Staying in control of your practice when everything seems uncontrollable

May 26, 2020 00:19:58
Staying in control of your practice when everything seems uncontrollable
ChiroCast: Insights for modern chiropractors
Staying in control of your practice when everything seems uncontrollable

May 26 2020 | 00:19:58


Show Notes

In this episode of Catch Up With ChiroTouch, Dr. Brian Blask speaks with Dr. Jeremy Todd about how to stay in control of your chiropractic practice during these uncertain times. Dr. Todd shares the steps he's taken to safely reopen his chiropractic office and CrossFit gym while adhering to social distancing and sanitation guidelines in New York State.

Key topics include:

Tune in to learn practical tips for navigating the challenges of reopening your practice post-COVID.

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#ChiropracticReopening #ChiropractorSEO #ChiropracticPracticeManagement #SocialDistancingGuidelines #COVID19ChiropracticSafety #CrossFitAndChiropractic #PatientCommunication #PoweringTheModernPractice

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:01.439 --> 00:00:05.440 Hi Everyone. Thank you for joining us for our third episode of catch up 2 00:00:05.440 --> 00:00:09.710 with Cairo touch, our new podcast series where we will talk about the state 3 00:00:09.750 --> 00:00:14.109 of Chiropractic Profession, best practice, as and recommendations to manage and grow your 4 00:00:14.150 --> 00:00:18.949 practice and share expert advice with a variety of guest speakers. I'm one of 5 00:00:18.989 --> 00:00:22.820 your hosts, Dr Brian Blast. I am an account executive here with Kira 6 00:00:22.940 --> 00:00:27.460 touch, where I consult with chiropractors to determine which software solution is best for 7 00:00:27.620 --> 00:00:31.940 them. We have Dr Jeremy Todd with us today to talk about how to 8 00:00:32.020 --> 00:00:37.530 stay in control of your practice during these times when everything feels uncontrollable. Jeremy 9 00:00:37.689 --> 00:00:41.409 is a good friend of mine, as we were classmates at NYC see what 10 00:00:41.490 --> 00:00:46.689 seems like years ago. He's a Chiro touch client, a chiropractor specializing and 11 00:00:46.850 --> 00:00:51.679 rehabilitation in New York and a cross fit gym owner. Great to have you 12 00:00:51.840 --> 00:00:54.719 here today, Jeremy. How are you, sir? I'm doing good. 13 00:00:54.759 --> 00:00:57.359 It's great to be here. Good to talk to you. I want to 14 00:00:57.479 --> 00:01:00.439 explain to our listeners kind of why we've got you back on, because we 15 00:01:00.520 --> 00:01:06.390 had you on in our webinar series about six weeks ago where we talked about 16 00:01:06.750 --> 00:01:10.030 and the state of what's going on in New York, what you're doing. 17 00:01:10.909 --> 00:01:14.069 So I want to get you back on here your kind of because everything changes 18 00:01:14.150 --> 00:01:15.349 here a week by week, day by day. So when you get your 19 00:01:15.430 --> 00:01:19.939 back on and kind of talk about you know what's going on in New York, 20 00:01:21.060 --> 00:01:23.379 you know what's going on with Your Business, with the gym, with 21 00:01:23.459 --> 00:01:26.260 the practice. So are you currently open? Sure? So, the the 22 00:01:27.019 --> 00:01:32.500 practice is open on a limited basis. The the language that was used here 23 00:01:32.859 --> 00:01:38.530 was chiropractors are allowed to remain open for urgent and emergency care. So I've 24 00:01:38.530 --> 00:01:44.129 been qualifying that with people who are having inability to sleep, pain or inability 25 00:01:44.170 --> 00:01:48.760 to walk or dress themselves. So really more of the critical adls and if 26 00:01:48.799 --> 00:01:52.480 people are having those issues, then we are letting them through the door, 27 00:01:52.519 --> 00:01:56.719 as long as they are otherwise healthy. So we're up and running there on 28 00:01:56.760 --> 00:02:00.359 a limited basis. I am limiting the number of people are coming that are 29 00:02:00.430 --> 00:02:04.950 coming in and I've changed my how much time. I A lot for patient 30 00:02:05.069 --> 00:02:07.949 so there's less time in the waiting room. The Gym is unfortunately still closed 31 00:02:08.069 --> 00:02:12.870 and we're still waiting on clarity as to when that's going to be open back 32 00:02:12.909 --> 00:02:16.500 up. Gotcha. So how were you able to blast out to your client 33 00:02:16.580 --> 00:02:20.659 base? Hay, we're open for emergency. What two types of communication and 34 00:02:20.780 --> 00:02:23.620 to use there to kind of get the word out about what's going on with 35 00:02:23.699 --> 00:02:27.580 your practice? The mass email function on the on Cairo touch has been a 36 00:02:27.620 --> 00:02:31.250 great way to stay in touch with people and just give them updates, valid 37 00:02:31.289 --> 00:02:35.569 information that we're getting, just letting them know where there were we're at. 38 00:02:35.689 --> 00:02:38.449 Just keep keeping an open line of communication and that's been the best way to 39 00:02:38.490 --> 00:02:42.289 do it. It's kind of what's been the vibe with a patient base? 40 00:02:42.370 --> 00:02:45.759 Are People more cautious? Are they reluctant? Are they eager? kind of 41 00:02:45.800 --> 00:02:51.479 what's the flow there for patients? Really it's a mixed bag. Will have 42 00:02:51.719 --> 00:02:57.919 people who want to be the first appointment in and avoid going through the waiting 43 00:02:57.960 --> 00:03:00.229 room. They'll go out through the gym. So we have the very overcautious 44 00:03:00.229 --> 00:03:05.389 people on that end and then we have other people who are coming in then 45 00:03:05.469 --> 00:03:07.990 like not wearing a mask and just kind of like, you know, it's 46 00:03:08.030 --> 00:03:13.620 business as usual for them, and really everything in between. So I'm just 47 00:03:13.699 --> 00:03:19.780 trying to I treat everybody like they are overly nervous and overcautious and really for 48 00:03:19.900 --> 00:03:23.060 me it's yeah, let's let's be as safe as we can, using the 49 00:03:23.099 --> 00:03:27.210 common sense that we have and not be too cavalier about it. Right. 50 00:03:27.250 --> 00:03:30.090 So, are you practicing with different sanitation standards? Are you wearing the mask? 51 00:03:30.169 --> 00:03:34.090 Are you sanitizing everything? Kind of what you're going to make all the 52 00:03:34.129 --> 00:03:37.689 practice there? Yeah, so I'm wearing a mask. I started with an 53 00:03:37.729 --> 00:03:43.039 in ninety five and that was just oppressive. It's hard to communicate for hours 54 00:03:43.080 --> 00:03:46.000 at a time wearing that thing. So I'm just wearing a regular now basic 55 00:03:46.080 --> 00:03:51.159 surgical mask. I'm not wearing gloves because I do a lot of soft tissue 56 00:03:51.159 --> 00:03:53.800 work, so that doesn't really let me do what I need to do. 57 00:03:54.870 --> 00:03:59.870 I am wiping down the tables between patients, washing my hands. I'm making 58 00:03:59.909 --> 00:04:03.189 sure actually that after the patient leaves, I'll wait to wash my hands and 59 00:04:03.310 --> 00:04:06.509 clean the table until the next patient comes in, so they see me doing 60 00:04:06.669 --> 00:04:11.259 that. I just don't want to leave any doubt in people's minds to those 61 00:04:11.300 --> 00:04:13.740 getting some people coming and saying hey, do you do this? Did you 62 00:04:13.780 --> 00:04:15.900 do that, and like, you know what, I'll just have you watch 63 00:04:15.019 --> 00:04:18.620 me do it. So, yeah, that's where we're at. We recommend, 64 00:04:18.819 --> 00:04:24.730 we ask people to wear masks. Most people do, some don't like 65 00:04:24.889 --> 00:04:28.730 it and take it off halfway through. That's where we're at. That's a 66 00:04:28.810 --> 00:04:30.850 great tip right. That's a great trick. I didn't even think about that. 67 00:04:30.970 --> 00:04:33.290 Where you have you wait till you do your cleaning, until somebody sees 68 00:04:33.329 --> 00:04:36.970 you do it that way they know that what you're doing is a safe and 69 00:04:38.250 --> 00:04:41.360 a sanitize because they're still that fear by the main, especially in New York. 70 00:04:41.360 --> 00:04:44.800 Talk about kind of where you are. I don't think people really realize 71 00:04:45.000 --> 00:04:47.800 how close you are to New York City. Yeah, so we're a forty 72 00:04:47.839 --> 00:04:50.759 five minute train right. I know maybe twenty minutes from New York City. 73 00:04:50.920 --> 00:04:55.949 So we've been at the epicenter of a lot of this. We have a 74 00:04:55.990 --> 00:04:58.550 lot of people that you know work in New York City. We've had a 75 00:04:58.629 --> 00:05:01.709 couple gym members lose family members do to this. So we've been at the 76 00:05:01.750 --> 00:05:04.389 heart of it. It's been it's been rough going. There's been a lot 77 00:05:04.430 --> 00:05:08.339 of fear going on around here, but everything seems to be moving in the 78 00:05:08.379 --> 00:05:12.459 right direction. I know other other parts of New York state opened up into 79 00:05:12.540 --> 00:05:15.899 fees one today. That's more upstate and western New York. We haven't checked 80 00:05:15.939 --> 00:05:19.019 all the boxes to interphase one just yet, but we are trending in the 81 00:05:19.060 --> 00:05:24.250 right direction. Things are moving well here. That's great. So you were 82 00:05:24.290 --> 00:05:27.209 closed for quite a bit of time there. How long, approximately, did 83 00:05:27.250 --> 00:05:30.930 you have to shut the doors for? So I chose again. I didn't 84 00:05:30.930 --> 00:05:32.569 have to, I chose to. I know a couple other Cairos in town 85 00:05:32.730 --> 00:05:36.480 stayed open the whole time. I chose to close my doors for three weeks. 86 00:05:38.000 --> 00:05:42.800 I needed to understand what was going on better with with how this was 87 00:05:42.920 --> 00:05:46.279 being transmitted and what we're best practices. So I made that choice and then, 88 00:05:46.319 --> 00:05:50.550 as things, you know, sorted out, I felt confident opening back 89 00:05:50.550 --> 00:05:55.110 up again. Then you still have the gym, as you know, income 90 00:05:55.230 --> 00:05:58.670 and then you do other classes for income as well. Right, correct? 91 00:05:58.709 --> 00:06:02.430 Yeah, the O, the gym membership has been really great. Vast majority 92 00:06:02.430 --> 00:06:06.180 of people have stayed on, continuing to pay their membership. We have, 93 00:06:06.379 --> 00:06:13.339 we are continuing to offer online classes and it actually spawned a new class where 94 00:06:13.379 --> 00:06:16.980 I'm doing basically a low back school live on zoom. So I've been actually 95 00:06:17.019 --> 00:06:24.810 able to add revenue by running a zoom class, doing some low back exercises 96 00:06:25.129 --> 00:06:28.129 and I've been able to get people who are a little bit more hesitant to 97 00:06:28.209 --> 00:06:32.360 come in. We have a couple of people with immunocompromise, spouses or people 98 00:06:32.399 --> 00:06:36.439 that live with their parents, so we've been able to engage them remotely with 99 00:06:36.560 --> 00:06:42.879 that stuff. That's two things I love there. Right. One is you're 100 00:06:42.920 --> 00:06:46.389 taking care of everyone right and you're putting people's fears at ease with sanitation and 101 00:06:46.550 --> 00:06:50.069 kids. My wife has line disease, so she's a, you know, 102 00:06:50.149 --> 00:06:55.670 compromise and we still have that. We go through a ton of the sanitation 103 00:06:55.750 --> 00:06:59.430 protocols and keeping her safe and everything. So I love that you're doing that 104 00:06:59.629 --> 00:07:01.540 for for people. That's great to take care of patients like that, but 105 00:07:01.660 --> 00:07:04.699 then also adding the revenue side to it. I think it's very important for 106 00:07:04.740 --> 00:07:10.180 other chiropractice understand there's other ways, right, passive income wise, that you 107 00:07:10.300 --> 00:07:14.819 need to set up for your business, because this could happen again right even 108 00:07:14.860 --> 00:07:16.810 within your business. Trying to think about other ways that you can continue to 109 00:07:16.889 --> 00:07:23.290 generate revenue. Right. Absolutely, I feel like I was lucky in a 110 00:07:23.410 --> 00:07:30.000 sense that I've have a large exercise science and exercise background and had been doing 111 00:07:30.120 --> 00:07:34.360 online stuff before. I saw it as a necessity, not only to reach 112 00:07:34.480 --> 00:07:40.399 people that might not be able to geographically reach me, but also as follow 113 00:07:40.439 --> 00:07:44.750 up care for the patients who are discharged but are still experiencing some form of 114 00:07:45.709 --> 00:07:51.069 weakness or poor coordination or endurance. So you know, it's nice to have 115 00:07:51.310 --> 00:07:56.069 that that, you know, recurring income. Even if the when the office 116 00:07:56.110 --> 00:08:01.500 was closed, I still had income coming through that stream. Have you kind 117 00:08:01.540 --> 00:08:05.019 of found yourself being more active promoting certain parts of that business? Are you 118 00:08:05.100 --> 00:08:07.379 using or less active, like how's your outreach spent when it comes to marketing, 119 00:08:07.420 --> 00:08:11.259 or you you switched anything up there, because I mean can seems like 120 00:08:11.300 --> 00:08:13.569 it has to be and of a fluid plan at this point. Right it 121 00:08:13.730 --> 00:08:20.730 depends on the day. I've been a lot more active in the gym during 122 00:08:20.810 --> 00:08:22.970 this time, to be honest with you. You know, as the owner 123 00:08:24.129 --> 00:08:28.680 CO owner, they're providing leadership in that regard and being in front of the 124 00:08:28.720 --> 00:08:33.279 camera and running more classes and communicating with people and trying to figure out with 125 00:08:33.399 --> 00:08:37.480 the future of fitness looks like, because that's a question I know a lot 126 00:08:37.480 --> 00:08:39.039 of people have answers too. So I've actually been doing more of that. 127 00:08:39.960 --> 00:08:43.789 You know, the with the chiropractic end of things. You know, I 128 00:08:43.830 --> 00:08:48.350 don't do a lot of marketing as it is, and I've found myself having 129 00:08:48.549 --> 00:08:52.789 to deny new patients right now because I'm so busy. So many people want 130 00:08:52.830 --> 00:08:56.940 to come in. So I've been expanding my hours accidentally over this time, 131 00:08:58.139 --> 00:09:01.940 really without much effort. But that again when's to hew my practice functions. 132 00:09:03.899 --> 00:09:05.580 That's that's very fortunate for you. That's a great job that you don't have 133 00:09:05.659 --> 00:09:09.649 to do that marketing and you still get that influcting new patients and staying busy. 134 00:09:09.970 --> 00:09:15.889 You mentioned the the fitness industry. I mean so people with gym memberships, 135 00:09:15.970 --> 00:09:16.970 you know, like you, your co owner of a gym. Where 136 00:09:16.970 --> 00:09:24.250 do you see that going? I mean short term, we have to develop 137 00:09:24.360 --> 00:09:28.559 some sort of online service. You know, it's hard to, you know, 138 00:09:28.919 --> 00:09:33.279 expect people to pay their full gym do's again. You know, across 139 00:09:33.320 --> 00:09:37.759 the gym is a more Boutique. Jim. So, again I feel lucky 140 00:09:37.799 --> 00:09:41.149 that I've had experience with the online realm. We were quickly able to get 141 00:09:41.309 --> 00:09:43.629 zoom classes up and running. But you hear those grumblings. Hey, why 142 00:09:43.629 --> 00:09:50.830 am I paying this much for something that's less then so we're looking at saying 143 00:09:50.830 --> 00:09:52.740 all right, well, let's look at this as an opportunity, let's let's 144 00:09:52.820 --> 00:09:58.220 maybe we'll drop our price for just online programming and then renting out our equipment. 145 00:09:58.580 --> 00:10:01.620 So because right now, if you guys are staying up with fitness, 146 00:10:01.620 --> 00:10:07.330 you cannot find a dumb bell or a Barbel or a lot of things anywhere 147 00:10:07.570 --> 00:10:11.929 online and as soon as they become available they're gone within hours. So you 148 00:10:11.970 --> 00:10:15.970 know, it is a our equipment is a commodity, so that I'll kind 149 00:10:16.009 --> 00:10:18.129 of offset the cost and really kind of like hey, if you want to 150 00:10:18.450 --> 00:10:22.480 use a barbell or a dumb bell, where your only option right now. 151 00:10:22.919 --> 00:10:26.679 So I think developing that short term, but then being able to not just 152 00:10:26.879 --> 00:10:28.840 hold on to the people that we have, but really reaching out to the 153 00:10:28.960 --> 00:10:33.720 community at large and and locally and starting to advertise and say hey, you 154 00:10:33.840 --> 00:10:37.909 know, for this price you can join this community of people, you will 155 00:10:37.909 --> 00:10:39.990 get zoom classes, you will get support, you will get this stuff that 156 00:10:41.029 --> 00:10:45.149 a lot of the cookie cutter online programs, I might be cheaper, won't 157 00:10:45.750 --> 00:10:50.179 provide you. You know all these there's twenty thirty dollar one programs out there. 158 00:10:50.340 --> 00:10:52.299 Yeah, and if you're very self sufficient healthy, go for it, 159 00:10:52.779 --> 00:10:56.100 but a lot of times people need that support. How to I modify this? 160 00:10:56.700 --> 00:11:00.659 You know, I need I'm bought. This is bothering me. What 161 00:11:00.740 --> 00:11:03.690 should I eat out it a so providing them with that in real time will 162 00:11:03.730 --> 00:11:09.649 be valuable. It's great because healthcare is not a cookie cutter approach. Right. 163 00:11:09.769 --> 00:11:13.409 Means as Chiropractors, it's diagnosis and it's treatment. Right, we're healthcare 164 00:11:13.450 --> 00:11:18.009 professionals. Get the diagnosis and treat accordingly. So you can't have that cookie 165 00:11:18.049 --> 00:11:22.679 cutter approach for the most part. Right. So I guess what are the 166 00:11:22.879 --> 00:11:26.600 thoughts kind of moving forward? Their on how this quarantine is affecting people's health? 167 00:11:26.840 --> 00:11:28.879 Right, are people coming out of it like you thought they would? 168 00:11:30.039 --> 00:11:31.000 I mean, we'll talk to me about that. I'm the kind of how 169 00:11:31.039 --> 00:11:35.990 is quarantine affecting everybody here? It's interesting because, well, what I'm seeing, 170 00:11:37.029 --> 00:11:39.950 at least with the gym population, certain segment of the the fitness population 171 00:11:41.389 --> 00:11:46.700 has an unhealthy relationship with exercise and uses exercise as a coping mechanism. So 172 00:11:46.899 --> 00:11:50.220 those are the people that we've been focusing on and keeping them from over training. 173 00:11:50.899 --> 00:11:54.299 Right. So they're stressed out, they're going to they have more time, 174 00:11:54.500 --> 00:11:56.379 they start working out more, they start to give repetitive use injuries. 175 00:11:56.460 --> 00:12:00.179 So we're trying to head that off. That's the one end of things. 176 00:12:00.580 --> 00:12:05.049 The other other end of things is people just being super stressed out and saying, 177 00:12:05.250 --> 00:12:07.690 you know, darn it all, I'm just going to sit on my 178 00:12:07.850 --> 00:12:11.009 couch and not do anything, which that's not the answer too. So we've 179 00:12:11.009 --> 00:12:13.129 been reaching out to them. Hey, I haven't seen you in class, 180 00:12:13.169 --> 00:12:16.639 haven't seen you log on. Let's get you moving. And then in the 181 00:12:16.679 --> 00:12:22.080 clinic, we talked a bit about before the the psychological component of pain and 182 00:12:22.720 --> 00:12:26.320 how that can that can spike pain and how that can actually there's some evidence 183 00:12:26.320 --> 00:12:30.870 out there that it leads to facial restriction over time. So the people that 184 00:12:30.990 --> 00:12:37.230 have been reaching out for treatment have definitely had a psychological component involved that you 185 00:12:37.309 --> 00:12:41.029 know, that we've established in the past. That's really spiking there. Their 186 00:12:41.070 --> 00:12:45.299 symptoms currently okay. So now moving forward with that. So you see people 187 00:12:45.340 --> 00:12:48.179 coming out of this probably more stressful, less stressful. Are you getting information 188 00:12:48.259 --> 00:12:52.779 out to them about kind of the healing process? What do you think moving 189 00:12:52.820 --> 00:12:58.419 forward there for yourself and other chiropractors in the same position. It's a good 190 00:12:58.419 --> 00:13:01.210 question. I mean, I think moving forward you're going to see like one 191 00:13:01.250 --> 00:13:05.690 of those three options, you know, people that have been overused, people 192 00:13:05.850 --> 00:13:09.889 that have the mental fortitude to be fine through this, that they are adaptable, 193 00:13:09.730 --> 00:13:13.080 and then the people that are super worried and super stressed and and just 194 00:13:13.159 --> 00:13:18.840 kind of shutting down and becoming introverted about it. So I think educating people, 195 00:13:18.840 --> 00:13:24.279 at least on the on the highly stressed end, so the over exercisers 196 00:13:24.360 --> 00:13:28.110 and under exercisers. In my world, Kristin neff is a really good psychologist. 197 00:13:30.029 --> 00:13:33.389 She's kind of hit the pop culture scene recently and she does a lot 198 00:13:33.470 --> 00:13:39.830 on selfcompassion and recognizing you're struggling and realizing everybody struggling and having better self talk. 199 00:13:39.990 --> 00:13:43.220 So it's that's the kind of dissemination that I've been doing, is with 200 00:13:43.379 --> 00:13:48.139 with that information and really getting people to understand, yeah, you're suffering. 201 00:13:48.179 --> 00:13:50.100 Yes, we're all suffering. There's some you know, she has the clinical 202 00:13:50.139 --> 00:13:52.820 research to back that. There's, you know, some something curative in that, 203 00:13:52.940 --> 00:13:56.970 but it's being able to step outside of yourself and say, okay, 204 00:13:56.970 --> 00:14:00.129 a friend is coming to you with this set of problems, what would you 205 00:14:00.129 --> 00:14:03.649 say to them? Because what she's found is people will speak more kindly and 206 00:14:03.769 --> 00:14:07.850 more constructively to someone else than they will themselves, at least ninety percent of 207 00:14:07.929 --> 00:14:11.320 people. So that's the that's the angle I'm taking with it is being a 208 00:14:11.320 --> 00:14:15.279 little bit more compassionate with yourself and then asking yourself what you can control at 209 00:14:15.399 --> 00:14:16.759 the end of the day. You know, that's that's amazing. That's great 210 00:14:16.799 --> 00:14:20.120 stuff and we covered a lot of the psychological component last time, which I 211 00:14:20.360 --> 00:14:24.149 advise other chiropractors that are listening to this that made him not have listened to 212 00:14:24.269 --> 00:14:30.389 the Webinar that we did a few weeks ago to go to Cairo touchcom resources. 213 00:14:30.710 --> 00:14:33.590 We'll be able to find our tape to Webinars we've been doing during this 214 00:14:33.669 --> 00:14:37.070 quarantine. So go to Cairo touchcom resources. We cover a lot of that 215 00:14:37.190 --> 00:14:41.379 there. It's Jeremy gives a lot of good information on that as well. 216 00:14:41.980 --> 00:14:45.980 So if you are a younger practitioner right, because you're established, you know 217 00:14:46.100 --> 00:14:48.299 your late S, you've got your business as you're rolling, you've got the 218 00:14:48.379 --> 00:14:52.370 new patients, you're busy. There's a lot of younger practitioners now that are 219 00:14:54.009 --> 00:14:56.970 graduating or a few years into practice that are struggling because of this and what 220 00:14:58.090 --> 00:15:01.090 tips, what what ideas do you have there for other businesses, younger practitioners? 221 00:15:01.690 --> 00:15:07.799 That's a good question. I would say first thing is find some continuing 222 00:15:07.000 --> 00:15:13.519 education on practice building right now. I know I'm doing that right now again 223 00:15:13.840 --> 00:15:18.720 later in the game, but I'm always trying to improve my practice and this 224 00:15:18.919 --> 00:15:24.190 is really giving me a time to understand my efficiencies and my inefficiencies, not 225 00:15:24.350 --> 00:15:28.110 only in my office but in my communication. So really self reflecting on the 226 00:15:28.230 --> 00:15:33.389 experience that you're giving people and how you're talking to them. I think also, 227 00:15:33.629 --> 00:15:37.940 if you're inexperienced and you're rather new, maybe taking the time to understand 228 00:15:39.179 --> 00:15:46.259 social media and marketing better and really clarifying your message to get out there is 229 00:15:46.340 --> 00:15:48.539 it starts with refining your message and knowing who you are, and I think 230 00:15:48.620 --> 00:15:52.490 that's something that I wish I did earlier on and saying like listen, no, 231 00:15:52.610 --> 00:15:54.129 this is me, this is who I am, this is what I 232 00:15:54.289 --> 00:15:58.490 believe, and really expressing that, because the more you express it, the 233 00:15:58.570 --> 00:16:02.809 more you're going to attract the patient you want to see, and the more 234 00:16:02.889 --> 00:16:04.600 patient you attract that you want to see the more success you have and the 235 00:16:04.639 --> 00:16:08.240 more people that they send in, and I didn't really have that early on. 236 00:16:08.399 --> 00:16:11.720 It was just kind of read and react and try and give people what 237 00:16:11.840 --> 00:16:12.960 they want. Again, we were in we were in Croatia, so I 238 00:16:14.039 --> 00:16:18.029 was trying to do this all in a foreign language too, but that's what 239 00:16:18.110 --> 00:16:21.629 I would say. Define your message and then start getting it out there as 240 00:16:21.629 --> 00:16:25.110 much as possible. Yeah, that's great. Look at yourself, figuring out 241 00:16:25.110 --> 00:16:27.710 who you are, how you want to practice and then educating right, getting 242 00:16:27.710 --> 00:16:30.629 that message out there. You mentioned social media. There we're going to touch 243 00:16:30.669 --> 00:16:33.980 on Crolasia, by the way, what you mentioned. But the social media 244 00:16:34.059 --> 00:16:38.580 component, I think it's also very important. Right. You can use facebook, 245 00:16:38.740 --> 00:16:41.820 instagram, twitter, whatever you need to to get your message out there 246 00:16:41.820 --> 00:16:45.460 about who you are and engage with your patients. We've been talking to us 247 00:16:45.500 --> 00:16:49.769 so many chiropractors about this. Engage with your patient base, and you do 248 00:16:49.850 --> 00:16:53.250 a great job at that. So I think that's a great point to kind 249 00:16:53.250 --> 00:16:56.409 I give to other practitioners as use those servers. Of social media is a 250 00:16:56.490 --> 00:17:00.929 billion dollar business. It's not going anywhere people. You might as well use 251 00:17:00.009 --> 00:17:04.359 it absolutely and it's great to just put those ideas out in the ether. 252 00:17:04.680 --> 00:17:08.000 You know, you're going to fire a lot of blanks out there. You 253 00:17:08.079 --> 00:17:11.920 might be fifteen people seeing it, but eventually you're going to say stuff that 254 00:17:12.039 --> 00:17:15.269 sticks with people and and, like I said, you're going to start attracting 255 00:17:15.309 --> 00:17:18.670 the right person to your practice, which is which is what you want to 256 00:17:18.670 --> 00:17:22.750 do. That's exactly I love that. So, yeah, you go into 257 00:17:22.789 --> 00:17:26.509 real quickly. Tell you. So you started over in Croatia and then came 258 00:17:26.589 --> 00:17:30.819 over here to the state's right. Yeah, so after my wife graduated, 259 00:17:30.299 --> 00:17:33.700 we moved over to Croatian. That was the first, first practice that we 260 00:17:33.819 --> 00:17:37.500 opened up. I had never really worked in another practice. My experience and 261 00:17:37.779 --> 00:17:41.700 Chiropractic College was at the Va, so that was a very different experience and 262 00:17:41.859 --> 00:17:48.089 being in a clinic. So it was really interesting. There's no very vast 263 00:17:48.170 --> 00:17:51.009 differences over there. But yeah, we were over there for five years. 264 00:17:51.890 --> 00:17:56.569 That's awesome. So, as we wrap things up here, how about you? 265 00:17:56.970 --> 00:18:00.960 What are you doing during this time to stay healthy? So I guess 266 00:18:00.960 --> 00:18:03.640 I have the benefit of you know, I coach a class at six am 267 00:18:03.799 --> 00:18:07.480 three days a week, so I'm in front of the in front of a 268 00:18:07.519 --> 00:18:12.309 camera, doing my best Richard Simmons impersonation, and so I'll do that and 269 00:18:12.349 --> 00:18:15.549 then I'll run the low back class. So I'm getting a solid hour and 270 00:18:15.549 --> 00:18:19.869 a half of exercise those days and then I'm taking this time to do more 271 00:18:21.029 --> 00:18:29.339 continuing ed on different exercise or movements systems, and so I've been really working 272 00:18:29.380 --> 00:18:33.420 on gate and running cycles. I've been getting to experiment on my cell with 273 00:18:33.539 --> 00:18:37.539 myself two times a week, just going for doing some running intervals, you 274 00:18:37.619 --> 00:18:41.690 know, half hour, forty five minutes. Oh that's awesome. Where can 275 00:18:41.849 --> 00:18:45.130 people find out more about you? Your practice? Where can I find on 276 00:18:45.170 --> 00:18:48.890 Lyne? So you can find me. Website is Batra, the Atra, 277 00:18:48.930 --> 00:18:56.279 a spine and sportcom and that is also my instagram handle, Boucher's fine and 278 00:18:56.279 --> 00:19:00.559 sport, and that's where you can you can find me. Awesome. Thanks, 279 00:19:00.559 --> 00:19:03.119 Jeremy. I really appreciate taking the time, I mean, to help 280 00:19:03.160 --> 00:19:06.720 kind of us in this new reality. Right. I mean it's nice to 281 00:19:06.759 --> 00:19:08.960 hear from somebody that's established, that has, you know, bothing on the 282 00:19:10.000 --> 00:19:12.549 ground, multiple businesses, the passive strings of income. We covered a lot. 283 00:19:12.630 --> 00:19:15.430 That's going to help a lot of chiropractors. Thanks for having me. 284 00:19:15.509 --> 00:19:19.390 He love a love talking shop. Thank you again. Do our listeners here 285 00:19:19.789 --> 00:19:22.589 at catch up with Cairo touch. This is our third week we're doing this 286 00:19:22.670 --> 00:19:26.019 podcast series. We'd love to hear from everyone, so we set up an 287 00:19:26.019 --> 00:19:30.940 inbox. Just email us at podcast at Cairo touchcom. You can send US 288 00:19:30.980 --> 00:19:37.339 questions, feedback comments. So again, that is podcast at Cairo touchcom. 289 00:19:37.180 --> 00:19:41.569 Next week we're going to be discussing how to navigate the recently available covid nineteen 290 00:19:41.609 --> 00:19:48.769 financing options for small businesses. So tune in and listen at Cairo touchcom podcast 291 00:19:48.930 --> 00:19:52.849 or wherever you like to listen to your podcasts. Thank you again for listening 292 00:19:52.849 --> 00:19:53.039 to catch up with Cairo touch

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