Building Your Brand Through Old-School Marketing Techniques

September 25, 2021 00:34:51
Building Your Brand Through Old-School Marketing Techniques
ChiroCast: Insights for modern chiropractors
Building Your Brand Through Old-School Marketing Techniques

Sep 25 2021 | 00:34:51


Show Notes

Welcome to Catch Up With ChiroTouch with Dr. Ronnie Simms. Tune in to this educational and inspirational podcast series for conversations with chiropractic’s most influential speakers.

In this episode, Dr. Beau Pierce discusses his unique blend of old-school and cutting-edge digital marketing, which he calls vitalistic marketing. Just as the human body works best when all systems are in harmony, the same is true for your marketing. A well-rounded strategy that combines traditional methods with new-age tactics offers the most effective approach to achieve the 37 touches (on average) a person needs before acting on a marketing message.

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As mentioned in the episode, download your free copy of Dr. Pierce's Doing Chiropractic Differently worksheet [here].

Catch Up With ChiroTouch (now ChiroCast) is brought to you by ChiroTouch, the leading chiropractic practice management and EHR software in the U.S. Visit us at to learn how ChiroTouch can power your practice.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.120 --> 00:00:04.519 Welcome to this addition of catch up with Kira touch. My Name is Dr 2 00:00:04.599 --> 00:00:10.150 Ronnie Sims and I'm your host today. Inspiring and advancing the chiropractic profession is 3 00:00:10.269 --> 00:00:14.669 what this series is all about, and I love Kira touches heart in this 4 00:00:14.830 --> 00:00:19.910 matter. Our goal has been and will continue to be, bringing you amazing 5 00:00:19.949 --> 00:00:26.739 speakers with awesome topics for the sole purpose of helping you become the best version 6 00:00:26.739 --> 00:00:31.940 of yourself. We believe that the world needs chiropractors to be at their best 7 00:00:32.140 --> 00:00:36.170 now more than ever, and this is our time. I am so excited 8 00:00:36.289 --> 00:00:40.810 to have Dr Cathy when Lan coolbe on. I've heard her speak multiple times 9 00:00:40.969 --> 00:00:44.450 and I've I'm always so inspired by you, Cathy, and so you guys 10 00:00:44.490 --> 00:00:47.289 are really in for a treat, especially today, because we're going to get 11 00:00:47.289 --> 00:00:52.240 nitty gritty on how to build your brand and how to build a true marketing 12 00:00:52.399 --> 00:00:56.759 machine and and we're really going to dive right into that. And so you 13 00:00:56.880 --> 00:01:00.159 know, like we always say, we want you to build your dream practice, 14 00:01:00.240 --> 00:01:02.759 but also your dream life. We don't want you to build it in 15 00:01:02.880 --> 00:01:04.629 spite of a good life. So, Cathy, I know you've done that. 16 00:01:06.109 --> 00:01:10.150 And so how are you doing today fantastic. Thank you so much for 17 00:01:10.230 --> 00:01:12.469 having me on, doc man. So glad we're together. And So, 18 00:01:12.629 --> 00:01:15.629 before we get into the episode, I would love for our listeners to get 19 00:01:15.629 --> 00:01:19.260 a chance to get to know you a little bit. So I'm just going 20 00:01:19.299 --> 00:01:21.939 to ask you a few rapid fire questions and let you kind of go with 21 00:01:22.019 --> 00:01:25.540 it. You know, I think for you it's I love your story. 22 00:01:26.219 --> 00:01:27.939 I really enjoyed reading your bio on getting to know you a little bit through 23 00:01:27.939 --> 00:01:34.290 that and I love how you just started out as kind of a competitive athlete, 24 00:01:34.290 --> 00:01:40.170 aerobics instructor, fitness competitor, and just talk to me about that journey 25 00:01:40.209 --> 00:01:42.689 and how that kind of led you toward chiropractic. I was such a high 26 00:01:42.689 --> 00:01:47.920 level competitor, always taught aerobics, personal trainer. I was a gymnast all 27 00:01:48.079 --> 00:01:52.599 throughout Middle School and high school and I really thought that I was going to 28 00:01:52.719 --> 00:01:57.799 go into some kind of fitness based career and then my whole life got sidetracked 29 00:01:57.840 --> 00:02:01.109 when I got hit literally size swiped, or t bone I should say, 30 00:02:01.269 --> 00:02:06.510 by a tractor trailer and in an instant everything changed. I went from being 31 00:02:06.590 --> 00:02:09.110 this high level fitness competitor and a professional model I have. I was actually 32 00:02:09.509 --> 00:02:15.710 leaving the photographer studio after looking over over a job that we had just completed 33 00:02:15.860 --> 00:02:20.139 for a big swimmer a line, and within one mile of his office, 34 00:02:20.259 --> 00:02:23.900 got t bone by a tractor trailer and my entire life changed and I went 35 00:02:23.979 --> 00:02:30.569 from thinking that I would work in fitness or physical therapy or something to do 36 00:02:30.770 --> 00:02:35.810 with coaching athletes to not even able to to bend over and pick up a 37 00:02:35.889 --> 00:02:39.210 towel. Wow. So life just changed in an instant and after going to 38 00:02:39.330 --> 00:02:45.919 so many doctors and therapists for almost two years, Chiropractic just became this thing 39 00:02:46.039 --> 00:02:50.520 that I didn't even really choose. It chose me, and I'm so glad 40 00:02:50.520 --> 00:02:53.919 that chiropractic chose me because the way it has affected my life, the impact 41 00:02:54.000 --> 00:02:57.280 that it's had on the lives that I've been able to help, not only 42 00:02:57.360 --> 00:03:00.830 in the office and in the schools where I teach, but on stages where 43 00:03:00.830 --> 00:03:05.270 I get to speak to people. I think the impact has been so phenomenal 44 00:03:05.389 --> 00:03:08.789 and I'm so glad for the journey that I was on that led me right 45 00:03:08.830 --> 00:03:13.099 here. Well, it's a beautiful story. I love those inflection points that 46 00:03:13.219 --> 00:03:16.139 happen in life like wow, just quick pivot and and that you didn't run 47 00:03:16.180 --> 00:03:20.780 away from your call. I think that's beautiful. And so what was life 48 00:03:20.900 --> 00:03:24.060 like? I think you kind of left there with a life partner, I 49 00:03:24.180 --> 00:03:28.490 guess. And then where did you initially start out? Cathy? So, 50 00:03:28.770 --> 00:03:31.490 when I first graduated I actually did that internship down in Florida. Was the 51 00:03:31.530 --> 00:03:36.169 last student to sign up to do the Florida in turnship. Spent a couple 52 00:03:36.289 --> 00:03:39.889 months down there doing that and at the same time I was already licensed in 53 00:03:39.930 --> 00:03:43.599 New York. Soon as I graduated, I applied for that. So I 54 00:03:43.759 --> 00:03:49.520 opened a practice in New York shortly thereafter and open to practice in Atlanta, 55 00:03:49.840 --> 00:03:53.560 and so I was commuting between the two offices in Long Island, New York 56 00:03:53.639 --> 00:03:58.189 and down here in Woodstock, Georgia, and that continued on pretty much until 57 00:03:58.270 --> 00:04:01.189 nine hundred and eleven kind of change the ability to travel so easily, and 58 00:04:01.270 --> 00:04:04.710 then I had to make a decision and after spending a couple months down at 59 00:04:04.750 --> 00:04:08.949 ground zero, I just had to shut my brain off. I saw my 60 00:04:08.990 --> 00:04:12.139 New York practice to someone that had come in and was kind of working with 61 00:04:12.259 --> 00:04:15.939 me, and move down to Georgia. And this is where my children and 62 00:04:16.019 --> 00:04:23.220 I have been and and it's nice because I'm very close to Life University, 63 00:04:23.459 --> 00:04:27.250 so I've been able to get involved with the students, which I've gotten involved 64 00:04:27.290 --> 00:04:30.170 with the students many, many years ago before I even began teaching. They're 65 00:04:30.529 --> 00:04:32.730 really just doing philosophy. I was taking the students out and doing tick on 66 00:04:32.769 --> 00:04:38.050 the trails for a long time and speaking at small advents around the community and 67 00:04:38.089 --> 00:04:43.759 then got involved with teaching it life and speaking at seminars and it's just been 68 00:04:43.920 --> 00:04:48.879 such an amazing journey that I am very blessed to be on. Really, 69 00:04:48.959 --> 00:04:53.069 how I love that. That's a beautiful story, Cathy. I think it's 70 00:04:53.069 --> 00:04:58.589 wonderful and and now you're helping you know so many people through your work, 71 00:04:59.110 --> 00:05:02.470 you know, and in particular women, and I love that you're you're using 72 00:05:02.550 --> 00:05:06.540 your leadership, you know, not just in your practice with your own tribe, 73 00:05:08.019 --> 00:05:11.060 but also virtually and digitally. But I'll see then in your community with 74 00:05:11.100 --> 00:05:14.740 women that are just in any type of business and kind of tell us what 75 00:05:14.860 --> 00:05:21.290 that's been like for you. It kind of started in a very non planned 76 00:05:21.410 --> 00:05:24.250 on way, for lack of a better word. You know, it was 77 00:05:24.250 --> 00:05:28.370 just a very generic thing that that occurred when I was pregnant with my son, 78 00:05:28.810 --> 00:05:30.569 so many people kept asking me when you going to stop working out, 79 00:05:30.569 --> 00:05:34.209 when will you stop teaching Robics, when will you stop adjusting patients? And 80 00:05:34.329 --> 00:05:39.199 my standard answer was I'm not sick, I'm pregnant. And the more I 81 00:05:39.279 --> 00:05:42.439 said at the more I realized that the average person, and this I'm going 82 00:05:42.560 --> 00:05:45.959 back to two thousand and eight, two thousand and seven, the average person 83 00:05:46.040 --> 00:05:48.759 back then really didn't know that there were such a thing as a fit pregnancy. 84 00:05:49.189 --> 00:05:55.029 Right. There were no fit pregnancy magazines, there was no major push 85 00:05:55.149 --> 00:05:59.430 to teach people to stay healthy and exercise during their pregnancy. They were actually 86 00:05:59.430 --> 00:06:01.470 teaching women that they're frail and their week and they need to take it easy 87 00:06:01.509 --> 00:06:06.139 and get a lot of bed rest. So I started recording myself working out 88 00:06:06.379 --> 00:06:12.740 pregnant and put them on this fairly new technology called Youtube back then that not 89 00:06:12.860 --> 00:06:15.939 many people were really using, and I was doing it with a little flip 90 00:06:15.019 --> 00:06:18.089 camera that I would position on a table and then run in front of it 91 00:06:18.129 --> 00:06:20.129 make sure I was okay run back. You know, I didn't even have 92 00:06:20.170 --> 00:06:26.129 a tripod at the time, and started recording these little videos on flip camera 93 00:06:26.730 --> 00:06:30.009 to put them on Youtube, really just for my patients and the members at 94 00:06:30.009 --> 00:06:31.920 the gym, and the next thing I know it takes off and I've got 95 00:06:31.959 --> 00:06:35.879 over a million views. And so at that point I invested in a tripod 96 00:06:36.000 --> 00:06:39.839 for my little flip camera and, you know, was able to set it 97 00:06:39.920 --> 00:06:42.839 up on the beach and whenever I would travel I would set up and take 98 00:06:42.920 --> 00:06:48.189 videos, and that led me to the writer of the chicken soup books, 99 00:06:48.310 --> 00:06:51.189 Mark Victor Hanson, and at the time I thought I want to write a 100 00:06:51.230 --> 00:06:54.709 book and he said, do not write a book. Everybody writes a book 101 00:06:54.709 --> 00:06:57.870 to get an audience. You have the biggest audience of anyone I've ever worked 102 00:06:57.910 --> 00:07:00.829 with. Just put it on a website, because people need to be able 103 00:07:00.829 --> 00:07:04.060 to access your material. And so all of a sudden this concept became educated 104 00:07:04.100 --> 00:07:08.699 pregnancy, which is where we taught millions women around the world that a healthy 105 00:07:08.740 --> 00:07:11.420 mom equals a healthy baby, that you have to take care of yourself, 106 00:07:11.620 --> 00:07:15.139 that fitness is not just something that you should do, it's something that you 107 00:07:15.220 --> 00:07:18.290 must do, and keeping your body. So we really incorporated the five aspects 108 00:07:18.290 --> 00:07:23.529 of health, as chiropractors all know, and we incorporated that, as you 109 00:07:23.610 --> 00:07:26.290 know, you have to have a proper diet, you have to get adequate 110 00:07:26.329 --> 00:07:29.250 and restless sleep, you have to exercise on a daily basis, have a 111 00:07:29.290 --> 00:07:32.720 proper mental attitude and you have to have the mental impulses falling flowing freely without 112 00:07:32.800 --> 00:07:38.120 interference, and this is what we were teaching millions of women around the world, 113 00:07:38.240 --> 00:07:41.600 for them and their children and their families. Wow, and that has 114 00:07:42.000 --> 00:07:45.430 since par laid into what we call women's voices matter, which was a way 115 00:07:45.430 --> 00:07:48.029 of encompassing a lot of other women. I didn't want it to just be 116 00:07:48.149 --> 00:07:51.709 about me, so we have a lot of other leaders and speakers and mentors 117 00:07:51.750 --> 00:07:59.740 and coaches that contribute and really help out to make sure that we're empowering women 118 00:08:00.379 --> 00:08:03.779 and the people that they affect. So not it's not just women right, 119 00:08:03.819 --> 00:08:09.259 it's their husband's it's their children, it's their coworkers or their colleagues, but 120 00:08:09.379 --> 00:08:13.329 empowering them to speak their truth and stand up for what they believe in and 121 00:08:13.610 --> 00:08:16.569 to live a life of purpose that is can gruent with who they truly are. 122 00:08:18.329 --> 00:08:22.730 Wow, it's beautiful and what a game changer for communities to empower women. 123 00:08:22.490 --> 00:08:26.810 We had kind of been spending some time in our last series on the 124 00:08:26.970 --> 00:08:31.200 for practice domains of attraction, conversion, retention and team building and how we 125 00:08:31.320 --> 00:08:35.559 talked about those like interlocking gears rather than trying to spend plates in the air. 126 00:08:37.159 --> 00:08:41.200 And we've had really positive feedback doctor caffeine. So we decided on this 127 00:08:41.429 --> 00:08:45.549 particular series of episodes that we're going to dive into each of those categories. 128 00:08:45.629 --> 00:08:50.389 So we're currently in a series on a traction and so you know, today 129 00:08:50.470 --> 00:08:54.230 we're really going to kind of look at some old school and how that meets 130 00:08:54.350 --> 00:08:56.220 new school. I mean, you were doing youtube inadvertently without even knowing. 131 00:08:56.299 --> 00:09:00.539 You're building your tribe and you're doing with all the influencers tell you to do 132 00:09:00.620 --> 00:09:03.899 now right, and you just didn't know any different. And but yeah, 133 00:09:03.940 --> 00:09:07.259 you used a lot of old school and and so I just love how you 134 00:09:07.340 --> 00:09:13.169 built your brand through that and how you leveraged your speaking skills and your knowledge 135 00:09:13.330 --> 00:09:16.210 and just to help your community. I think you had a realization that met 136 00:09:16.250 --> 00:09:20.289 I could help more people by standing up and being this voice, and I 137 00:09:20.409 --> 00:09:24.919 just think that's wonderful. So the first question is kind of in that context 138 00:09:24.039 --> 00:09:28.960 of this fully integrated practice. From your own experience, kind of tell us 139 00:09:28.960 --> 00:09:35.240 how you were able to build your dream practice and also how that's influencing your 140 00:09:35.279 --> 00:09:37.950 work at life right now. So I've always been the kind of person who's 141 00:09:37.950 --> 00:09:41.950 willing to put myself out there. I'm willing to stand up above the crowd, 142 00:09:41.990 --> 00:09:43.509 I'm willing to take the arrows, I'm willing to put my foot in 143 00:09:43.549 --> 00:09:46.789 the door and kind of wedge it open to allow other people through. So 144 00:09:46.950 --> 00:09:52.350 when I first started the practice here in Woodstock, I did start it with 145 00:09:52.389 --> 00:09:54.940 a partner. We really didn't know anybody in the community, or I didn't 146 00:09:54.940 --> 00:09:58.299 know anybody in the community because I was from New York. I was back 147 00:09:58.340 --> 00:10:01.019 here in Woodstock and I decided that the best way to get to know people 148 00:10:01.179 --> 00:10:07.059 was to get involved and I just started showing up at every type of business 149 00:10:07.139 --> 00:10:11.970 networking opportunity. There was the Chamber of Commerce and the local community business association 150 00:10:13.210 --> 00:10:16.330 and the toastmasters and the optimists and and just by showing up and getting to 151 00:10:16.490 --> 00:10:20.370 know people and Networking I started finding out like, what are the movers in 152 00:10:20.409 --> 00:10:24.039 the shakers doing, and how do you get involved? How do you get 153 00:10:24.039 --> 00:10:28.759 your name out there? How do you give so that people are willing to 154 00:10:28.879 --> 00:10:31.080 receive right? How do you engage people with what it is that you have 155 00:10:31.159 --> 00:10:33.919 to offer, without going out there and be like give me, give me, 156 00:10:35.000 --> 00:10:37.789 give me, but instead here I'm giving to you. And the more 157 00:10:39.149 --> 00:10:41.750 I found, the more that I gave to the community, the more the 158 00:10:41.830 --> 00:10:46.429 community was willing to receive from me and then give back. One of the 159 00:10:46.470 --> 00:10:48.950 women I met very early on owned one of the local magazines and on the 160 00:10:50.019 --> 00:10:54.539 back cover of every magazine was her full page ad for her real estate company, 161 00:10:54.940 --> 00:11:00.059 but inside the magazine she would write an article every month on how you 162 00:11:00.700 --> 00:11:03.409 could sell your house on your own. And I thought this doesn't make sense. 163 00:11:03.450 --> 00:11:07.409 You're a real estate agent advertising, but yet you're telling people how to 164 00:11:07.490 --> 00:11:11.529 sell the house on their own. And what she said to me over many 165 00:11:11.529 --> 00:11:16.690 conversations was look, I give them so much information so that they understand the 166 00:11:16.809 --> 00:11:20.240 process, they learn to trust me and then they realize, you know what, 167 00:11:20.639 --> 00:11:24.320 this seems like a lot of work. Why not use this trusted resource? 168 00:11:24.720 --> 00:11:28.480 And that taught me a very valuable lesson about the articles which I then 169 00:11:28.519 --> 00:11:31.000 wrote. And then for many, many years I wrote articles in five or 170 00:11:31.039 --> 00:11:35.590 six local magazines that went out to hundreds of thousands of people in the community 171 00:11:35.669 --> 00:11:41.549 and probably wrote these articles for five or six years and I did the exact 172 00:11:41.629 --> 00:11:45.669 same thing. I taught them everything that I knew about health and fitness and 173 00:11:45.830 --> 00:11:50.220 the nervous system and your body's ability to function and about pregnancy and about natural 174 00:11:50.220 --> 00:11:54.940 parenting and about attachment parenting and breastfeeding natural birth. And by sharing so much 175 00:11:54.980 --> 00:11:58.620 information, and of course, you know how the body functions and kinesiology and 176 00:11:58.740 --> 00:12:05.129 injury care, by sharing so much information it helped position me as a trusted 177 00:12:05.210 --> 00:12:07.570 resource or a trusted expert in the community, and so people got to know 178 00:12:07.769 --> 00:12:11.809 me, like me and trust me. And when they decided, Oh, 179 00:12:11.009 --> 00:12:15.009 this makes sense, I need a chiropractor, who do they turn to? 180 00:12:15.919 --> 00:12:18.320 They turned to me. They came to our practice. That was the beginning, 181 00:12:18.360 --> 00:12:24.200 and then shortly thereafter we got involved with the community itself, doing like 182 00:12:24.360 --> 00:12:28.279 I started a business association, I was the President of another business association, 183 00:12:28.399 --> 00:12:31.669 I was the president of the toastmasters group, and then we got to know 184 00:12:31.870 --> 00:12:39.470 the city manager and the Department of Public Recreation. So that parlayed into a 185 00:12:39.590 --> 00:12:43.750 major sponsorship that we've been doing since two thousand and eight, I believe, 186 00:12:43.149 --> 00:12:48.299 been sponsoring everything that goes on in my city and I've been the MC so 187 00:12:48.500 --> 00:12:52.860 it's an opportunity to get up in front of ten to Fifteenzero people every month, 188 00:12:54.620 --> 00:12:58.169 be the MC on on the stage, promote my business and get to 189 00:12:58.330 --> 00:13:01.529 know people and have people come up and talk to me afterwards. There's a 190 00:13:01.570 --> 00:13:05.450 lot of work that went involve they don't want anybody think that this was an 191 00:13:05.490 --> 00:13:09.409 overnight success. It was a lot of overnight work. Yeah, right, 192 00:13:09.850 --> 00:13:13.840 a lot of late night work, but it can be done and when you 193 00:13:13.080 --> 00:13:18.279 build it that way, you build it on such a solid foundation it's going 194 00:13:18.440 --> 00:13:22.679 to last. It's not built on one or two flashy videos that your community 195 00:13:22.720 --> 00:13:24.559 goes, oh, they look like an expert on social and then you have 196 00:13:24.679 --> 00:13:28.710 nothing to back it up. It's built on years of being involved in the 197 00:13:28.789 --> 00:13:35.230 community and giving and holding yourself as a trusted resource, but also as a 198 00:13:35.269 --> 00:13:41.350 professional. That's beautiful and it seems like you you kind of took that old 199 00:13:41.429 --> 00:13:43.940 school approach real perslive, get to know people, but also you were willing 200 00:13:43.980 --> 00:13:48.820 to even learn from other professionals, like the real estate lady may with a 201 00:13:48.899 --> 00:13:52.820 great lesson, right, and then apply that and work and apply that in 202 00:13:52.899 --> 00:13:56.049 work. And now you know it's not that you don't do digital. You 203 00:13:56.169 --> 00:14:00.049 do great digital stuff, but I love what you said there how your digital 204 00:14:00.169 --> 00:14:05.929 sits on a foundation of just blood, sweat and tears of hard work interacting 205 00:14:05.009 --> 00:14:07.889 with people. Those meetings are like I don't want to go to this meeting, 206 00:14:07.929 --> 00:14:09.919 but you just go there, you put your game face on. I 207 00:14:11.080 --> 00:14:16.639 just love that. Very impressive. So this year, years, how are 208 00:14:16.679 --> 00:14:22.399 you able to are you able to impart some of that wisdom into the students 209 00:14:22.440 --> 00:14:24.070 that you're with at life? Do you talk about these things with them? 210 00:14:24.590 --> 00:14:30.029 It's interesting because the business class that I teach is one of the last classes 211 00:14:30.110 --> 00:14:33.029 that they take before they graduate, and I've been very honored and very blessed 212 00:14:33.029 --> 00:14:37.269 and just very blown away by the comments that I get, the feedback that 213 00:14:37.389 --> 00:14:41.059 I get, the amount of students that reach out to me years after they've 214 00:14:41.100 --> 00:14:43.860 taken the class and say, you know, I've really learned a lot in 215 00:14:45.059 --> 00:14:48.659 the class. Basically, what I do is I answer every question that the 216 00:14:48.700 --> 00:14:50.539 students have ever had, anything that they say. Nobody's ever taught me this. 217 00:14:50.860 --> 00:14:54.929 We handle that and we talked about when to begin marketing your practice, 218 00:14:54.970 --> 00:14:58.450 how to find your ideal location, how to really set yourself up in a 219 00:14:58.529 --> 00:15:01.690 community where you want to be. You know how to practice on vacation so 220 00:15:01.730 --> 00:15:05.850 you're not always looking to get out of town. Yeah, and how to 221 00:15:05.090 --> 00:15:09.240 how to have the life and the practice of your dreams. And we really 222 00:15:09.320 --> 00:15:15.600 talk about the the practical aspects of what do you need to do to become 223 00:15:15.759 --> 00:15:18.440 that person in your community and do you want to be that person? Because, 224 00:15:18.480 --> 00:15:22.870 let's be honest, not everybody wants to run a practice. There are 225 00:15:22.950 --> 00:15:26.509 definitely people who want to come out from school and get an associate position and 226 00:15:26.710 --> 00:15:30.309 that's what they want for the rest of their lives and there's nothing wrong with 227 00:15:30.429 --> 00:15:33.190 that. They just don't want the stress and the overhead and the having to 228 00:15:33.230 --> 00:15:37.299 train staff and deal with staff. They'd rather be part of the team. 229 00:15:37.340 --> 00:15:41.620 Yeah, then the leader of the team. And I think for anyone in 230 00:15:41.659 --> 00:15:43.700 any profession, whatever you do, the number one thing that is going to 231 00:15:43.779 --> 00:15:48.539 lead you to success or not is honesty with yourself. And when you're honest 232 00:15:48.580 --> 00:15:52.490 with yourself about who you are and what you really enjoy doing and what you 233 00:15:52.529 --> 00:15:56.409 want to do and what you're willing to push yourself into, you're going to 234 00:15:56.490 --> 00:15:58.409 be a lot more successful then if you say, well, I have to 235 00:15:58.490 --> 00:16:03.809 do this because this is what I was supposed to do. This is what 236 00:16:03.889 --> 00:16:07.919 it looks like you're supposed to do, and I've had people that were in 237 00:16:07.039 --> 00:16:11.759 that situation around me for many, many years that that, you know, 238 00:16:11.000 --> 00:16:17.320 kept up an appearance because that's what they wanted to look like, but it's 239 00:16:17.320 --> 00:16:21.509 not who they really were and ultimately they ended up hurting everybody around them and 240 00:16:21.549 --> 00:16:25.429 it's and it's detrimental. So I think if you could just look yourself in 241 00:16:25.509 --> 00:16:27.830 the mirror and have a really good hard look in the mirror and say who 242 00:16:27.870 --> 00:16:30.750 am I and what is it that I really want to do and how do 243 00:16:30.789 --> 00:16:33.740 I want to contribute to this world? Do I want to serve at a 244 00:16:33.779 --> 00:16:36.779 super high level? Do I want to show up, do my job, 245 00:16:36.820 --> 00:16:40.259 get a paycheck and go home? Do I want to give it all every 246 00:16:40.299 --> 00:16:42.179 day, every chance? Do I want to make sure that when I'm laying 247 00:16:42.179 --> 00:16:45.659 on my deathbed, I look back over my life and say my knowledge, 248 00:16:47.450 --> 00:16:51.570 my education, my experience, I gave it away and made the world a 249 00:16:51.649 --> 00:16:55.610 better place? And if that's who you are, then absolutely go out and 250 00:16:55.769 --> 00:16:59.370 do all of that stuff. Get involved in your community that you know the 251 00:16:59.450 --> 00:17:03.039 best time to start marketing was yesterday. The second best time to start marketing 252 00:17:03.120 --> 00:17:06.880 is right now and it never stops no matter how long you're in business. 253 00:17:07.799 --> 00:17:11.200 Wow, that is beautiful, man. I I'm getting goosebumps right now thinking 254 00:17:11.200 --> 00:17:15.349 about all this. But and I think that's great, doctor, that introspection 255 00:17:17.430 --> 00:17:19.670 of you know, so often in our world we always trying to be who 256 00:17:19.750 --> 00:17:22.950 we think others want us to be rather than being our true self, and 257 00:17:23.029 --> 00:17:27.349 I just think that you do that with the students is so important. I 258 00:17:27.430 --> 00:17:33.579 want to duplicate you and put you out every chiropractice school and back to this 259 00:17:33.740 --> 00:17:37.579 whole building your brand. I mean if I if I flew into woodstock and 260 00:17:37.059 --> 00:17:41.779 went around and started meeting people and talking, I'm sure everybody knows you. 261 00:17:41.819 --> 00:17:47.890 You're probably the de facto mayor, I'm guessing. But and again, just 262 00:17:48.130 --> 00:17:51.730 one more question. It kind of ties into that, you know, and 263 00:17:51.809 --> 00:17:53.970 you already kind of touched on this, but what are your thoughts on this 264 00:17:55.130 --> 00:17:59.440 social media driven world and these young doctors? That's all they think you need 265 00:17:59.480 --> 00:18:03.119 to do, and you know they're doing trying to get these get rich quick 266 00:18:03.160 --> 00:18:06.839 schemes. You know, and I just you know, where's a good start 267 00:18:06.920 --> 00:18:08.359 for them? You know, in terms of this roll up your sleeve, 268 00:18:08.480 --> 00:18:11.079 and I mean maybe it's attending to meeting whatever, but what would be a 269 00:18:11.119 --> 00:18:15.029 good start for a doc who's not used to that, who's been living in 270 00:18:15.069 --> 00:18:18.390 this virtual world? And what would you say to them? I think that 271 00:18:18.750 --> 00:18:23.029 everything has value, I really do. I don't think that there's an end 272 00:18:23.109 --> 00:18:26.109 all be all of any aspect in life, whether it comes to food or 273 00:18:26.180 --> 00:18:32.099 fitness, or finances or philosophy or or really like, you know, promoting 274 00:18:32.140 --> 00:18:34.900 your business. I don't think there's one magic bullet, ever, and I 275 00:18:36.019 --> 00:18:41.130 think the more that you kind of touch the basis that are congruent with who 276 00:18:41.130 --> 00:18:47.049 you are, then the more likely you have that solid foundation. Unfortunately, 277 00:18:47.049 --> 00:18:52.609 I've seen way too many students come out and build a social present but there's 278 00:18:52.730 --> 00:18:59.440 no backing behind it. Yeah, either they've never practiced, or they practiced 279 00:18:59.559 --> 00:19:03.039 and failed out of practice, or they're struggling in practice, but yet there's 280 00:19:03.119 --> 00:19:07.799 social media presence. Look, we could all make a beautiful social media presence 281 00:19:07.839 --> 00:19:11.309 if we want you, but real world is different. And if their social 282 00:19:11.349 --> 00:19:15.390 media presence look so perfect and they're attracting people and they're not telling you about 283 00:19:15.390 --> 00:19:18.230 the bumps in the bruises, of the flaws they're just telling you how wonderful 284 00:19:18.269 --> 00:19:22.869 and perfect their life is and they're attracting people through that aspect, but they 285 00:19:22.950 --> 00:19:25.980 haven't put the work in, they haven't put the time and they haven't built 286 00:19:26.019 --> 00:19:30.059 the practice. They haven't hit the pitfalls and learned how to overcome the obstacles. 287 00:19:30.460 --> 00:19:34.579 Then they become these kind of social media gurus that really don't have a 288 00:19:34.660 --> 00:19:38.369 lot of back behind them. And I'll tell you a short story, because 289 00:19:38.369 --> 00:19:41.250 I did meet one of these people in one of my international travel speaking at 290 00:19:41.250 --> 00:19:45.609 a different seminar, and I sat and had a meal with this person and 291 00:19:45.730 --> 00:19:48.049 said, you know, like, tell me, how did you what did 292 00:19:48.049 --> 00:19:51.250 you do? How did you get to where you are? And this person 293 00:19:51.329 --> 00:19:56.440 actually said, I failed in practice. I opened another practice, I failed 294 00:19:56.480 --> 00:20:00.680 in that one, and so I brought associates on to try to help me 295 00:20:00.720 --> 00:20:06.599 pay the rent and I got one speaking engagement that I had asked for and 296 00:20:06.759 --> 00:20:08.869 I hired a company to follow me around videotape me, and then I use 297 00:20:08.950 --> 00:20:12.150 these videos in all different avenues to make it look like I was a big 298 00:20:12.150 --> 00:20:17.829 speaker. And I sat there like with my mouth probably on the table, 299 00:20:17.950 --> 00:20:25.420 going you are admitting that you're essentially a fraud and this is how you got 300 00:20:25.539 --> 00:20:29.420 your start. And the story continue that like they had to go back because 301 00:20:29.779 --> 00:20:33.180 the associates failed the practice, and so that second practice completely failed. So 302 00:20:33.259 --> 00:20:38.329 they had to make this speaking gig work. Wow, and became the social 303 00:20:38.369 --> 00:20:45.250 media grew and and I feel bad for the people who got coached by this. 304 00:20:45.369 --> 00:20:49.160 Social media grew because you couldn't make your practice is work. And now 305 00:20:49.240 --> 00:20:53.359 you're teaching other people, not from your failure, what not to do. 306 00:20:53.480 --> 00:20:56.559 But you're almost saying like, look, you could be being big and successful 307 00:20:56.640 --> 00:21:02.160 like me, but you didn't have success. And with a history of over 308 00:21:02.400 --> 00:21:06.430 Thirty Years Teaching Group fitness, I've always said you wouldn't go to an aroobus 309 00:21:06.470 --> 00:21:11.230 instructor that can't get in shape, because if it's not working for that person, 310 00:21:11.349 --> 00:21:12.950 how's it going to work for you? Right? So I think authentically 311 00:21:14.470 --> 00:21:19.660 you want your doctor of Chiropractic to portray a level of health, to portray 312 00:21:19.660 --> 00:21:23.859 a level of knowledge, to portray a level of experience, and your community 313 00:21:25.059 --> 00:21:27.460 is looking for someone who walks the walk, talks the talk, doesn't just 314 00:21:27.619 --> 00:21:33.369 have a beautiful social media presence, but actually lives congruently in that community and 315 00:21:34.170 --> 00:21:37.450 lives the life that they talked about. They're not out in public smoking and 316 00:21:37.450 --> 00:21:41.410 drinking every single time you see them. They're not out in public getting wasted 317 00:21:41.569 --> 00:21:45.009 and, you know, doing, doing outlandish things that aren't in character with 318 00:21:45.130 --> 00:21:48.720 someone that we hold in high esteem as a professional. You can have a 319 00:21:48.799 --> 00:21:52.319 good time, I'm not saying that, but you want someone who conducts themselves 320 00:21:52.680 --> 00:21:56.559 as a professional, that I could trust you to take care of my children. 321 00:21:56.559 --> 00:21:59.799 MMM Right. And that's what your community is really looking for. They're 322 00:21:59.839 --> 00:22:02.710 looking for someone that they could know, like and trust, that they can 323 00:22:02.789 --> 00:22:06.990 establish a relationship with, that they cannot just come in once or twice as 324 00:22:06.990 --> 00:22:11.309 a bandaid, but that they can build their families health within your office. 325 00:22:11.710 --> 00:22:15.710 And the more you position yourself that way and the more you position yourself is 326 00:22:15.710 --> 00:22:19.259 a place that people can come back to to receive the same quality care and 327 00:22:19.339 --> 00:22:23.059 you're delivering the same message that is congruent with who you are and what you 328 00:22:23.180 --> 00:22:27.220 stand for, the more your community is going to connect with you, stay 329 00:22:27.259 --> 00:22:30.849 engaged with you, resonate with you, share your message with other people and 330 00:22:32.009 --> 00:22:36.450 I think the easier it will be for you to build a well established practice 331 00:22:36.849 --> 00:22:41.009 of patients who get what you do. Come in, stay, pay and 332 00:22:41.049 --> 00:22:45.000 refer what you basically just said there as you built your practice on a rock 333 00:22:45.160 --> 00:22:49.359 solid foundation. You didn't build it on the sand by the seashore, and 334 00:22:49.519 --> 00:22:52.519 I think so many of these docks are doing that because they've never been taught. 335 00:22:52.880 --> 00:22:56.319 So kind of as an extension to that kind of concept, back to 336 00:22:56.400 --> 00:23:02.710 the building it on solid ground. How important is just your flow as far 337 00:23:02.750 --> 00:23:07.549 as the procedural interlocking gear aspect of practice, and how is that created? 338 00:23:07.430 --> 00:23:11.670 You know, just your own process. How is that created a new patient 339 00:23:11.750 --> 00:23:17.299 Juggernaut for you? Being able to be so visible in the community, I 340 00:23:17.380 --> 00:23:19.740 think is really helped us, because there are times when I've been in a 341 00:23:19.859 --> 00:23:22.859 restaurant and somebody comes up to me and we'll say, Dr Cathy, I 342 00:23:22.940 --> 00:23:26.339 just wanted to say hi. I see it so many events. I go 343 00:23:26.460 --> 00:23:30.369 to another chiropractor down the street, but I appreciate that you are always here. 344 00:23:30.369 --> 00:23:33.970 You're always putting out good of information. We just had our first concert 345 00:23:33.009 --> 00:23:37.529 last week for the first time since covid right, so in almost two years, 346 00:23:38.569 --> 00:23:42.279 and it was such a great feeling because as soon as I got off 347 00:23:42.279 --> 00:23:45.759 the stage and started walking to you know where, I was going to go 348 00:23:45.880 --> 00:23:48.640 meet some people. I was stopped by so many people that would say, 349 00:23:48.640 --> 00:23:52.000 Dr Cathy, it's so good to see it's been so long and a lot 350 00:23:52.039 --> 00:23:56.349 of these people I may not particularly know on a one on one basis, 351 00:23:56.829 --> 00:23:59.869 but they've seen me and I've seen them in the community. And when you're 352 00:24:00.109 --> 00:24:03.789 really want to build a lasting business, and it doesn't matter if it's Chiropractic 353 00:24:03.910 --> 00:24:07.349 or if it's coaching, or if it's a restaurant or if it's at gas 354 00:24:07.390 --> 00:24:14.259 station, when you want to build a lasting business that is not dependent on 355 00:24:14.460 --> 00:24:18.900 that new patient merry go round, but it's it's constantly bringing new people in 356 00:24:18.019 --> 00:24:22.579 but keeping the ones that you have. You really have to have that presence. 357 00:24:22.619 --> 00:24:25.529 You have to have that congruency with this is who we are, this 358 00:24:25.569 --> 00:24:27.490 is what we stand for and this is how we do things and we want 359 00:24:27.490 --> 00:24:30.329 to do them better so we can attract more people. But we don't want 360 00:24:30.329 --> 00:24:34.490 to just attract people for a one time new patient exam or maybe a onetime 361 00:24:34.569 --> 00:24:38.000 new patient exam and an adjustment. We want to attract them to a better 362 00:24:38.039 --> 00:24:41.200 way of living, in a better way of life so that they and their 363 00:24:41.240 --> 00:24:47.960 families can benefit a lot of doctors I meet struggle and lack confidence in the 364 00:24:48.000 --> 00:24:49.039 area public speaking. So I want to ask you a question about that. 365 00:24:49.799 --> 00:24:55.750 But also what how did you pivot with some of your speaking and special events 366 00:24:55.789 --> 00:24:59.589 that you normally do? Obviously the concerts for shutdown, but what did you 367 00:24:59.630 --> 00:25:03.190 do different during this last year and a half? And then what advice would 368 00:25:03.190 --> 00:25:07.259 you give doctors as far as how to because some people might be a good 369 00:25:07.259 --> 00:25:08.660 public speaker, they just don't know it yet. So it would be some 370 00:25:08.779 --> 00:25:12.339 advice you'd give them as a first start on that. So I'll tell you 371 00:25:12.500 --> 00:25:17.539 how I pivoted, because I normally travel a hundred and Fiftyzero air miles a 372 00:25:17.619 --> 00:25:21.339 year. Wow. I normally speak about a hundred and twenty two, a 373 00:25:21.380 --> 00:25:26.049 hundred and forty times a year between webinars and and facebook lives and live events, 374 00:25:26.089 --> 00:25:30.529 you know, all the big seminars, and then am seeing concert so 375 00:25:30.730 --> 00:25:34.210 I'm constantly speaking, doing continue. Yet I'm constantly traveling and all of a 376 00:25:34.250 --> 00:25:38.640 sudden one day, Friday the thirteen, the world shut down for all of 377 00:25:38.759 --> 00:25:44.279 us, but my entire travel schedule stopped. I use that time to just 378 00:25:44.640 --> 00:25:49.309 make incredible new memories with my children and doing a lot more of this online 379 00:25:49.349 --> 00:25:55.269 speaking. So for me, I've been on stages since I'm seventeen years old. 380 00:25:55.269 --> 00:25:57.589 I started teaching robics at seventeen. I started doing corporate fitness when I 381 00:25:57.630 --> 00:26:00.150 wasn't even out of high school yet. It wasn't even old enough to be 382 00:26:00.269 --> 00:26:04.460 in these businesses really. So for me to get on a stage is completely 383 00:26:04.619 --> 00:26:07.700 normal. I thrive on it. There's no butterfly is there's the opposite of 384 00:26:07.740 --> 00:26:11.420 butterflies. There's like yes, let's go, I'm alive now. One of 385 00:26:11.460 --> 00:26:15.180 the things I teach people is, if you're going to get up on stage 386 00:26:15.180 --> 00:26:18.299 and you're going to speak, have an idea of, number one, who 387 00:26:18.339 --> 00:26:22.970 you're speaking to, what matters to them? What are their values and where 388 00:26:22.009 --> 00:26:26.529 do you fit in with what you have to say, because you can get 389 00:26:26.529 --> 00:26:32.049 up and talk about chiropractical all day long to a group of toddlers that don't 390 00:26:32.049 --> 00:26:36.319 even understand the English, like the English language yet, and it's just going 391 00:26:36.359 --> 00:26:38.680 to go right over their head. or You could talk about fitness to people 392 00:26:38.720 --> 00:26:44.880 who are completely interested in a cigar boar and it's not going to hit. 393 00:26:45.000 --> 00:26:48.829 They're not interested in it. But if you're able to understand who is my 394 00:26:48.990 --> 00:26:52.670 audience. What are their values and where do I fit into that? And 395 00:26:52.750 --> 00:26:57.630 then you can craft a conversation that's meaningful to them. It's not about me. 396 00:26:59.029 --> 00:27:00.539 Don't get up and give your life story. Don't get up and talk 397 00:27:00.579 --> 00:27:03.859 all about me, me and me. These kind of interviews are kind of 398 00:27:03.900 --> 00:27:06.660 awkward because there are questions about me and I'm not the kind of person to 399 00:27:06.740 --> 00:27:08.779 talk about me. I like to talk about you. So when I get 400 00:27:08.819 --> 00:27:15.019 on stage I talk about you and how what I am speaking about relates to 401 00:27:15.019 --> 00:27:18.730 you and your family and your co workers in your colleagues and and how this 402 00:27:18.849 --> 00:27:22.210 can benefit you. And if you remember that it's their interest, not yours, 403 00:27:22.809 --> 00:27:26.650 you will do so much better, because all of us think it's just 404 00:27:26.769 --> 00:27:30.160 human. We think what's in it for me? Yeah, but when you're 405 00:27:30.160 --> 00:27:33.279 speaking, it's not what's in it for me. It's their interest, not 406 00:27:33.400 --> 00:27:37.759 yours. And if you could just get that little aspect before you speak, 407 00:27:37.759 --> 00:27:41.400 if you could get that down so solidly, you might mess up when you 408 00:27:41.440 --> 00:27:44.430 speak the first time, and you'll probably mess up the tenth time and you'll 409 00:27:44.470 --> 00:27:48.509 probably say the wrong word the fifteen time and by the thirty time you'll get 410 00:27:48.509 --> 00:27:51.349 a little bit better at it and by the fifty time you're better and by 411 00:27:51.390 --> 00:27:55.910 the tenzero time you're pretty darn good. Get up there a hundred thousand times 412 00:27:55.950 --> 00:28:00.220 in your lifetime you'll be amazing. And if if you're not comfortable or you 413 00:28:00.299 --> 00:28:03.779 don't know what to say, then find a coach that's going to help you 414 00:28:03.940 --> 00:28:07.220 pull out your authentic message, not my message. You don't want to speak 415 00:28:07.220 --> 00:28:08.859 like me, you want to speak like you. You can use a coach 416 00:28:08.980 --> 00:28:12.849 like me, but make sure the coach that you use is going to teach 417 00:28:12.849 --> 00:28:18.250 you how to authentically speak your message, not their's. That's so important. 418 00:28:18.529 --> 00:28:25.049 But really the work comes in the preparation of your lifetime. What led you 419 00:28:25.089 --> 00:28:27.720 to this moment to be able to deliver this information, and then knowing your 420 00:28:27.759 --> 00:28:32.640 audience so well that you can get up and deliver something that they need to 421 00:28:32.759 --> 00:28:36.240 hear. Wow, hey, and I've been the benefactor of that. I've 422 00:28:36.279 --> 00:28:42.069 heard you speak on live stages and I think I would guess that that's probably 423 00:28:42.069 --> 00:28:47.990 your favorite group to speak to, is principal chiropractors, because absolutely yeah, 424 00:28:47.990 --> 00:28:51.750 I can just tell, man, your juices are flowing and you're so excited 425 00:28:51.829 --> 00:28:56.779 and it just comes across so authentic and and and what you said, and 426 00:28:56.259 --> 00:29:00.859 I you kind of nailed it for me. When I hear you speak in 427 00:29:00.980 --> 00:29:03.579 that type of set is it is about me. You're talking to me. 428 00:29:03.859 --> 00:29:08.059 It's like, how did she knows deal with I I just love that about 429 00:29:08.059 --> 00:29:12.809 you. And and that's such a key nugget right there. One last question. 430 00:29:12.849 --> 00:29:15.410 I know we're run out of time. We could go on for hours 431 00:29:15.490 --> 00:29:22.170 on this. You know this whole thing of a procedurally sound practice. You've 432 00:29:22.250 --> 00:29:25.720 created a real referral culture and I get the outside and you do the concert, 433 00:29:25.799 --> 00:29:29.440 you public speak, you put yourself out there. You're outside a lot, 434 00:29:30.160 --> 00:29:34.079 but once they're in there, there with you. Were just a couple 435 00:29:34.160 --> 00:29:37.960 little tips, and we'll close with this, that you could give some docks 436 00:29:37.000 --> 00:29:41.349 on the call today of how to just create this culture of referrals in your 437 00:29:41.390 --> 00:29:47.150 practice. I think the most important thing of all is to understand that, 438 00:29:47.269 --> 00:29:49.710 while you may see a hundred patients today, you may see a thousand patients 439 00:29:49.710 --> 00:29:53.819 today, you may see ten patients today, for that patient, that one 440 00:29:53.940 --> 00:29:59.579 patient, you are the only chiropractor they're seeing today and you have to remember 441 00:29:59.619 --> 00:30:03.859 that this is not just a routine job. You're not just twisting screws onto 442 00:30:03.940 --> 00:30:07.410 bolts and it's not just another screw that you're twisting. This is this person's 443 00:30:07.569 --> 00:30:11.289 life that they're trusting you with. Yeah, and so when they are underneath 444 00:30:11.329 --> 00:30:15.009 you, you may see a hundred but they are the only one that matters. 445 00:30:15.490 --> 00:30:18.690 And so when they are underneath your hands, other people walking by don't 446 00:30:18.690 --> 00:30:22.920 matter, the phone's ringing don't matter. Someone in the next room over trying 447 00:30:22.920 --> 00:30:26.839 to have a conversation with you. Let them wait till it's their turn. 448 00:30:26.200 --> 00:30:32.400 Give that patient your full and undivided attention. Now, when there's little babies 449 00:30:32.440 --> 00:30:36.430 and their kids are running around underneath them, is it completely easy to give 450 00:30:36.430 --> 00:30:38.789 them a hundred percent attention? No, but that's when you incorporate the kids 451 00:30:38.829 --> 00:30:41.750 into doing the adjustments with you. But if you, if you first and 452 00:30:41.829 --> 00:30:47.750 foremost give your patient you're full and undivided attention, it makes them feel special, 453 00:30:48.029 --> 00:30:51.099 it makes them feel like they are the only one that matters, and 454 00:30:51.259 --> 00:30:56.140 that feeling is so empowering to people when they feel like, wow, my 455 00:30:56.339 --> 00:30:59.859 doctor really cares about me, my doctor goes out of the way for me. 456 00:31:00.299 --> 00:31:03.299 They will go out of their way to do things for you, and 457 00:31:03.460 --> 00:31:07.410 that might mean bringing your business cards to a lunch that they're going to or 458 00:31:07.529 --> 00:31:11.529 telling their coworkers about you or bringing their family in. But they'll also look 459 00:31:11.609 --> 00:31:18.089 to you as their resource, as their respected doctor. That's first and foremost. 460 00:31:18.289 --> 00:31:21.920 If you get that right, I think so many other things will be 461 00:31:22.039 --> 00:31:25.599 easier. And then when you're with them, don't make the conversation. You 462 00:31:25.759 --> 00:31:27.319 know, how do you feel today? What about the weather? What about 463 00:31:27.440 --> 00:31:30.000 you know this, that and the other thing. How are you functioning? 464 00:31:30.480 --> 00:31:33.230 Have you been sleeping since you're under care? You seem to be walking better. 465 00:31:33.349 --> 00:31:37.150 You Look Great. I saw you walking in. You're walking so much 466 00:31:37.150 --> 00:31:40.950 better. You look like you're standing up better. Talk about function more than 467 00:31:41.509 --> 00:31:45.309 feeling and you'll get a better reaction from that. And here's what I would 468 00:31:45.309 --> 00:31:48.940 say. If you deal in a pain model, you have two outcomes. 469 00:31:49.259 --> 00:31:53.019 The pain goes away and they go away. The pain doesn't go away and 470 00:31:53.059 --> 00:31:57.660 they go away. So either way you're going to lose the patient. But 471 00:31:57.700 --> 00:32:00.730 if you deal in a function model, you're going to have a much better 472 00:32:00.769 --> 00:32:05.450 outcome because they're going to understand it's not about pain, it's about my body 473 00:32:05.490 --> 00:32:07.890 functioning at a better level. It's not how I feel, it's how I 474 00:32:07.089 --> 00:32:13.849 heal and with that mentality, if you're speaking into that mentality when they're in 475 00:32:13.890 --> 00:32:16.720 your office on a regular basis, they start to understand this is a long 476 00:32:17.119 --> 00:32:22.000 term game here. This is like we're not just here for ones choose. 477 00:32:22.000 --> 00:32:23.640 He's just like going to the gym. You're going to go for as long 478 00:32:23.680 --> 00:32:27.200 as you want to stay healthy. You're going to keep coming in for as 479 00:32:27.279 --> 00:32:29.839 long as you want to stay healthy, and that applies to your children, 480 00:32:30.150 --> 00:32:32.470 your coworkers, your colleagues, your friends, your family members, you know, 481 00:32:32.549 --> 00:32:37.109 anyone that you know people in the groups that you go to. Now, 482 00:32:37.549 --> 00:32:40.309 once you have those things down, figure out who is your ideal patient 483 00:32:42.109 --> 00:32:45.019 and target them. If you love the mom and the dad that are running 484 00:32:45.019 --> 00:32:49.700 kids to different sports and they dropping kids off at your office and two parents, 485 00:32:49.740 --> 00:32:51.660 you know, the parent and two kids are going that way and the 486 00:32:51.779 --> 00:32:53.940 other parents going with one kid this way. If that's your kind of people, 487 00:32:54.019 --> 00:32:57.619 then you need to understand what makes them tick, what are their values? 488 00:32:57.900 --> 00:32:59.849 Where do they go, what do they do, what are they involved 489 00:32:59.890 --> 00:33:02.609 in, and how do you get to more people like that? And that's 490 00:33:02.650 --> 00:33:07.130 how you start to build a referral based practice, because you're speaking into the 491 00:33:07.170 --> 00:33:10.329 value systems of your Avatar, of your ideal patient, of the people you 492 00:33:10.410 --> 00:33:15.079 want to attract. Wow, okay, I'm ready to start over. A 493 00:33:15.200 --> 00:33:20.440 man, that is so good. I tell you that. That just speaks 494 00:33:20.480 --> 00:33:23.519 volumes into that young doctor right now who's struggle mean out there as far as 495 00:33:23.640 --> 00:33:27.549 those kind of three keys. You know, and I get it. Man, 496 00:33:27.670 --> 00:33:30.069 focus on the person you're with and get out of that pain model, 497 00:33:30.190 --> 00:33:36.230 get into the function model and then figure out your ideal Avatar and learn their 498 00:33:36.710 --> 00:33:38.869 everything you can't about them. Ah, so good. I was taking notes. 499 00:33:39.349 --> 00:33:42.859 I love it. I wish we had more time. I want to 500 00:33:42.940 --> 00:33:45.140 thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to do 501 00:33:45.339 --> 00:33:50.380 this. I know you love helping chiropractors and when we asked you to do 502 00:33:50.539 --> 00:33:52.099 this, you didn't even hesitate, and I just love that about you. 503 00:33:52.700 --> 00:33:55.450 And so we're going to for sure have you back on and so, for 504 00:33:55.569 --> 00:33:59.170 those of you that took the time today to tune into this, I just 505 00:33:59.329 --> 00:34:04.970 want to applaud you and encourage you and say time spent on personal development like 506 00:34:05.130 --> 00:34:08.690 this is never wasted time. This is valuable time and what you've learned from 507 00:34:08.769 --> 00:34:14.400 Cathy today will completely change your trajectory of your life and your practice. I 508 00:34:14.519 --> 00:34:17.920 also want to thank Kiro touch for their desire to do a podcast like this 509 00:34:19.079 --> 00:34:22.360 that's really all about you guys, just like Cathy talked about, and I 510 00:34:22.440 --> 00:34:28.230 think the the spirit behind this is just to love on and help our beloved 511 00:34:28.309 --> 00:34:31.550 profession. Now is our time, guys, this is our time to rise 512 00:34:32.070 --> 00:34:37.750 and shine in this ever confusing times, and so thank you, Cairo touch 513 00:34:37.389 --> 00:34:39.699 and again. My Name is Dr Ronnie and I just want to thank you 514 00:34:39.739 --> 00:34:44.699 for tuning in and I want to make sure that you stay healthy and make 515 00:34:44.739 --> 00:34:46.780 sure you're staying well adjusted. Have a great day. You guys.

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