done on a consistent basis. And there is a difference 470 00:34:08.489 --> 00:34:13.920 between an expense and an investment. Yes, and he's our investments in that, 471 00:34:14.360 --> 00:34:16.880 actually putting in a little money to make a lot, which is, 472 00:34:17.440 --> 00:34:21.880 you know, the smart move every day of the week. And expense is 473 00:34:21.960 --> 00:34:25.349 something you pay money you don't get as much value what you spent. And 474 00:34:25.469 --> 00:34:29.829 that's really, think, the big difference in mindshift now and I think it's 475 00:34:30.429 --> 00:34:34.070 it's so beautiful how you guys put that, because it really kind of mimics 476 00:34:35.030 --> 00:34:37.429 the chiropractic wellness lifestyle, what we're expecting from our clients, you know, 477 00:34:37.550 --> 00:34:43.260 consistency and doing the home exercises and eating the right way and working on mindfulness 478 00:34:43.300 --> 00:34:46.340 and routines and all the different things that go into the chiropractic lifestyle, and 479 00:34:47.219 --> 00:34:52.340 so that's chiropractors were constantly preaching out with our clients. So this is very 480 00:34:52.420 --> 00:34:54.929 congruent with that and I think you're the doctors in the colony are going to 481 00:34:54.929 --> 00:34:59.329 be very blessed by this. So let's go to this next level. I've 482 00:34:59.409 --> 00:35:04.409 built my health tribe. I'm regularly in front of them now, weekly, 483 00:35:04.449 --> 00:35:10.039 daily, monthly, with research with certain themes and I'm just out in front 484 00:35:10.079 --> 00:35:15.800 of them and I'm building that trust there. They're starting to really like me 485 00:35:15.880 --> 00:35:20.639 and trust me. How do I then begin to and this is beyond the 486 00:35:20.679 --> 00:35:22.590 new patients I get from that that live local to me, but how I 487 00:35:22.710 --> 00:35:27.829 how do I begin to monetize that and how do I really take that to 488 00:35:27.909 --> 00:35:29.710 the next level? Because I know you don't want to do that runaway. 489 00:35:29.710 --> 00:35:31.909 It takes a while to build that tribe. So the three key words are 490 00:35:32.070 --> 00:35:36.179 monthly or occurring revenue. And, Jason, I'd love it if you if 491 00:35:36.219 --> 00:35:38.780 you gave the explanation there. Yeah, sure, you know. We are, 492 00:35:38.820 --> 00:35:42.579 as I said at the beginning, with the book and with our stun 493 00:35:42.820 --> 00:35:46.380 for you, you know, automated communication services. What you're asking is sort 494 00:35:46.420 --> 00:35:49.940 of what comes from all that? Okay, I got all these people. 495 00:35:50.090 --> 00:35:54.289 Now what? And so what we're building is the answer to that, which 496 00:35:54.329 --> 00:35:59.650 is again starts with an understanding follows with the tools and the tactics. The 497 00:35:59.769 --> 00:36:02.969 understanding is, if we start putting this all together, if your next best 498 00:36:04.210 --> 00:36:08.440 new patient is keeping your current patients, my question then becomes what do you 499 00:36:08.519 --> 00:36:16.679 have in place from a business structure that encourages and incentivises those people to stay 500 00:36:16.760 --> 00:36:21.510 with you on some sort of consistent, regular basis. We refer to that 501 00:36:21.590 --> 00:36:24.989 as a proactive membership in your practice. We teach that, we give the 502 00:36:25.110 --> 00:36:30.750 tools for that, but the idea would be if you've got thousands of people 503 00:36:30.989 --> 00:36:36.659 following you online, at least hundreds of them will be local, and are 504 00:36:36.820 --> 00:36:42.380 you able to promote a program, a specific program, for those people that 505 00:36:42.739 --> 00:36:49.050 understand what you're talking about and want to be proactive with their care? So 506 00:36:49.610 --> 00:36:54.170 there's really what we think of at this moment, three models to build recurring 507 00:36:54.369 --> 00:37:00.289 revenue. Again, the sub headline of the book is how to generate your 508 00:37:00.449 --> 00:37:06.440 monthly expenses in one day, guaranteed. So what that means is, Ronald, 509 00:37:06.559 --> 00:37:08.639 just sort of ask you right, you've been in practice for a period 510 00:37:08.679 --> 00:37:15.199 of time. The first day of every month is symbolic to every business owner, 511 00:37:15.400 --> 00:37:20.429 practice owner, because it represents what to fresh new months, fresh starting, 512 00:37:20.949 --> 00:37:23.829 okay, and even if you're just broke, your best financial record, 513 00:37:23.949 --> 00:37:29.989 your best patient number record ever, symbolically, the first of the month is 514 00:37:30.059 --> 00:37:35.300 our way of saying exactly that. Back to zero, all right, and 515 00:37:35.539 --> 00:37:40.260 for many chiropractors it's men. We just climb the peak of the mountain. 516 00:37:40.340 --> 00:37:45.250 And now we're back at the bottom again. This is crazy. Here we 517 00:37:45.409 --> 00:37:49.489 go again, and so what we're suggesting, sort of starting with the end 518 00:37:49.570 --> 00:37:52.210 in mind, is what if you were able to turn the first of the 519 00:37:52.329 --> 00:38:00.119 month from Oh my God, back to zero again into pay day? So 520 00:38:00.280 --> 00:38:06.239 we're teaching the concept that every doctor has what we refer to as an Mvmi, 521 00:38:06.559 --> 00:38:10.159 a minimum viable monthly income. If I ask you the question, how 522 00:38:10.239 --> 00:38:15.269 much money do you have to earn to not feel financially stressed, you could 523 00:38:15.309 --> 00:38:19.230 come up with a calculation of what that number is. If I were to 524 00:38:19.309 --> 00:38:22.590 say I'll write you a check on the first day of every month so that 525 00:38:22.750 --> 00:38:29.059 you never have to financially stress about business again, there's a number and whatever 526 00:38:29.139 --> 00:38:31.500 your number a different for everybody. Whatever your number is, what we're teaching 527 00:38:31.619 --> 00:38:39.219 is is that the benefit of building this audience is so that you can generate 528 00:38:39.900 --> 00:38:45.650 your monthly your minimum viable monthly income, monthly recording revenue, so that every 529 00:38:45.769 --> 00:38:50.530 first day of the month becomes pay day, that you literally set up your 530 00:38:50.690 --> 00:38:54.050 business model so that the first of the month gets you all of the revenue 531 00:38:54.130 --> 00:39:00.480 necessary to cover your monthly expenses. That changes the entire equation of practice. 532 00:39:00.639 --> 00:39:05.119 If, from the second to you know the twenty, eight, thirty or 533 00:39:05.159 --> 00:39:08.280 thirty one of every month, you know you got your bills paid, you 534 00:39:08.440 --> 00:39:10.989 can have a lot more fun, be a lot more creative, be a 535 00:39:12.070 --> 00:39:15.269 lot more generous, dare I say, be a lot more honest, because 536 00:39:15.269 --> 00:39:19.829 you can afford to tell the truth about who you want to see what you 537 00:39:19.989 --> 00:39:22.550 recommend they do, and you can afford for them to say sorry, I'm 538 00:39:22.550 --> 00:39:28.179 not interested and let them walk away. That will actually dramatically change the way 539 00:39:28.179 --> 00:39:31.579 all of us practice when more people can actually afford to tell the truth. 540 00:39:31.900 --> 00:39:36.539 This is how you do it. So one is by building a proactive membership 541 00:39:36.619 --> 00:39:39.010 program so for all of those that aren't in pain at this moment, who 542 00:39:39.090 --> 00:39:45.329 have a obvious motivation to be here teaching them about proactive care and having a 543 00:39:45.530 --> 00:39:50.690 business model that makes sense, we've developed something unique and different than just about 544 00:39:50.690 --> 00:39:54.519 anybody else out there that solves that problem. But that's only one of three 545 00:39:54.719 --> 00:39:59.679 options. The second option, is you mentioned this earlier, is that you've 546 00:39:59.719 --> 00:40:05.599 got this whole audience of people following you and many people recommend lifestyle recommendations, 547 00:40:05.760 --> 00:40:12.269 and the most common lifestyle recommendation is something around nutrition. Okay, so we've 548 00:40:12.309 --> 00:40:16.429 developed this very limited and specific line of nutritional products that are what we refer 549 00:40:16.550 --> 00:40:22.460 to as everybody every day nutrition. These are not therapeutic. Oh you've got 550 00:40:22.539 --> 00:40:27.860 this problem, take this supplement. These are things most everybody should be taking 551 00:40:28.340 --> 00:40:32.539 most every day for the rest of their lives. So the thought process is, 552 00:40:32.739 --> 00:40:37.090 I've got thousands of people following me. Maybe it starts to zero, 553 00:40:37.489 --> 00:40:40.250 because to tens and goes to hundreds, goes to thousands eventually millions, like 554 00:40:40.409 --> 00:40:46.969 some people we know. Then offering them your favorite things that they can purchase 555 00:40:47.130 --> 00:40:53.320 from you online, automatic, automated and drop shift, hassle free, without 556 00:40:53.480 --> 00:40:59.000 customer service or out shipping, without the doctor having to deal with any of 557 00:40:59.119 --> 00:41:02.679 that, is the next best way to sort of automate your revenue. And 558 00:41:02.840 --> 00:41:06.550 the third one is, and a lot of doctors are using, you know, 559 00:41:06.989 --> 00:41:15.269 various fitness, Motion Movement Rehab Apps. There are literally multibillion dollar companies 560 00:41:15.469 --> 00:41:21.820 offering digital physical therapy to corporations around the world and all they're doing is some 561 00:41:22.059 --> 00:41:27.739 version of this, with some exercise recommendations and access to their doctors. Multi 562 00:41:28.059 --> 00:41:32.570 billion dollar companies, several of them, doing exactly that. We say to 563 00:41:32.610 --> 00:41:39.130 ourselves well high are chiropractors not offering these types of digital access, digital services, 564 00:41:39.210 --> 00:41:45.090 digital recommendations, exercises, the build an answer and ask questions? Why 565 00:41:45.170 --> 00:41:50.639 are we not offering what it is that people are using, whether it's apple, 566 00:41:50.800 --> 00:41:53.559 fitness or all the other different types of APPs out there? So we're 567 00:41:53.559 --> 00:41:59.559 in development of an APP chiropractors can use to be able to build their audience 568 00:41:59.679 --> 00:42:06.469 and generate that monthly recurring revenue by providing monthly recurring services. And so either 569 00:42:06.550 --> 00:42:08.510 you just want to stay focused on a chiropractor, all I want to do 570 00:42:08.670 --> 00:42:14.710 is adjust. No problem. Then build a proactive membership in your program following 571 00:42:14.750 --> 00:42:17.340 our recommendations. Or, if you like, you mentioned, your more lifestyle 572 00:42:17.539 --> 00:42:22.539 oriented, then get people not on a supplement but on drop, ship, 573 00:42:22.699 --> 00:42:29.460 subscribe and Save Monthly subscriptions to your supplements that don't end. There's never a 574 00:42:29.659 --> 00:42:35.329 time we're not going to take some sort of Multivitamin, grain drink or something 575 00:42:35.449 --> 00:42:39.570 that does provide us the nourishment we all require every day. That should come 576 00:42:39.730 --> 00:42:45.199 from your chiropractor, not costgo target Amazon or somewhere where they just look for 577 00:42:45.280 --> 00:42:50.800 the cheapest option, which is very likely not what you would recommend. As 578 00:42:50.920 --> 00:42:54.559 professional grade. So that's what you do when you've got thousands of people following 579 00:42:54.599 --> 00:42:59.750 you as you teach and invite them. You teach them about the lifestyle things, 580 00:42:59.829 --> 00:43:04.150 whether their adjustments on a regular, consistent basis proactively, whether it's about 581 00:43:04.150 --> 00:43:08.429 the nutrition that everybody should have every day, whether it's about motion and movement 582 00:43:08.510 --> 00:43:13.539 and things you can do in your life and lifestyle using these APPs, and 583 00:43:13.619 --> 00:43:19.380 then you invite them to participate in one of those offerings so that you build 584 00:43:19.619 --> 00:43:24.059 your automatic monthly Minimum Bible and lothly income and you can pay your bills on 585 00:43:24.139 --> 00:43:30.650 a monthly basis optomatically. been more details, but that's how it all fits 586 00:43:30.690 --> 00:43:34.250 together. What you're saying, you guys, are so important for Chiropractic right 587 00:43:34.250 --> 00:43:37.530 now. You know, we we do need to create a tipping point, 588 00:43:37.570 --> 00:43:42.559 and what you're talking about to me is probably the most effective way to do 589 00:43:42.639 --> 00:43:46.760 it. Is this whole comprehensive strategy what bow kind of referred to as the 590 00:43:46.880 --> 00:43:52.679 well rounded marketing machine, because there's docs on the call, myself included. 591 00:43:52.760 --> 00:43:54.440 Were when I do a dinner event, I know I'm going to crush it, 592 00:43:55.070 --> 00:44:00.829 but if I parallel that with a regular web presents in a digital health 593 00:44:00.949 --> 00:44:04.590 tribe man, and then I say, you know, you're doing virtual workshops 594 00:44:04.630 --> 00:44:07.030 and there's just so much potential there. And I think one thing both said 595 00:44:07.070 --> 00:44:13.059 last week. For these growing young chiropractors there are struggling financially, and this 596 00:44:13.179 --> 00:44:15.820 is a principle I do with my associates and I know you both do this 597 00:44:15.900 --> 00:44:19.460 as well as where. Gosh, if you have twenty patients today, cluster 598 00:44:19.539 --> 00:44:22.179 book them see him in two to three hours. Now you got five hours 599 00:44:22.300 --> 00:44:29.489 to produce content. Now you got five hours to personalize your smart chiropractor relationship, 600 00:44:30.050 --> 00:44:32.489 and there's just, I think, docs are you know, and that's 601 00:44:32.530 --> 00:44:37.170 why the whole theme of the show's been business and practice management, because if 602 00:44:37.170 --> 00:44:40.599 we could learn to manage our practice is better and learn to do what you 603 00:44:40.719 --> 00:44:45.000 talked about take the pressure off financially. Chiropractic is meant to be fun. 604 00:44:45.559 --> 00:44:50.960 Being a chiropractor is fun and so many guys are burning out because they're financially 605 00:44:51.000 --> 00:44:53.550 strapped. Their disorganized. They can afford a coach. Well, they need 606 00:44:53.590 --> 00:44:57.110 a coach, for they can't afford it. They can't afford to do your 607 00:44:57.150 --> 00:44:59.670 problem, but they need to do it, you know, because they're stuck 608 00:44:59.670 --> 00:45:02.269 in this Rut, and so I'm hoping that that's the nature of our listeners. 609 00:45:02.309 --> 00:45:05.309 I want to thank you guys so much. I know we kind of 610 00:45:05.309 --> 00:45:07.699 ran out of time here. We could do a whole nother workshop. I 611 00:45:07.820 --> 00:45:10.219 definitely want to have you guys back on. I really appreciate you guys. 612 00:45:10.219 --> 00:45:15.019 I appreciate what you're doing, I appreciate your love for Chiropractic and I just 613 00:45:15.139 --> 00:45:19.260 think, man, our profession is a much better place with you two in 614 00:45:19.340 --> 00:45:22.690 it. And hopefully I'll see you guys at one of these upcoming events in 615 00:45:22.809 --> 00:45:25.570 Park City. Maybe we'll see each other. But for Chiropractors, right now 616 00:45:25.690 --> 00:45:29.769 is our time. You guys. The world needs us to be at our 617 00:45:29.809 --> 00:45:31.969 best now more than ever, and so with that I want to again thank 618 00:45:32.050 --> 00:45:36.800 Cairo touched for their spirit in this. I think it's a wonderful I did. 619 00:45:36.960 --> 00:45:39.559 I'm honored to host this and I just think it's great that Chiro touches 620 00:45:39.639 --> 00:45:44.719 thinking this way, that they just want to love and protect and support this 621 00:45:44.920 --> 00:45:49.159 amazing profession called Chiropractic. And you guys have been great. I'm so glad 622 00:45:49.280 --> 00:45:52.349 we had you on and for those of you out there, I want to 623 00:45:52.389 --> 00:45:57.349 applaud you and congratulate you for taking time on personal development. This will be 624 00:45:57.429 --> 00:46:00.630 the best hour you spent this week and I want to applaud you for that. 625 00:46:00.949 --> 00:46:04.539 And please look for upcoming episodes. We're going to really keep diving into 626 00:46:04.579 --> 00:46:07.659 this stuff and, most importantly, make sure you take care of yourself. 627 00:46:07.699 --> 00:46:10.619 A lot of chiropractors don't take care of themselves, so make sure you get 628 00:46:10.619 --> 00:46:14.619 in adjusted, that you're getting to the gym and that you're spending time on 629 00:46:14.739 --> 00:46:16.739 your health, because, again, the world needs you at your best right 630 00:46:16.739 --> 00:46:20.530 now. And so again, this is Dr Ronnie. Thanks for tuning in 631 00:46:20.690 --> 00:46:23.809 to this episode of catch up with Cairo touch. Until next time, be 632 00:46:23.969 --> 00:46:28.730 strong. We love you. Thanks, guys, thanks for having us.

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