The 4 Stages in Business with Dr. Ron Simms

August 17, 2020 00:21:58
The 4 Stages in Business with Dr. Ron Simms
ChiroCast: Insights for modern chiropractors
The 4 Stages in Business with Dr. Ron Simms

Aug 17 2020 | 00:21:58


Show Notes

In this episode of Catch Up With ChiroTouch, Dr. Brian Blask speaks with Dr. Ron Simms about the four stages in business: launching, building, scaling, and exiting. No matter which stage you’re currently in, Dr. Simms shares lessons learned throughout his chiropractic journey, including the importance of having a clear mission, building a strong team, and creating a scalable practice.

Key topics include:

Whether you’re just starting or looking to take your practice to the next level, this episode offers valuable insights into how to thrive in every stage of your business journey.

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#ChiropracticBusinessGrowth #ScalingYourPractice #ChiropractorSEO #ChiropracticPracticeManagement #BusinessExitStrategy #LaunchingYourPractice #ScalingAndBuilding #ChiropracticSuccess #PoweringTheModernPractice

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:04.160 Hi Everyone. Thank you for joining us for another episode of catch up with 2 00:00:04.240 --> 00:00:08.070 Cairo touch, our podcast series where we talk about the state of the Chiropractic 3 00:00:08.109 --> 00:00:13.509 Profession, best practices and recommendations to manage and grow your practice and share expert 4 00:00:13.509 --> 00:00:17.269 advice with a variety of guest speakers. I'm one of your hosts. Dr 5 00:00:17.390 --> 00:00:21.070 Brian will ask. I'm an account executive with Cairo touch, for I consult 6 00:00:21.109 --> 00:00:25.379 with Chiropractors to determine which software solution is best for them. Today we have 7 00:00:25.539 --> 00:00:30.260 Dr Ron Sims with us to talk about the four stages in business. Dr 8 00:00:30.379 --> 00:00:33.780 Sims is a twelve year Chiro touch customer and, as the founder of back 9 00:00:33.859 --> 00:00:39.369 to health chiropractic in northern California, where he has two locations in multiple associate 10 00:00:39.530 --> 00:00:44.450 doctors, he's a passionate health educator and life coach to his clients and community. 11 00:00:44.450 --> 00:00:48.369 Dr Sims is a health and wellness expert and has become a regular teacher 12 00:00:48.490 --> 00:00:54.439 and coach to over fifty greater Sacramento companies, community organizations, schools and churches. 13 00:00:54.479 --> 00:00:57.280 It is great to have you today, Dr Sims. How are you 14 00:00:57.759 --> 00:01:00.280 hey? I'm doing well, Dr Brian. Thanks for having me on. 15 00:01:00.799 --> 00:01:03.950 You are a phenomenal speaker. You're a great educator when it comes to business 16 00:01:04.069 --> 00:01:08.549 and Chiropractic and we had you on our webinar series a few months ago, 17 00:01:08.549 --> 00:01:11.510 I think was about five months ago now, where we went through a myriad 18 00:01:11.510 --> 00:01:15.390 of different topics related to covid and Chiropractic. So I wanted to have you 19 00:01:15.510 --> 00:01:19.060 back on on this podcast so that we can kind of chat about, you 20 00:01:19.140 --> 00:01:23.859 know, the state of business and Chiropractic and how you can really build successful 21 00:01:23.859 --> 00:01:26.980 business like you have and on Northern California. I love your mission. I'm 22 00:01:26.980 --> 00:01:32.739 on board with that. So we had spoken before about done of the four 23 00:01:32.890 --> 00:01:37.450 stages of business launching, building, scaling and exiting. So can you kind 24 00:01:37.450 --> 00:01:40.569 of get into that detail? They're starting at the beginning of kind of launching 25 00:01:40.609 --> 00:01:44.250 a business. A lot of chiropractors want to own their own business, which 26 00:01:44.250 --> 00:01:47.760 I think is noble, but not everybody's cut out for that, nor are 27 00:01:47.799 --> 00:01:51.120 they educated about how to do that. So these kind of kind of wing 28 00:01:51.239 --> 00:01:53.280 it, you know, we're kind of the kings of the wings, you 29 00:01:53.359 --> 00:01:56.959 know. We just kind of go for it and without really any strategy. 30 00:01:57.200 --> 00:02:00.040 And for me, I associated with a great mentor for five years and that 31 00:02:00.120 --> 00:02:04.469 really helped me kind of learn really how the business part. You say, 32 00:02:04.510 --> 00:02:07.310 the launch. You know, as an associate in a sense you're launching in 33 00:02:07.950 --> 00:02:12.310 that you're trying to build your own associate practice within a greater practice. As 34 00:02:12.430 --> 00:02:15.580 the owner, you're looking to reach your mission more effectively and you know that 35 00:02:15.740 --> 00:02:19.860 some point, if you're a volume chiropractor, like I've been blessed to be, 36 00:02:20.259 --> 00:02:23.819 at some point you hit the ceiling to where you realize that your mission 37 00:02:23.819 --> 00:02:28.500 ends with you and that's that's a realization. I need to really think about 38 00:02:28.620 --> 00:02:30.810 that. Scaling. You know, a lot of chiropractors die on that build 39 00:02:30.810 --> 00:02:35.689 hill or they build this practice with all their might and they have spinning plates 40 00:02:35.729 --> 00:02:38.050 in the air and they just can't seem to keep it together and and they 41 00:02:38.090 --> 00:02:40.490 get a lot of new patients but they can't convert them. Then they convert 42 00:02:40.530 --> 00:02:43.889 a lot of people, but then the new patients go backwards and they just 43 00:02:43.930 --> 00:02:46.599 can't seem to figure it out and it's because they don't have the business acumen, 44 00:02:47.039 --> 00:02:51.560 the little details. You know. So for us, that that that 45 00:02:51.759 --> 00:02:53.840 scaling is the hardest step to go from build, build, build, to 46 00:02:53.919 --> 00:02:58.120 now scale and bring on the associated take some faith that it takes a lot 47 00:02:58.159 --> 00:03:00.990 of planning. So you started out there. You mentioned that you associated for 48 00:03:01.270 --> 00:03:06.949 five years and that's kind of the business model I think a lot of chiropractors 49 00:03:06.990 --> 00:03:08.830 go through. As you come out of school, you've just passed your boards, 50 00:03:08.909 --> 00:03:13.979 you're eager, you're hungry to adjust and treat patients, but you don't 51 00:03:14.020 --> 00:03:17.939 really understand all the aspects of the actual business and I think that that associate 52 00:03:19.020 --> 00:03:22.939 ship does a lot for chiropractors to kind of get their feet wet with, 53 00:03:23.780 --> 00:03:25.419 you know, getting into the kind of the nuts and bolts of the business. 54 00:03:25.460 --> 00:03:28.930 Is that really the way it worked out for you? Yeah, you 55 00:03:29.050 --> 00:03:31.530 know, for me, I think in that process that's how it worked for 56 00:03:31.569 --> 00:03:36.930 me, because I feel like I personally had some natural leadership gifts and always 57 00:03:36.969 --> 00:03:39.889 had kind of entrepreneurial spirit. But I think Chiropractic we need a team up 58 00:03:39.930 --> 00:03:44.560 more, we need to create more systematic practices if we're really going to reach 59 00:03:44.599 --> 00:03:49.439 our mission of helping. Beyond your and my ability to help individually in the 60 00:03:49.639 --> 00:03:53.479 in the practice, in terms of adjusting people, at some point I hit 61 00:03:53.520 --> 00:03:57.629 my my ceiling there and my mission just stops and that's a frustrating thing. 62 00:03:57.909 --> 00:04:00.789 And so for me my vision was always much greater than me. And so 63 00:04:01.069 --> 00:04:05.509 yeah, I think associated ship helped me a lot, but for a lot 64 00:04:05.550 --> 00:04:09.189 of people helps them realize, gosh, maybe I am more of a team 65 00:04:09.229 --> 00:04:12.780 player. Like one of my associates, Dr Christmas. She's phenomenal. Well, 66 00:04:12.860 --> 00:04:16.860 the greatest chiropractors ever been adjusted by and passionate empathy, I mean just 67 00:04:17.100 --> 00:04:20.459 the package. And but she doesn't want to own a business. She wants 68 00:04:20.500 --> 00:04:24.100 to leave it like five o'clock and go home and be a mom and all 69 00:04:24.139 --> 00:04:27.449 that. So I think associate ships help you kind of figure out, you 70 00:04:27.529 --> 00:04:30.250 know, do I have that leadership to really own a business, or should 71 00:04:30.250 --> 00:04:32.449 I is have a really good associate practice and kind of own that be part 72 00:04:32.490 --> 00:04:36.089 of a team? And so I don't think. I think too many chiropractors 73 00:04:36.129 --> 00:04:40.800 don't have the gift of leadership or they didn't get it developed properly and they 74 00:04:40.839 --> 00:04:44.240 go out and start these practices because they're going to run their own practice and 75 00:04:44.319 --> 00:04:46.199 then they realize how hard it is and then they try to sell it later 76 00:04:46.279 --> 00:04:50.480 and to exit it and they get fractions on the dollar. You know, 77 00:04:51.079 --> 00:04:55.629 they just don't get what they thought it was worth because they were the practice. 78 00:04:56.110 --> 00:04:59.269 That totally makes sense. So when you are when you're going through that 79 00:04:59.389 --> 00:05:02.110 early stage of kind of figuring out who you are and so you do want 80 00:05:02.110 --> 00:05:03.550 to go out. So you're like, you know what, I'm ready to 81 00:05:03.589 --> 00:05:08.540 do this. Do you think that first logical step there is building that business 82 00:05:08.620 --> 00:05:12.379 plan, you know, writing it down, having that vision? I always 83 00:05:12.420 --> 00:05:15.060 like to start with the vision of where I see this practice going, Lord 84 00:05:15.100 --> 00:05:18.339 Willing. For me it was I wanted to have a high volume, multi 85 00:05:18.379 --> 00:05:24.529 associate practice when I started this in ninety six, and so for me that 86 00:05:24.689 --> 00:05:27.930 was my vision. I had a real clear vision on that and I knew 87 00:05:27.930 --> 00:05:30.730 it was going to be associate centered. I knew it's it was going to 88 00:05:30.769 --> 00:05:35.040 be me and I tell my associates and I'm still practicing, I'm still adjusting. 89 00:05:35.079 --> 00:05:39.360 I'm fifty five years old. I'm in the adjustatorium since I was twenty 90 00:05:39.439 --> 00:05:42.639 six. So I know what it's like to be day to day table side 91 00:05:43.000 --> 00:05:46.279 and I don't want any of my associates in my practice to grow through my 92 00:05:46.360 --> 00:05:48.720 dilution. I want them to learn how they attract new patients and how to 93 00:05:48.839 --> 00:05:53.870 convert them to a new way of living and thinking and new lifestyle and how 94 00:05:53.910 --> 00:05:57.790 to retain that relationship over a long period of time and how to do that 95 00:05:57.910 --> 00:06:01.310 in practice while building phenomenal teams of people. So for me the vision was 96 00:06:01.389 --> 00:06:03.779 first. The second thing was the mission plan, like how do you do 97 00:06:04.100 --> 00:06:08.620 that? And I've always had coaches and I will always have a coach. 98 00:06:08.620 --> 00:06:11.740 I always want somebody who's going to give it to me straight, if you 99 00:06:11.819 --> 00:06:14.420 will, Brian, you know, and tell him tell me, yeah, 100 00:06:14.500 --> 00:06:16.060 Hey, sims, you got you got to work on a few things here, 101 00:06:16.259 --> 00:06:20.410 buddy. So that's been huge for me, is that humility of always 102 00:06:20.449 --> 00:06:24.810 having a coach. Always have them so important to me so I could pour 103 00:06:24.810 --> 00:06:27.089 into others. It's hard to pour from the empty bucket, man, you 104 00:06:27.170 --> 00:06:30.569 need to be poured into. So to me that's why we should team up 105 00:06:30.569 --> 00:06:34.160 and Chiropractic to to be missional. And then our purpose are why? As 106 00:06:34.360 --> 00:06:40.480 really we want to adjust and educate as many individuals and families as possible toward 107 00:06:40.639 --> 00:06:44.600 optimal health and wellness. That's just our purpose, and so we kind of 108 00:06:44.839 --> 00:06:46.629 put all that on paper. And you know, I've read a lot and 109 00:06:46.790 --> 00:06:50.709 I really like Wickham's work on in his book traction. I also read his 110 00:06:50.790 --> 00:06:57.670 book. It's about the CEO relationship with his integrator. So he has a 111 00:06:57.750 --> 00:07:00.350 business plan on two pages. So I tell my associate it's if you want 112 00:07:00.350 --> 00:07:01.899 to have your own business, you've got to get it on two sides of 113 00:07:01.939 --> 00:07:05.100 papers. Got To have your your marketing plan, it's got to have your 114 00:07:05.379 --> 00:07:10.220 your purpose, your mission, your vision, it's got to have your problems 115 00:07:10.259 --> 00:07:13.579 list, you know the areas you got to work on, your projects or 116 00:07:14.180 --> 00:07:15.970 hundred eighty day projects, all that stuff. So I think a lot of 117 00:07:16.050 --> 00:07:18.569 kids don't go in to practice with thinking about stuff like that. They just 118 00:07:18.649 --> 00:07:21.730 want to try to go to this final screening, get ten new patients and 119 00:07:21.889 --> 00:07:26.329 just hopefully take off on it and see how it works. You bring up 120 00:07:26.329 --> 00:07:28.730 such so many good, valid points there and I think that that's so that 121 00:07:28.850 --> 00:07:31.639 we have to kind of unpack a little bit of it is chiropractors in general, 122 00:07:31.639 --> 00:07:34.879 and that's why I said that beginning stages you have to have that why 123 00:07:35.319 --> 00:07:40.959 right. You have got to you talk about optimal health and wellness. Everyone's 124 00:07:40.959 --> 00:07:42.560 going to be a little different, like you said, a kind of all 125 00:07:43.000 --> 00:07:46.110 wing it sometimes in Chiropractic. But having that why and developing that why, 126 00:07:46.149 --> 00:07:50.750 I think is one of the most important things we've even mentioned here. Can 127 00:07:50.790 --> 00:07:55.589 you kind of go into more more detail as to how you communicate that towards 128 00:07:55.629 --> 00:08:01.339 either your associates or to your patient base? That general purpose for me is 129 00:08:01.180 --> 00:08:07.220 my patients and I have a wonderful relationship and I have the freedom to enlist 130 00:08:07.379 --> 00:08:11.300 them in helping me reach our mission, and we're very focused on that. 131 00:08:11.459 --> 00:08:18.529 We educate our practice members continually many formats. We engage them. We constantly 132 00:08:18.529 --> 00:08:22.970 are learning and growing so we can continue to refine our offering as it relates 133 00:08:22.009 --> 00:08:26.850 to wellness and Chiropractic can corrective care and all that goes with that. But 134 00:08:26.970 --> 00:08:28.319 that why, man, if you don't have that why, you need to 135 00:08:28.480 --> 00:08:31.200 find a team that has a why you can get behind, you know, 136 00:08:31.279 --> 00:08:35.279 and that's why I just believe there's strength and numbers. If I'm going to 137 00:08:35.320 --> 00:08:39.240 reach my true mission, if I have a finally tuned team with five to 138 00:08:39.399 --> 00:08:43.269 seven, ten doctors, whatever your vision might be. For me it's I'd 139 00:08:43.309 --> 00:08:46.750 love to have at least seven associates over three locations. Right now have two 140 00:08:46.870 --> 00:08:52.110 and four, so I'm on my way. But I think having that big 141 00:08:52.269 --> 00:08:54.470 why is got to be above yourself. It's got to be missional. It's 142 00:08:54.470 --> 00:08:58.620 got to be can't be about Brian and Ron. If we really, really 143 00:08:58.740 --> 00:09:03.500 truly want to live that out, there's going to be some humility when you 144 00:09:03.539 --> 00:09:05.779 start to scale Brian. There's some really cool fruits that come from that. 145 00:09:07.539 --> 00:09:09.620 For me, I walk through my practice through the day and there was a 146 00:09:09.659 --> 00:09:13.210 room full of people waiting to get their spines checked. Socially distance, of 147 00:09:13.330 --> 00:09:16.409 course, we have a good system in place for that, but I walk 148 00:09:16.529 --> 00:09:20.009 the gauntlet and saw everybody wait and see Dr Krista. You know, it's 149 00:09:20.049 --> 00:09:22.649 great that nobody knew me. I felt anonymous was quite nice. There's a 150 00:09:22.730 --> 00:09:26.000 sense of like one lady goes what doctor's that and I thought, okay, 151 00:09:26.360 --> 00:09:31.240 I've created a scalable entity. Now you know where. It's not all about 152 00:09:31.279 --> 00:09:33.440 Dr Ron. You know, back in the day I always wanted that attention 153 00:09:33.519 --> 00:09:35.480 early on. It kind of feeds your ego a little bit, like, 154 00:09:35.600 --> 00:09:39.590 Oh, it's good to be appreciated. Right now, for me, it's 155 00:09:39.590 --> 00:09:43.350 all about building strong teams of people that are behind the mission. I think 156 00:09:43.389 --> 00:09:46.870 that is probably one of the most important things that we're going to talk about 157 00:09:46.870 --> 00:09:50.389 here today, because I don't think that people understand that because, again, 158 00:09:50.509 --> 00:09:54.100 we said before, Chiropractic you kind of do what you want. And yes, 159 00:09:54.299 --> 00:09:56.659 it is nice for you to be able to walk in on that practice 160 00:09:56.779 --> 00:10:00.820 and people know who you are. You want that family care, wellness and 161 00:10:00.860 --> 00:10:03.899 and that's wonderful. But if you truly want to scale, you have to 162 00:10:05.340 --> 00:10:07.570 build like that. You have to be able to if, like you said 163 00:10:07.730 --> 00:10:11.850 before, if Dr Ron's not there, well, the practice still goes right. 164 00:10:11.889 --> 00:10:16.129 It's not about you, but it's about the business you've built. So 165 00:10:16.250 --> 00:10:18.409 how do I get there? What do we do to scale that? How 166 00:10:18.649 --> 00:10:22.879 do we take those practice as next level? What if, she said, 167 00:10:22.960 --> 00:10:24.440 is already the hardest to do, how do we do it? Can I 168 00:10:24.559 --> 00:10:31.200 say that for me this has been a twelve year maturation in that I kind 169 00:10:31.200 --> 00:10:35.750 of got to a place in my practice for I began to realize why. 170 00:10:35.750 --> 00:10:39.309 I don't really have that solid of a why I didn't like our mission, 171 00:10:39.309 --> 00:10:41.429 even though we were serving a lot of people and it was all about me 172 00:10:41.549 --> 00:10:46.830 and I just was it was basically pure horsepower on my part, which, 173 00:10:46.070 --> 00:10:50.460 again, it's not a practice you're going to exit with grace. You're going 174 00:10:50.500 --> 00:10:54.259 to sell it a discount versus if you create a true business that you now 175 00:10:54.700 --> 00:11:00.700 I personally am less than thirty five percent of the revenue generation. So that 176 00:11:00.899 --> 00:11:03.740 was kind of my goal, is to get below thirty, but not through 177 00:11:03.820 --> 00:11:07.210 dilution, through the growth of my associates. In other words, I didn't 178 00:11:07.210 --> 00:11:09.889 want them to grow because I shrunk. I don't like that model. I 179 00:11:09.929 --> 00:11:13.809 don't think that serves chiropractic very well. I will shrink some day, though. 180 00:11:13.809 --> 00:11:18.120 Dr Brian, you want to build that practice, not because you're seeing 181 00:11:18.120 --> 00:11:22.440 less, but because the actual company is growing. Right. That's right. 182 00:11:22.480 --> 00:11:24.720 And if you can take yourself out of the equation and you can still have 183 00:11:24.919 --> 00:11:28.080 that solid business, that's growing business, that's where you need to be. 184 00:11:28.559 --> 00:11:31.440 I mean, is it systems? Is it people? Is at the vision? 185 00:11:31.559 --> 00:11:35.429 Is At all coming together? It's like a CEO finishing schools. What 186 00:11:35.509 --> 00:11:39.830 I think chiropractors need to go through. It's what I'm going through. I 187 00:11:39.909 --> 00:11:43.710 keep going through that and for me it's you know, obviously you got to 188 00:11:43.710 --> 00:11:48.139 have robust marketing plans, you've got to have internal marketing initiatives, you got 189 00:11:48.220 --> 00:11:52.580 to have outside in initiatives, you got to have digital and web and social 190 00:11:52.620 --> 00:11:56.740 initiatives. We have to attract new people to Chiropractic. But then you have 191 00:11:56.860 --> 00:12:01.100 to have the systems and the process in the procedure and the consistency and what 192 00:12:01.220 --> 00:12:05.610 I callt you know, really the clarity around your offering and how you present 193 00:12:05.690 --> 00:12:09.809 that to the public and how you build your team to represent that on your 194 00:12:09.850 --> 00:12:13.929 behalf and build that true business at true brand. And then you know you 195 00:12:13.289 --> 00:12:16.679 have to retain those customers. So there's a lot of little details. Is 196 00:12:16.799 --> 00:12:20.559 that you make one small little mistake in your process procedure and all of a 197 00:12:20.600 --> 00:12:24.360 sudden you're wondering where Mary and Joe are, you know, and where what 198 00:12:24.480 --> 00:12:28.360 happened to the other lady that really connected with in the report? Haven't seen 199 00:12:28.399 --> 00:12:31.750 her in like two weeks, and you start seeing these holes in your bucket, 200 00:12:31.909 --> 00:12:35.710 going what was going on? And we go we don't spend the time 201 00:12:35.710 --> 00:12:39.190 training. We train ninety two three hours a week, but we have meetings 202 00:12:39.269 --> 00:12:43.870 and trainings and we have preshift huddles and every employee on my team has a 203 00:12:43.909 --> 00:12:48.299 scorecard. We have a score board which is continually live action of what's our 204 00:12:48.340 --> 00:12:52.539 marketing looking like? How many new patients do we have from Xyz? How's 205 00:12:52.539 --> 00:12:56.220 our new patient load. Then how many are we converting? What's our conversion 206 00:12:56.340 --> 00:13:01.289 percent? How many are we keeping after a month, for month, Twelve, 207 00:13:01.690 --> 00:13:07.529 month, twenty four? So we believe that you don't reach your goals 208 00:13:07.570 --> 00:13:09.929 by really what you want is by what you measure. So we have a 209 00:13:11.009 --> 00:13:15.720 really strong measurement system that we look at everything, and so we can then 210 00:13:16.080 --> 00:13:20.600 tailor our training to our specific associates or team members to say, Hey, 211 00:13:20.679 --> 00:13:24.879 it's evident that you're struggling and retention. You know, you need to focus 212 00:13:24.960 --> 00:13:28.909 on x, Y Z, maybe more report of findings and more report of 213 00:13:28.990 --> 00:13:33.509 finding ourster you sit down with your client after a reexam and go over the 214 00:13:33.629 --> 00:13:37.429 results, after they've improved, you know, and having those times where you 215 00:13:37.509 --> 00:13:43.779 really reconnect with them and reclarify their goals. And we do annual resigns with 216 00:13:43.899 --> 00:13:46.580 our practice only because we wanted like sit down with you and go are you 217 00:13:48.019 --> 00:13:50.259 still into wellness? Do you still want to be the best version of yourself? 218 00:13:50.379 --> 00:13:54.419 You still want to avoid catastrophe? Okay, good, let's keep the 219 00:13:54.539 --> 00:14:00.129 same program and so, anyway, for me, we look at numbers and 220 00:14:00.289 --> 00:14:05.450 metrics to determine how to train in the attraction, conversion or retention paradigm. 221 00:14:05.009 --> 00:14:09.649 That is a normal way of life to I mean in any business or any 222 00:14:09.690 --> 00:14:13.159 job, everyone has some sort of numbers or metrics that you're being measured by. 223 00:14:13.519 --> 00:14:16.200 So why not utilize that in your practice? And now you can get 224 00:14:16.200 --> 00:14:18.440 a measurement. It's just like you kind of talked about when it comes to 225 00:14:18.559 --> 00:14:24.120 developing your team right and having a coach. You are the coach, you're 226 00:14:24.120 --> 00:14:26.710 the leader, but it's all that comes down to accountability. You have a 227 00:14:26.909 --> 00:14:31.269 team. If you're a chiropractor and you've got six other chiropractors that you kind 228 00:14:31.269 --> 00:14:35.029 of meet with, you've got that accountability or you've got a mentor they're giving 229 00:14:35.070 --> 00:14:37.789 you that and of Hey, like you said, Hey, Ronnie, need 230 00:14:37.789 --> 00:14:39.820 to be doing this. Well, that's check it on you. You have 231 00:14:39.980 --> 00:14:43.860 that set up in your practice where you're we're checking on everybody else. We 232 00:14:43.019 --> 00:14:46.659 need to be able to get to these places to meet our goals. So 233 00:14:46.899 --> 00:14:50.179 track it, used reports, use different practice management systems like Cairo touch, 234 00:14:50.340 --> 00:14:52.769 whether it's CAIRODUC or not. You need to be still need to be doing 235 00:14:52.929 --> 00:14:58.809 that to maintain optimal growth and accountability. That's right. Your spot on, 236 00:14:58.250 --> 00:15:03.769 and so for me that looks like every practitioner, my team has really went 237 00:15:03.889 --> 00:15:09.519 to scorecard of the attraction, conversion, retention in team building domains and within 238 00:15:09.679 --> 00:15:13.720 that key performance indicators. You know, for me that conversion percentage at what 239 00:15:13.840 --> 00:15:18.159 we call our three which is report of findings when they actually start care are 240 00:15:18.360 --> 00:15:22.509 for is, for us a four month reexam and how they do in those 241 00:15:22.590 --> 00:15:26.870 visits and how they communicate where they're at and how they objectify their improvement is 242 00:15:26.990 --> 00:15:31.070 really kind of for us what you got to get good results and you got 243 00:15:31.110 --> 00:15:33.470 to show the results, you got to objectify it and you got to make 244 00:15:33.470 --> 00:15:37.059 sure you hold people accountable. So for me I had to hold my associates 245 00:15:37.100 --> 00:15:41.500 accountable and they hold me accountable. You know, we have these key performance 246 00:15:41.539 --> 00:15:43.220 things like I need to work on this, and one associate he's got to 247 00:15:43.259 --> 00:15:46.659 work on this one thing where you just need to tighten it up, and 248 00:15:46.700 --> 00:15:50.610 he knows that. He's now seen through his numbers and through the training, 249 00:15:50.769 --> 00:15:54.210 that these little weak spots he has in his management of his practice is why 250 00:15:54.250 --> 00:15:58.769 he's not reaching XYZ goals. We started with you, which we did you 251 00:15:58.769 --> 00:16:00.370 our Webinar series with you right at the beginning of covid right if you go 252 00:16:00.490 --> 00:16:03.210 with our first Webinar series guests. We did three of them with you as 253 00:16:03.210 --> 00:16:07.919 phenomenal and part of that was US talking about the idea that you have an 254 00:16:07.960 --> 00:16:12.759 opportunity as a chiropractor right now to really make your mark and we're essential business, 255 00:16:12.960 --> 00:16:17.240 and so what better time right now, during a pandemic and a health 256 00:16:17.240 --> 00:16:19.830 crisis, to become the leaders and healthcare. So for you guys, have 257 00:16:19.990 --> 00:16:23.629 you have you done that? What has been successful for you that you can 258 00:16:23.710 --> 00:16:29.669 help share here? We immediately just kept a positive attitude. People were confused 259 00:16:29.710 --> 00:16:33.860 afraid, so we had a lot of conversations via email, via personal phone 260 00:16:33.860 --> 00:16:37.620 calls. We did see our practice shrink, like everybody else, but we 261 00:16:37.860 --> 00:16:42.220 rebounded a lot quicker than we thought and we're actually seeing more patients per week 262 00:16:42.220 --> 00:16:45.620 than we were pre covid right now. I don't know if that's what's going 263 00:16:45.700 --> 00:16:48.889 on out there, but we just feel like people are at home their tents, 264 00:16:49.330 --> 00:16:53.169 they're anxious and they're having more flare ups. They're doing more home projects, 265 00:16:53.169 --> 00:16:57.049 they're taking on new workout program we are seeing a lot of new patients. 266 00:16:57.090 --> 00:17:00.639 So most of our growth has been through new clients and we still have 267 00:17:00.759 --> 00:17:04.200 a fair number of people that are still sheltering in place that haven't come back 268 00:17:04.200 --> 00:17:08.839 to us that eventually when they will. So I think covid'll probably help us 269 00:17:08.839 --> 00:17:12.920 because we've just stayed positive, Brian. We focused on getting great results and 270 00:17:14.279 --> 00:17:18.509 talk about what we can do to make our bodies more resilient and more adaptable 271 00:17:18.549 --> 00:17:21.150 and how can we build our immune system. So that's been kind of our 272 00:17:21.190 --> 00:17:23.670 messaging. Is Tomorrow, for instance, I have a corporate relationship where they 273 00:17:23.710 --> 00:17:29.589 have threezero employees. They're doing a digital healthfare tomorrow and I'm their keynote speaker 274 00:17:29.789 --> 00:17:33.299 and I'm speaking on how to super charge your immune system. And so we're 275 00:17:33.339 --> 00:17:37.579 just staying positive. We're educating and we're teaching the CHIROPRACTIC principles above down, 276 00:17:37.579 --> 00:17:44.059 inside out. We're teaching holistic lifestyle and we are doing our best to just 277 00:17:44.329 --> 00:17:48.529 digitally be in front of everybody on a daily basis and Instagram, facebook and 278 00:17:48.650 --> 00:17:55.569 again, digital events. We've transitioned all of our education systems onto digital so 279 00:17:55.730 --> 00:17:59.880 that all of our clients are getting our videos on exercise, on just health 280 00:17:59.960 --> 00:18:04.440 information. So we continue our core value of passion education through this time and 281 00:18:04.519 --> 00:18:07.440 I believe that's why we've grown. Also, I believe we have a pretty 282 00:18:07.440 --> 00:18:11.910 strong business model and so we don't really have a lot of big prepays. 283 00:18:11.990 --> 00:18:15.910 We try to keep people in the here and now financially. So a lot 284 00:18:15.950 --> 00:18:18.869 of practice struggle with that where they get prepais and I'll sudden something happens in 285 00:18:18.950 --> 00:18:22.390 the people that prepaid aren't using the visits they prepaid for, so they want 286 00:18:22.430 --> 00:18:26.549 to refund. You know, it's like Ah, so there's just business practices 287 00:18:26.670 --> 00:18:29.539 for me that really, I think, helped shelter us during this time. 288 00:18:29.819 --> 00:18:33.940 We didn't lay off anybody and we've we've been growing again through positivity. What 289 00:18:34.019 --> 00:18:37.980 kind of comes full circle with our whole conversation is you have to have that 290 00:18:37.140 --> 00:18:41.930 mission and vision right and then we always talked about before and when it comes 291 00:18:41.970 --> 00:18:45.690 a scaling and building, being able to have the internal the external marketing. 292 00:18:47.289 --> 00:18:49.130 It's staying positive, like you said, getting that message out there. It's 293 00:18:49.170 --> 00:18:52.970 all part of the mission, it's all part of the vision. That's also 294 00:18:52.009 --> 00:18:56.000 part of the business. It's also having the correct marketing systems in place to 295 00:18:56.079 --> 00:19:00.279 correct you know, practice management or software in place to be able to go 296 00:19:00.920 --> 00:19:04.279 through tougher times, because nobody could have predicted this, but because you had 297 00:19:04.319 --> 00:19:07.599 a solid foundation, you're completely fine. That's right, and you have to 298 00:19:07.680 --> 00:19:11.390 really pivot. So then we kind of get to the exit strategy. Right, 299 00:19:11.430 --> 00:19:15.630 they'll kind of the last principle here is what's next, right? What 300 00:19:15.670 --> 00:19:18.190 happens when you're end of your career? Do you just hang it up? 301 00:19:18.230 --> 00:19:22.549 Yeah, there's several models that work. I have a friend the Midwest who 302 00:19:22.710 --> 00:19:26.420 is now selling his practice to his for associates. It's about a one point 303 00:19:26.539 --> 00:19:32.339 five million dollar transaction. So built a beautiful, big associate based wellness corrective 304 00:19:32.339 --> 00:19:37.339 care practice and so now he's exiting with a nice founder's fee. Some doctors 305 00:19:37.539 --> 00:19:41.809 like my mentor, who did this for a while. He would work in 306 00:19:41.890 --> 00:19:45.089 his practice a day and a half a week and he would come in and 307 00:19:45.210 --> 00:19:49.890 do team trainings and see his wellness patients and then he built his coaching business 308 00:19:49.930 --> 00:19:53.640 on the side and then just recently sold his practice. So there's that model. 309 00:19:55.039 --> 00:19:56.440 And again I don't think the model is to try to build up your 310 00:19:56.640 --> 00:20:00.039 practice just all about you and then sell it and expect you're going to make 311 00:20:00.039 --> 00:20:03.960 a big profit. You just not. If you build a true business and 312 00:20:04.200 --> 00:20:07.509 you go exit that there's going to be a lot of options for you and 313 00:20:07.630 --> 00:20:11.349 it's going to be a better multiple. I mean, why is it that 314 00:20:11.589 --> 00:20:15.470 Chiropractic can't be like other businesses that you hear of that sell for multiples of 315 00:20:15.630 --> 00:20:19.630 their their revenue? You know why is that? And I think it's what 316 00:20:19.670 --> 00:20:23.059 we've talked about today, and that is we don't really build true businesses. 317 00:20:23.140 --> 00:20:27.619 We all build really good jobs for our selves. So in that model you 318 00:20:27.740 --> 00:20:30.980 have to save a lot of money because you're not going to get as much 319 00:20:30.980 --> 00:20:33.460 as you think in the end. So you better say it a lot so 320 00:20:33.539 --> 00:20:37.809 you can justify walking away or selling in a discount. So those are kind 321 00:20:37.809 --> 00:20:41.049 of just some thoughts I have on I think we got to be in teams 322 00:20:41.170 --> 00:20:44.809 going to build true businesses. Hey, and what about this? What about 323 00:20:44.849 --> 00:20:48.930 having true businesses where your associates have ownership? So I think for the young 324 00:20:48.970 --> 00:20:52.640 Chiropractor, if you're an entrepreneur on your leader, just message me or something 325 00:20:52.680 --> 00:20:56.079 and I'll talk to you offline. But there's some first steps you can take. 326 00:20:56.200 --> 00:20:59.440 You know, obviously right at your vision, like you said, Brian, 327 00:20:59.680 --> 00:21:03.279 and get a business plan going and read the right books and ask yourself 328 00:21:03.319 --> 00:21:06.910 the right questions. Well, this has been phenomenal. kind of to wrap 329 00:21:06.990 --> 00:21:08.309 it up then, kind of bring a full circle. Where can people find 330 00:21:08.309 --> 00:21:11.230 out more about you? Where could they message you? We're back to health 331 00:21:11.269 --> 00:21:15.670 CHIROPRACTIC, back to health family care. On instagram we do some really fun 332 00:21:15.710 --> 00:21:21.380 videos and educational moments. But yeah, you can through our website. You 333 00:21:21.460 --> 00:21:23.099 can email me. Oh, that's perfect. Well, thank you so much. 334 00:21:23.099 --> 00:21:26.259 Thanks again, Dr since we're taking the time today to share your experience 335 00:21:26.420 --> 00:21:30.619 knowledge with our listeners, it will help a ton of people yet again. 336 00:21:30.700 --> 00:21:33.049 So thank you and thank you to our listeners for tuning in to catch up 337 00:21:33.049 --> 00:21:37.250 with Cairo touch. You can always email us at podcast at Cairo touchcom. 338 00:21:37.410 --> 00:21:44.089 Again, that's podcast at Cairo touchcom. Feedback, questions, recommendations on guests 339 00:21:44.130 --> 00:21:48.759 and content, and remember to tune in every week on Itunes, spotify or 340 00:21:48.759 --> 00:21:52.559 wherever you consume your podcast. Thanks again for listening to catch up with Cairo 341 00:21:52.640 --> touch.

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