Planning with an End in Mind

May 23, 2022 00:35:04
Planning with an End in Mind
ChiroCast: Insights for modern chiropractors
Planning with an End in Mind

May 23 2022 | 00:35:04


Show Notes

Welcome to Catch Up with ChiroTouch with Dr. Ronnie Simms, the educational and inspirational podcast series featuring chiropractic’s most influential speakers.

In this episode, Dr. Paul Reed, founder of ChiroFest, discusses how to achieve your ultimate vision as a chiropractor by reverse engineering your goals. Along with host Dr. Ronnie Simms, they talk about how dysfunction arises when your mission and purpose aren’t aligned with your vision and how to restore harmony with a results-first approach. Plus, learn how you can win tickets to ChiroFest 2022!

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.440 --> 00:00:04.960 Hey, welcome to this edition of catch up with Cairo touch. We're so 2 00:00:05.080 --> 00:00:08.439 glad you took the time out of your schedule to tune in today. I 3 00:00:08.480 --> 00:00:12.759 have one of my favorite people back on is for a second time, and 4 00:00:12.800 --> 00:00:17.160 I could not think of a better person to meet with and talk with about 5 00:00:17.239 --> 00:00:22.559 today's topic. And this gentleman is somebody who's inspired me from up close and 6 00:00:22.760 --> 00:00:27.000 from afar, and I am in a long line of people who would say 7 00:00:27.039 --> 00:00:29.600 the same thing. Paul, we just love you. You've been so great 8 00:00:29.679 --> 00:00:35.200 for our profession and I just love your story. It's very similar to mine. 9 00:00:35.920 --> 00:00:38.960 You're a little bit further along on the trajectory than me, but I 10 00:00:39.000 --> 00:00:43.159 love it and I'm looking forward to today's conversation. For those of you don't 11 00:00:43.159 --> 00:00:46.920 know that, don't know Dr Paul, he spent pretty much the last two 12 00:00:46.920 --> 00:00:53.799 and a half decades building his dream practice, and so you know he has 13 00:00:53.880 --> 00:00:59.079 always kind of had really strong core values and really relatively clear vision all this. 14 00:00:59.200 --> 00:01:00.880 Sometimes vision has to change. We're going to talk about that, but 15 00:01:00.920 --> 00:01:04.959 it's been really fun to watch. And so today's topic really is how to 16 00:01:06.079 --> 00:01:10.879 reverse engineer your vision, your dream and your goals so that it's a clear 17 00:01:10.920 --> 00:01:14.319 reality for you, not just some pipe dream. So, Paul, welcome 18 00:01:14.359 --> 00:01:17.200 back. Yes, Hey, doc, thanks so much for having and thank 19 00:01:17.239 --> 00:01:19.640 you for for honor me and all the great compliments. I appreciate it. 20 00:01:19.719 --> 00:01:25.159 Mean Oh man, it's not hard with you, buddy. I am a 21 00:01:25.480 --> 00:01:27.760 I'm over this now in my life, but I used to be, my 22 00:01:27.799 --> 00:01:32.840 wife would say, a little bit of a pipe dreamer in terms of where 23 00:01:32.840 --> 00:01:34.879 I want to take the practice, where I want to take my team and 24 00:01:34.879 --> 00:01:38.879 stuff. But as I get older, that because it's become more of a 25 00:01:38.879 --> 00:01:42.400 reality as I've learned more about vision casting goal setting. But can you just 26 00:01:42.480 --> 00:01:48.200 kind of give us a high level of general differentiation between this pipe dream versus 27 00:01:48.280 --> 00:01:52.439 this really crystal clearer vision? You know, I think we all start, 28 00:01:52.719 --> 00:01:53.879 and it's great too, but I think we all start with a little bit 29 00:01:53.920 --> 00:01:57.319 of pipe dream, right, the young boy laying in the grass, grandiose 30 00:01:57.439 --> 00:02:00.959 visions. We see all these, you know, people around us growing up 31 00:02:00.959 --> 00:02:02.959 that we look up to that had what we at the time believe we're huge 32 00:02:02.959 --> 00:02:07.759 successes and we're doing things that we'd hoped or wanted to do, and so 33 00:02:07.800 --> 00:02:09.919 I think that's really like the pipe dream, like, Oh, you're laying 34 00:02:09.919 --> 00:02:13.879 in the grass and just really kind of like, oh, that in awe 35 00:02:14.039 --> 00:02:16.639 of somebody's successes or in all of somebody that's, you know, maybe doing 36 00:02:16.680 --> 00:02:21.039 something that you want to do, and really, you know, a true 37 00:02:21.080 --> 00:02:24.199 vision. Our true vision needs to really align with your core values of who 38 00:02:24.280 --> 00:02:28.240 you are as in human being, the reason you're put here on this planet 39 00:02:28.240 --> 00:02:31.319 to make an impact, and what's on your heart. Like sometimes, you 40 00:02:31.360 --> 00:02:35.439 know, the pipe dream is just things and stuff that we see. It's 41 00:02:35.479 --> 00:02:38.080 the feel good right, oh, I think it'd be great to you know, 42 00:02:38.240 --> 00:02:42.039 whatever that that person is doing. I think I'd like to live that 43 00:02:42.120 --> 00:02:45.319 life. But if, if you start pursuing, you know, somebody else's 44 00:02:45.400 --> 00:02:49.879 dream or somebody else's life, really it's not it's not aligned with who you 45 00:02:49.919 --> 00:02:53.680 are and as a human, as a child of God, as your spirits, 46 00:02:53.719 --> 00:02:57.479 just not aligned with you. And I personally have experienced like doing a 47 00:02:57.520 --> 00:03:00.080 little bit of that, and it's you just really never get there. You 48 00:03:00.120 --> 00:03:04.759 never feel fulfilled, never feel confident, never feel satisfied and really when it's 49 00:03:04.879 --> 00:03:08.599 your true vision, like in things really start to unfold and things will naturally 50 00:03:08.759 --> 00:03:15.120 align and fall into place through the relationships you build and through again, a 51 00:03:15.199 --> 00:03:17.360 congruency with who you want to be as a human and the things that you're 52 00:03:17.400 --> 00:03:22.159 teaching and preaching and telling the story about. And so I think really that 53 00:03:22.240 --> 00:03:25.719 a true vision is really what's it has to align with your core values and 54 00:03:27.159 --> 00:03:30.360 being congruent with who you are as a person. That's really the to me, 55 00:03:30.400 --> 00:03:32.840 that's a difference. So yeah, and so, and I've run into 56 00:03:32.879 --> 00:03:38.479 this lately with some Docs I've been consulting with, when I hear core values, 57 00:03:38.080 --> 00:03:42.240 that kind of personally wraps into my purpose as a practitioner, as a 58 00:03:42.280 --> 00:03:45.599 chiropractor, as a leader. And so give me some, if you would, 59 00:03:45.599 --> 00:03:49.840 some real world examples of what you've seen in others. No specific names, 60 00:03:49.840 --> 00:03:53.639 obviously, but yeah, where you felt like they were incongruent a little 61 00:03:53.639 --> 00:03:57.199 bit, maybe they got away from their core values and their true purpose. 62 00:03:57.719 --> 00:04:00.719 I've give us some examples of how that might play out. And Yeah, 63 00:04:00.000 --> 00:04:05.199 I think you know in our profession there's a lot of shiny, shiny, 64 00:04:05.199 --> 00:04:09.960 flashy things that people get attracted to, right and and we've all been there 65 00:04:09.960 --> 00:04:13.560 and we've all done that and we've all pursued those things and those those things 66 00:04:13.599 --> 00:04:18.519 didn't didn't help the practice financially didn't help us help more people. And so 67 00:04:18.759 --> 00:04:23.920 I think that really getting to the core of who you are and who you 68 00:04:23.959 --> 00:04:28.759 want to be is really aligning with your vision and serve that right do what 69 00:04:28.839 --> 00:04:30.079 you were placed here to do, like what is on your heart. What 70 00:04:30.160 --> 00:04:34.079 it goes back to your you know, unfortunately, too many Cairos, we 71 00:04:34.120 --> 00:04:40.639 get into practice and and we've lost sight of our original calling, into Chiropractic, 72 00:04:40.720 --> 00:04:43.800 like that original vision of why you wanted to go to prior what you 73 00:04:43.800 --> 00:04:46.879 know? Why did you? What did you not choose to do? I 74 00:04:46.920 --> 00:04:48.160 just heard this this week. And what did you not choose to do to 75 00:04:48.199 --> 00:04:51.480 become a chiropractor? Because you could have done or we could have done lots 76 00:04:51.480 --> 00:04:55.279 of things in our life that would have made us a lot of money, 77 00:04:55.279 --> 00:04:58.160 made a successful all the accolades that we could have wanted, but we chose 78 00:04:58.240 --> 00:05:01.959 to ignore, we chose to backdoor, backseat those things to become a chiropractor, 79 00:05:02.000 --> 00:05:04.560 which is an easy you had to spend lots of money to go to 80 00:05:04.639 --> 00:05:08.759 school, not only your Undergrad but then, you know, professional school, 81 00:05:08.759 --> 00:05:12.319 a chiropractice school, and then open, well alone to open a practice and 82 00:05:12.079 --> 00:05:15.040 and all the things that come with it. And so when you when you're 83 00:05:15.160 --> 00:05:18.639 true to your alignment, congruency, vision those things, it's easy to get 84 00:05:18.720 --> 00:05:21.360 up, it's easy to pay off the dead, it's easy to do the 85 00:05:21.360 --> 00:05:25.839 things are uncomfortably because it aligns with you. And if if we start chasing 86 00:05:25.839 --> 00:05:30.360 some shiny objects that don't align with this, it just gets harder. We're 87 00:05:30.360 --> 00:05:33.160 off purpose. Then it's not fun, you know, and then everything's a 88 00:05:33.199 --> 00:05:36.519 struggle and then we get grumpy and then we bring that home and then we 89 00:05:36.560 --> 00:05:41.240 have troubles in relationships and all those things. But with your if you're truly 90 00:05:41.279 --> 00:05:44.519 aligned with your calling and with your purpose in your vision, you know, 91 00:05:44.560 --> 00:05:47.079 I think things align naturally and easier and you're just in a state of flow 92 00:05:47.199 --> 00:05:53.000 and abundance and whatnot. Yeah, so it sounds like a good really a 93 00:05:53.000 --> 00:05:55.920 good way to do this is when you're young and your career, maybe even 94 00:05:55.959 --> 00:06:00.079 in school, is to begin to really define those core back use right, 95 00:06:00.120 --> 00:06:03.800 because I know for you and your personal life and your practice life, there's 96 00:06:03.920 --> 00:06:08.759 there's a fair amount of overlap on those core values. They kind of drive 97 00:06:08.839 --> 00:06:13.199 every part of your life. Right, I make all you know, got 98 00:06:13.199 --> 00:06:15.720 taught this early on, but I make all my decisions on where I want 99 00:06:15.720 --> 00:06:18.680 to go and want I want to do through those core values, like right, 100 00:06:18.759 --> 00:06:21.600 really, if it aligns with me, then I'll you know, then 101 00:06:21.600 --> 00:06:25.560 I'll walk into it entertain it before I make decision, but if it doesn't 102 00:06:25.560 --> 00:06:29.600 align with with my core values, it's not even a not even discussion. 103 00:06:29.600 --> 00:06:31.600 For hiding. I yeah, I was talking with a doc the other day 104 00:06:31.600 --> 00:06:35.680 from Arizona and he's really struggling with he feels like he kind of lost his 105 00:06:35.800 --> 00:06:43.399 Cairo identity a little bit and he is reverse engineering not reaching his goals and 106 00:06:43.399 --> 00:06:46.040 he's looking at that and he exposed himself and sends my core values. It's 107 00:06:46.079 --> 00:06:48.879 my purpose. I need to get back into the neaty gritty and get into 108 00:06:48.879 --> 00:06:53.680 the lab and and the symptom of that was something that used to creep into 109 00:06:53.720 --> 00:06:58.920 my life was every seminar he goes to, he buys something that he didn't 110 00:06:58.920 --> 00:07:03.720 intend on buying going there. He bought some guys dinner program that had total 111 00:07:03.759 --> 00:07:11.839 misfit for his personality. He bought some sort of therapeutic device that was out 112 00:07:11.879 --> 00:07:15.040 of his congruency as far as what kind of practitionery was, and he was 113 00:07:15.079 --> 00:07:17.399 having all these symptoms so if you kind of seen that, you know, 114 00:07:17.439 --> 00:07:23.839 in your coaching and doing Chiros fasting, absolutely it's and that's exactly what I 115 00:07:23.879 --> 00:07:30.879 was, you know, referencing is Docs will because they admire or look up 116 00:07:30.879 --> 00:07:33.959 to whatever that person that was had that shiny therapeutic machine or the doc that 117 00:07:34.000 --> 00:07:36.879 was doing a hey, I signed up x amount of people delivering my dinner 118 00:07:36.920 --> 00:07:41.720 talk this way. I use this instrument to make x amount of more money 119 00:07:41.720 --> 00:07:45.199 in my practice. But it was really was. If it's outside your lane, 120 00:07:45.240 --> 00:07:47.759 outside of your your core values and your vision, like it's really it's 121 00:07:47.759 --> 00:07:51.319 more of a distractionity tour and it's sucking the life out of you, for 122 00:07:51.399 --> 00:07:56.040 lack of better terms. Yes, and it's and it's not feeding life into 123 00:07:56.040 --> 00:07:59.439 you, whereas if you're, you know, true to your vision and your 124 00:07:59.439 --> 00:08:03.959 congruency, it feeds your energy, feeds life into a purse. You know, 125 00:08:03.199 --> 00:08:07.079 it lifts you up instead of dragging you down. And so that's that's 126 00:08:07.120 --> 00:08:09.680 white, so, so, so important to you know, keep your anchor, 127 00:08:09.800 --> 00:08:13.800 like, keep that original why as close as you can't you? I 128 00:08:13.800 --> 00:08:18.560 tell the story long time ago that there was a there was a gentleman that 129 00:08:18.560 --> 00:08:20.600 that was painting stripes and if I've shared this with you, I'm sorry, 130 00:08:20.600 --> 00:08:24.199 but I'll share it againause I think it ties right into so there's a there 131 00:08:24.240 --> 00:08:26.600 was a gentleman that was painting stripes on the road. Has A job, 132 00:08:26.639 --> 00:08:30.600 a young kid and the first day showed up and and painted, you know, 133 00:08:30.720 --> 00:08:33.759 miles of yellow stripe down the road and in the form and the end 134 00:08:33.759 --> 00:08:37.559 of day called the owners like man, this kid is phenomenal, he's a 135 00:08:37.559 --> 00:08:39.679 hardest work I've ever seen in the entire my entire time with the company. 136 00:08:39.720 --> 00:08:41.639 I think he's going to do great things for us. And the next day 137 00:08:41.720 --> 00:08:45.080 showed up and had a good day, but not as good as is original 138 00:08:45.159 --> 00:08:48.519 day. By the time the end of the week came he hardly striped any 139 00:08:48.720 --> 00:08:52.399 distance on the road and the forman came up to and say hey, man, 140 00:08:52.480 --> 00:08:54.519 what what happened? Like Monday, I called the owner and I said 141 00:08:54.519 --> 00:08:58.279 this kid is the hardest worker we've had in comfort history. I think he's 142 00:08:58.320 --> 00:09:01.039 going to do amazing things for us. And today you hardly did got anything 143 00:09:01.039 --> 00:09:05.039 accomplished. He goes why? I got further and further away from the bucket 144 00:09:05.120 --> 00:09:09.240 right, and so he left his core values, he left what he needed 145 00:09:09.279 --> 00:09:11.960 to do to be his best person, eating every day way back at where 146 00:09:11.960 --> 00:09:15.440 the truck was at, instead of moving the truck in the bucket with him. 147 00:09:15.480 --> 00:09:16.679 And so it's the same thing with cart mactic. We get away from 148 00:09:16.720 --> 00:09:20.480 our core voys, with our prints, with our thirty three principles are however, 149 00:09:20.519 --> 00:09:24.639 you practice and then just gets harder and harder and harder to be more 150 00:09:24.679 --> 00:09:28.919 and more successful, and so that's it's really we'd leave that behind. Well, 151 00:09:28.000 --> 00:09:31.639 that's really good. I'm so glad you unpacked that for us. Yeah, 152 00:09:31.679 --> 00:09:37.519 this particular Genma was talking about made the mistake of introducing a multilevel marketing 153 00:09:37.559 --> 00:09:43.320 product into his car practory progress. Yeah, and he's just he's lost people 154 00:09:43.399 --> 00:09:46.840 over it. So let's kind of Um, if you don't mind, if 155 00:09:46.879 --> 00:09:50.679 we can look under the under the hood of Paul Reed's career to date, 156 00:09:52.159 --> 00:09:56.200 because I know that God's not finished with you yet. He's got great things 157 00:09:56.200 --> 00:09:58.960 in store for you, for your future. We just don't know exactly what 158 00:10:00.000 --> 00:10:01.559 that looks like. Probably we know what it looks like in the next time. 159 00:10:01.759 --> 00:10:05.639 My coach just to share that with me minutes ago, so it must 160 00:10:05.679 --> 00:10:07.960 be. Must be a thing. Yeah, yeah, well, we kind 161 00:10:07.000 --> 00:10:11.559 of know that you. I know Chira fest. That's your baby and I 162 00:10:11.600 --> 00:10:13.000 know you got a probably another year, year and a half where you're at 163 00:10:13.039 --> 00:10:16.000 there. But Um, if we could just look under the hood of what 164 00:10:16.039 --> 00:10:20.240 you've done there for the benefit of others on this call, because remember, 165 00:10:20.559 --> 00:10:24.360 as you know, on this call is going to be we have students, 166 00:10:24.440 --> 00:10:31.799 Tunis, HMM, we've got veterans that are stop and I love what Dr 167 00:10:31.919 --> 00:10:37.000 Ron said. Your coach was on as our guest and he actually use the 168 00:10:37.039 --> 00:10:41.919 word stuck and said man, no being being aware that you're stuck is actually 169 00:10:41.919 --> 00:10:46.000 a good thing that you have the awareness of being stuck. So many people 170 00:10:46.039 --> 00:10:48.799 are stuck in it just don't know they're stuck and he goes. So that 171 00:10:50.000 --> 00:10:54.320 state of stuckness is really a good thing if it forces you to take action. 172 00:10:54.360 --> 00:10:58.120 If you just sit there and stay stuck and you know you're stuck, 173 00:10:58.159 --> 00:11:01.600 then you're going to be miserable. But part of that is if you looked 174 00:11:01.679 --> 00:11:07.399 at your journey, give us some real world examples along the way where you 175 00:11:07.399 --> 00:11:11.279 had to sit down and, like you said, maybe it was a positive 176 00:11:11.399 --> 00:11:13.120 road block, which we always think of it as negative, but it's really 177 00:11:13.120 --> 00:11:16.240 a positive because it's going to grow you and to grow your character. You're 178 00:11:16.240 --> 00:11:18.840 going to persevere, it's going to give you more hope and people are going 179 00:11:18.879 --> 00:11:22.840 to be drawn into you because they watch you navigate that. But where were 180 00:11:22.919 --> 00:11:26.799 some of those pivots in your practice where you thought, Oh, I need 181 00:11:26.840 --> 00:11:30.799 to sit back down again, and maybe it's a good thing, like hey, 182 00:11:30.840 --> 00:11:33.679 this is getting bigger than I dreamed, you know. So kind of 183 00:11:33.720 --> 00:11:37.399 give us a couple stories where you had to pivot. Yeah, I'll share 184 00:11:37.480 --> 00:11:39.240 to one that was a positive and one that was, you know, a 185 00:11:39.320 --> 00:11:43.480 learning lesson, which is always a positive because it's just an opportunity to refine. 186 00:11:45.480 --> 00:11:46.879 The first one is about ten years in a practice when, you know, 187 00:11:46.919 --> 00:11:52.399 I noticed that we would we'd have attrition of people that communicate or we're, 188 00:11:52.399 --> 00:11:56.799 excuse me, we're commuting too far or what they perceived to be too 189 00:11:56.840 --> 00:11:58.600 far to the practice, and so we, you know, they would get 190 00:11:58.600 --> 00:12:01.279 through an still care plan or whatnot, and then we noticed that they would 191 00:12:01.279 --> 00:12:07.799 triple off or we'd lose that practice member somewhere along the line. And so 192 00:12:07.840 --> 00:12:09.559 that's when the vision of a second clinic popped in my head. I'm like, 193 00:12:09.600 --> 00:12:13.679 Hey, let's let's let's place an office on the other side of town 194 00:12:13.679 --> 00:12:20.000 so that we, you know, could reduce our opportunities or reduce our potential 195 00:12:20.000 --> 00:12:22.840 loss of those people dropping out of care just out of you know, peer 196 00:12:22.879 --> 00:12:26.919 frustration of having to commute forty minutes each way. And so that was the 197 00:12:26.960 --> 00:12:31.120 first like okay, well, recognition, right, like Ron read said self. 198 00:12:31.159 --> 00:12:33.000 Awareness, like okay, what's going on? How can I what's the 199 00:12:33.039 --> 00:12:37.399 what's the solution for this perceived problem, because it might not it was just 200 00:12:37.440 --> 00:12:39.519 really perceived problem that I saw that people were having. And then so our 201 00:12:39.559 --> 00:12:45.759 solution was, hey, let's open up another office. The the downside of 202 00:12:45.759 --> 00:12:48.279 that is like, okay, well, a certain percentage of the practice already 203 00:12:48.320 --> 00:12:52.279 lived closer to that practice, right, and so they automatically well, Hey, 204 00:12:52.320 --> 00:12:54.639 now that this is an opportunity for us, we're going to go here 205 00:12:54.639 --> 00:13:01.120 instead of there. So so while it fed one it cannibalized another practice a 206 00:13:01.120 --> 00:13:03.200 little bit. So that, you know, so there are some upsides and 207 00:13:03.240 --> 00:13:07.399 down and downside of that. But again, it was both were opportunities for 208 00:13:07.440 --> 00:13:11.039 both practices are growing it, which is exactly what happened, because we made 209 00:13:11.039 --> 00:13:13.039 it easier and more congroom for some people to follow through with care, which 210 00:13:13.120 --> 00:13:16.120 open up you know, we all have limited time space a matter of right. 211 00:13:16.159 --> 00:13:18.200 We can only serve so many people, and so it opened up the 212 00:13:18.240 --> 00:13:20.759 door for more people to come to the practice that they were closer to in 213 00:13:20.799 --> 00:13:26.240 our community or the original practice, a second one, you know. So 214 00:13:26.279 --> 00:13:28.600 that was really that would be first one where, you know, I saw 215 00:13:28.639 --> 00:13:31.200 the story losing people. Second was a was a practice that I had about 216 00:13:31.200 --> 00:13:35.679 twenty miles north on. This would have been our fifth practice, or no, 217 00:13:37.559 --> 00:13:43.080 fourth practice. At the time. I purchased an existing practice. The 218 00:13:43.159 --> 00:13:46.360 DOC wanted to move and so we plugged into this small community and in the 219 00:13:46.360 --> 00:13:52.320 course of three years I processed I had five doctors that went through there. 220 00:13:52.320 --> 00:13:56.720 In the practice was surviving, but it wasn't thriving and so, you know, 221 00:13:56.799 --> 00:14:00.840 hiday night through quiet time and and alignment of congruency was like it was 222 00:14:00.840 --> 00:14:05.639 more of a distraction, more of an energy leak than anything. We closed 223 00:14:05.679 --> 00:14:07.519 it in which was a huge you know, I don't like to lose. 224 00:14:07.519 --> 00:14:13.200 I don't like to fail, and closing a practice was like what, like 225 00:14:13.399 --> 00:14:18.559 no, like that means on some former fashion that I failed, because I, 226 00:14:18.720 --> 00:14:20.399 you know, whatever means, couldn't find the right doctor wasn't doing the 227 00:14:20.480 --> 00:14:24.240 right whatever. So that would be another one where I was like, okay, 228 00:14:24.279 --> 00:14:28.279 this this constant struggle, like where we out of alignment. What's what's 229 00:14:28.279 --> 00:14:33.240 incongruent with this practice, because it's just more of a sucker and energy drain 230 00:14:33.279 --> 00:14:37.559 and more of a problem than it was, you know, a benefit to 231 00:14:37.639 --> 00:14:41.039 us, and so recognizing that and then closing it, and then soon as 232 00:14:41.039 --> 00:14:45.879 we did, like everything else, blossoms and grows because that energy leak or 233 00:14:45.919 --> 00:14:50.559 that whatever was incongruent in your life is suddenly removed and gives you opportunity for 234 00:14:50.600 --> 00:14:54.559 the other areas to grow. So that's really good. Thanks for sharing that. 235 00:14:54.000 --> 00:14:56.919 Open one and cloak ones. So they're yeah, no, I mean, 236 00:14:58.519 --> 00:15:01.559 and then even if it, if I could have you, I don't 237 00:15:01.559 --> 00:15:03.600 know if you're open to talking a little bit more more about where you're at 238 00:15:03.679 --> 00:15:09.919 now and the transitions that you're making your life now. And also, can 239 00:15:09.960 --> 00:15:16.480 you help me understand at what point did what you're experiencing now become in your 240 00:15:16.720 --> 00:15:22.159 kind of your vision conversation, or were you always picturing this? You know, 241 00:15:22.200 --> 00:15:24.759 I know I wasn't, honestly, so I you know. So, 242 00:15:24.879 --> 00:15:28.080 Long Story Short, for for the folks online. As you know, I 243 00:15:28.120 --> 00:15:31.279 had five practices, finished with the four and then I was acquired by a 244 00:15:31.320 --> 00:15:35.600 private equity group, power one, who was purchased by a privaty group that's 245 00:15:35.600 --> 00:15:39.320 expanding in the northwest. You know, I early wight, one of my 246 00:15:39.320 --> 00:15:45.279 best friends that I golfed with regular do and did golf with regularly. He 247 00:15:45.320 --> 00:15:48.759 experienced that in his life. His his his father lot the time. He 248 00:15:48.759 --> 00:15:54.279 helped his follow I grow a business that was acquired and when I opened my 249 00:15:54.320 --> 00:15:56.679 second office, he's like, you know, and and his dad was a 250 00:15:56.720 --> 00:16:00.799 dentist as well and so he had some had seen it happened in the dinal 251 00:16:00.799 --> 00:16:03.200 field. He's like, you know, why not, you know, grow 252 00:16:03.200 --> 00:16:06.559 a few of these and and you know, maybe they'll be a you know, 253 00:16:06.960 --> 00:16:07.759 a gobble up, so they call it, and where they go around. 254 00:16:07.799 --> 00:16:11.639 Somebody's going around and buy and these practices up and and I was like, 255 00:16:11.679 --> 00:16:12.759 Oh, I heard it. I received it. I was like, 256 00:16:12.799 --> 00:16:18.320 well, it's never happen in Chiropractic, right, it's never that's that until 257 00:16:18.440 --> 00:16:22.200 as of last couple years, it's never been been something that's happening our professions. 258 00:16:22.200 --> 00:16:25.759 Happen a lot in physical therapy world and the dinal world in the medical 259 00:16:25.799 --> 00:16:29.120 world, where they, you know, combine and do group stuff. But 260 00:16:29.159 --> 00:16:30.320 anyhow, so that I was. It was always back there, but I 261 00:16:30.360 --> 00:16:33.559 was never like well, it hasn't happened. So I just kept building my 262 00:16:33.639 --> 00:16:37.360 dream of, you know, serving as many people as possible, and that's 263 00:16:37.440 --> 00:16:40.840 really the story behind doing multiples. Like you know, I can only I 264 00:16:40.879 --> 00:16:42.360 can only bend over and I just so many people the day at a time 265 00:16:44.360 --> 00:16:47.840 if I want the same message deliver to my community. That, I think, 266 00:16:47.919 --> 00:16:49.320 is the most important message. I just I need to I need to 267 00:16:49.320 --> 00:16:53.399 recreate doctors that deliver that same type of care and communicate that same messaging, 268 00:16:53.440 --> 00:16:57.279 and that's that's the means behind doing multiple. But then that point did come, 269 00:16:57.279 --> 00:17:00.039 you know, in two thousand and nineteen, the end of two thousand 270 00:17:00.039 --> 00:17:02.879 and nineteen. You know, it started in two thousand and eighteen with Chira 271 00:17:02.960 --> 00:17:04.400 one started courting me a little bit and then we closed, you know, 272 00:17:04.440 --> 00:17:07.480 in December of two thousand and nineteen, and now I'm doing merger and acquisition 273 00:17:07.519 --> 00:17:11.200 stuff for them, where I'm reaching out the doctors and and asking if they 274 00:17:11.200 --> 00:17:17.119 would like to sell and become part of our expansion all. So, yeah, 275 00:17:17.200 --> 00:17:19.599 but it was really an I had never envisioned myself in this, in 276 00:17:19.759 --> 00:17:23.079 this role. But again, it's, you know, I'm just supposed to 277 00:17:23.119 --> 00:17:27.400 be willing and obedient and yeah, that's so, yeah, that's that's that's 278 00:17:27.440 --> 00:17:30.559 where we're at. So that's that's kind of under the hood. And then, 279 00:17:30.559 --> 00:17:33.279 obviously, like I said, my baby's Chirofest, and that's really the 280 00:17:33.359 --> 00:17:36.079 vision of Chiro Fest. Is it Agin to you know, it's on the 281 00:17:36.079 --> 00:17:38.920 past and preserve the future. It's really honoring those Cairos that came before us 282 00:17:40.519 --> 00:17:42.160 and even some of them close to us that are just now, you know, 283 00:17:42.240 --> 00:17:47.039 transitioning out of out of practice, and in securing the future. You 284 00:17:47.079 --> 00:17:49.759 know, my my son is scheduled and is going to chiropractice school in the 285 00:17:49.799 --> 00:17:52.079 fall. My son in law talks about it. So it's like securing the 286 00:17:52.160 --> 00:17:55.960 future so that our kids, as kids, as kids, can have what 287 00:17:56.000 --> 00:18:00.200 you and I have had for our families and in sense of principled Chirop Act, 288 00:18:00.440 --> 00:18:03.839 you know, teaching the above down inside out principles and allowing them to 289 00:18:03.880 --> 00:18:07.119 continue to spread that into the future. So I love that. I see 290 00:18:07.160 --> 00:18:12.039 that that timeline of you know, obviously a lot of chiropedic experience, but 291 00:18:12.079 --> 00:18:17.720 then bringing on coach Ron before you even graduated. So you had this gentleman 292 00:18:17.799 --> 00:18:22.839 who's all about legacy. I think all this kids are Chiros and his wife's 293 00:18:22.839 --> 00:18:27.160 a Cairo and you know, being being a real strong man of God, 294 00:18:27.200 --> 00:18:33.799 like yourself. You're like me in that that word legacy is very important to 295 00:18:33.839 --> 00:18:38.119 me. And and also you set something that hit me. Is as great 296 00:18:38.200 --> 00:18:41.079 as you could be, and you can see a lot of people, I'm 297 00:18:41.119 --> 00:18:47.680 sure as can I. We could do it. It was the realization of 298 00:18:48.359 --> 00:18:52.319 I'm seeing all these people and I'm still not having that big an impact on 299 00:18:52.319 --> 00:18:55.960 our community, in our region, and that's when you're for me. That's 300 00:18:56.000 --> 00:18:59.799 when my vision changed. It was like, Oh wow, my vision was 301 00:18:59.799 --> 00:19:03.799 too small, like I gotta enlist other chiropractors. We are in a war 302 00:19:03.960 --> 00:19:07.799 here and I got it unless other soldiers to help me reach the society that 303 00:19:07.880 --> 00:19:11.880 I live in with the chiropedic lifestyle and all that comes with that and all 304 00:19:11.920 --> 00:19:15.079 the beauty of that and the lives that are truly being safe. So I 305 00:19:15.079 --> 00:19:22.599 appreciate you sharing that and also sometimes God has a different vision for you than 306 00:19:22.720 --> 00:19:26.400 you can even think at the time. Right. Yeah, a hundred percent. 307 00:19:26.599 --> 00:19:27.680 It's stuff they would even know. Just to touch on that, like, 308 00:19:27.920 --> 00:19:33.240 I think he puts us in situations to learn certain things. You're going 309 00:19:33.240 --> 00:19:37.000 to either help excel or propel us in two different areas. or He might 310 00:19:37.039 --> 00:19:42.759 be he might be having something happen that we see as a detriment or a 311 00:19:42.799 --> 00:19:48.160 failure or something negative. That's he's preventing something from, you know, happening 312 00:19:48.160 --> 00:19:51.799 to us as well, and so I think there's there's that hedge of protection 313 00:19:51.839 --> 00:19:56.799 continuously and, you know, again, being selfaware is a key. Yeah, 314 00:19:56.839 --> 00:20:00.240 and as an outsider looking in the story about closing the practice and churning 315 00:20:00.240 --> 00:20:04.599 through associates in the frustration, I think probably at that point in your life, 316 00:20:04.799 --> 00:20:10.000 because I went through the same thing, it felt like, man, 317 00:20:10.039 --> 00:20:12.640 this is pulling me away from being the leader I need to be the people 318 00:20:12.680 --> 00:20:17.960 on my team right now. It was exhausting me emotionally. My tank was 319 00:20:17.960 --> 00:20:22.079 empty and and it was starting to effect the two vibrant clinics I had gone 320 00:20:22.119 --> 00:20:26.480 at the time. So it was it's tough. I mean I'm like you, 321 00:20:26.480 --> 00:20:30.640 I'm an athlete. I don't like it close k office or like a 322 00:20:30.720 --> 00:20:36.559 roof ancel. I hate yes, Ricky Bobby, you're the first year last 323 00:20:37.160 --> 00:20:40.279 ricky bobby. All Right, I love it. We need a ricky bobby 324 00:20:40.319 --> 00:20:45.799 reference in them. Well, so if we look at okay, this ultimate 325 00:20:45.880 --> 00:20:49.720 vision, and again we both agree that it maybe even God might have some 326 00:20:49.799 --> 00:20:53.599 even different for you in that, but he still wants us to cast vision. 327 00:20:53.839 --> 00:20:57.279 And so we cast this ultimate vision and the docks in the line right 328 00:20:57.319 --> 00:21:00.240 now, for you that might be Gosh, I just want one associate. 329 00:21:02.000 --> 00:21:04.920 Or maybe I just want a new patient costiers. He's not aving a chiropractor 330 00:21:04.960 --> 00:21:08.400 to free me up during those new patient times so I can see more, 331 00:21:08.759 --> 00:21:14.119 adjust more people. So maybe that's your vision. But I think it's important 332 00:21:14.119 --> 00:21:18.880 if we look at vision as the ultimate manifestation and then we look at mission 333 00:21:18.400 --> 00:21:23.200 as our plan to get there, I still feel like purpose is the engine 334 00:21:23.200 --> 00:21:26.960 that drives all that. Core values in your purpose are the engine that keeps 335 00:21:26.960 --> 00:21:32.200 that mission on track. So as that played out like that for you, 336 00:21:32.599 --> 00:21:36.680 one hundred percent run, you're exactly right. But but what you have to 337 00:21:36.680 --> 00:21:40.200 plan right. Failing to plans is planning to fail right. You have to 338 00:21:40.240 --> 00:21:44.759 have a plan. You know everything needs to be you know I'm helping a 339 00:21:44.759 --> 00:21:48.200 dock right now do a business plan because he's open his own practice and really 340 00:21:48.200 --> 00:21:52.119 has you know, he's it's he's green, doesn't understand, and so you 341 00:21:52.279 --> 00:21:55.640 have to cast that out. You have to how am I gonna you know, 342 00:21:56.200 --> 00:21:59.160 what's my practice look like? What's it smell like? What's The music 343 00:21:59.200 --> 00:22:02.000 sound like? How many tables do I have? Do I have extra doing 344 00:22:02.000 --> 00:22:04.000 not I actually do at whatever like that you're going to have. And then, 345 00:22:04.000 --> 00:22:07.880 okay, well, what's my plan for acquiring new opportunities into the practice? 346 00:22:08.000 --> 00:22:11.240 Like, how am I going to do that? Is it's screenings? 347 00:22:11.319 --> 00:22:14.319 Is it is its social now? Is it doing advanced talks? How am 348 00:22:14.359 --> 00:22:15.279 I going to do that? When I get that, when that person does 349 00:22:15.319 --> 00:22:19.000 come in, what's my communication to help them understand the principles of Chiropractic and 350 00:22:19.079 --> 00:22:22.519 start care, and then only start care, but follow through with care, 351 00:22:22.559 --> 00:22:25.920 then refer people and then once they refer, I mean so you have to 352 00:22:26.000 --> 00:22:29.480 really like lay all the whole it's the foundation, right. It's a foundation. 353 00:22:29.599 --> 00:22:33.880 What we do in the vision and all those things happen because you have 354 00:22:33.000 --> 00:22:36.759 that foundation. If you don't have that foundation, that or the Road Map 355 00:22:36.799 --> 00:22:40.079 to where you want to go and it doesn't mean that you can't pivot right, 356 00:22:40.119 --> 00:22:42.640 just like I did and you've done. Like is, if the road 357 00:22:42.799 --> 00:22:45.160 we take, a right ends up being a dead end, we gotta like 358 00:22:45.200 --> 00:22:48.240 either turn around and go back or we got to take our left or right. 359 00:22:48.279 --> 00:22:51.880 We got to go a different direction. But but the end of the 360 00:22:51.920 --> 00:22:56.880 day, doing nothing and not having a vision or plan is again setting you 361 00:22:57.000 --> 00:23:00.200 up for failure. I heard a great story of the guy that said, 362 00:23:00.200 --> 00:23:02.720 hey, I want to go from you know, I'm down in southern washing 363 00:23:02.799 --> 00:23:04.759 I want to get to northern Washington, up by Seattle. Well, I 364 00:23:04.759 --> 00:23:08.359 can go south and still arrive. It might take me a year, but 365 00:23:08.400 --> 00:23:11.119 I can still get there. But it's just you have to do the work 366 00:23:11.200 --> 00:23:15.319 right. You can't. You can't just show up and have expectations of stuff 367 00:23:15.359 --> 00:23:18.920 you know just fallen into place because you know you're there. It's faith without 368 00:23:18.960 --> 00:23:22.160 deeds. Right. I can have all the faith in world, but I'm 369 00:23:22.160 --> 00:23:26.839 not putting action into it if I'm not delivering and and moving forward like we're 370 00:23:26.079 --> 00:23:30.880 we're designed to move, we're designed to be amiliatory. Everything has a residence 371 00:23:30.720 --> 00:23:33.279 and so we have to be moving. So, yeah, yeah, I 372 00:23:33.559 --> 00:23:36.880 would ask you, if you were two and so, if you look at 373 00:23:36.880 --> 00:23:41.440 two thousand and eighteen and looked at your your organizational chart of your practice and 374 00:23:41.480 --> 00:23:47.200 business, you know, was it quite a bit different than what you, 375 00:23:47.240 --> 00:23:51.440 maybe ten years prior, had dreamed at? My Hook, like absolutely, 376 00:23:51.559 --> 00:23:53.440 yeah, absolutely. I mean at the time when we sold, we had 377 00:23:53.440 --> 00:23:57.960 thirty, thirty two employees, I think, within the within the practices, 378 00:23:59.000 --> 00:24:02.079 and I would have ever my first year, said Oh, I'm going to 379 00:24:02.119 --> 00:24:04.519 have you know how many of her doctors and see as Ims, like I 380 00:24:04.519 --> 00:24:07.839 mean like I would never even. Yeah, and so as we evolve, 381 00:24:07.920 --> 00:24:12.839 these humans, as we grow and mature and we're forged right as we're as 382 00:24:12.839 --> 00:24:17.079 we're developing ourselves, that visions going to change. That's why it's so important, 383 00:24:17.119 --> 00:24:18.799 as you know, like we you'd mentioned earlier, to be self aware 384 00:24:18.839 --> 00:24:22.920 of those those road blocks and those getting stuck. Right, I was. 385 00:24:22.400 --> 00:24:26.000 I got stuck, like okay, well, I'm I can only, like 386 00:24:26.039 --> 00:24:27.519 we said, I can only adjust so many people. How do I get 387 00:24:27.519 --> 00:24:30.240 out of this rent? Okay, well, I need first hired my first 388 00:24:30.279 --> 00:24:33.440 doc. You know, two years in a practice like that's going to help 389 00:24:33.480 --> 00:24:37.400 free me up to she's she can help with exams and adjust some overflow. 390 00:24:37.440 --> 00:24:38.759 Okay. Well, now we're at this tipping point. Well, how do 391 00:24:38.799 --> 00:24:41.359 we? How do we grow? Okay, we open a second practice like 392 00:24:41.440 --> 00:24:45.000 so there's you're going to get into those ruts and if you're again open and 393 00:24:45.039 --> 00:24:49.839 selfaware, you'll find a solution to movie beyond that. That's amazing. Yeah, 394 00:24:49.880 --> 00:24:57.039 and and and remaining fixed within all of that were your core values and 395 00:24:57.119 --> 00:25:00.839 your purpose, your wise your why? Never Change your core values, never 396 00:25:00.920 --> 00:25:07.319 change. The circumstances around you changed and therefore you had to adapt your vision 397 00:25:07.440 --> 00:25:11.680 and even your mission plan a little bit, to whether it be hiring more 398 00:25:11.680 --> 00:25:15.400 training, you know, on boarding procties that you didn't have to consider before. 399 00:25:15.759 --> 00:25:18.839 It's a lot more than goes to it with thirty two people than three 400 00:25:18.880 --> 00:25:22.960 people. Yep, and I think being, you know, another thing for 401 00:25:22.079 --> 00:25:26.160 Docs is being humble and delegating things that you are not good at, like 402 00:25:26.200 --> 00:25:30.680 knowing that there's somebody that's smarter you. It's something in the room and, 403 00:25:30.720 --> 00:25:33.240 if not, find somebody that is and bring them on your team. So 404 00:25:33.319 --> 00:25:36.880 again, it keeps you in alignment with what you're good at and allow them 405 00:25:36.960 --> 00:25:41.359 to, you know, fulfill a something that they're get out and everybody growth. 406 00:25:41.680 --> 00:25:45.799 Yeah, and that's such a keyword as the humility you know, and 407 00:25:45.839 --> 00:25:48.720 I know that's one of your that ties into your core values in mine as 408 00:25:48.720 --> 00:25:52.119 well, and it's based partly on our beliefs system, in our faith. 409 00:25:52.200 --> 00:25:56.680 But I think for docs out there is to have that maintain that spirit of 410 00:25:56.759 --> 00:26:03.559 humility. So if we, you know, back to this engine Driving Gosh, 411 00:26:03.559 --> 00:26:08.079 outside of coaching and going to seminars, how are these doctors out in 412 00:26:08.079 --> 00:26:14.039 the field by themselves with no accountability? I mean, it seemed like it's 413 00:26:14.039 --> 00:26:18.000 easy for that why to kind of slip a little bit sometimes, isn't it? 414 00:26:18.000 --> 00:26:19.400 It is, and I that's why I think again, you got to 415 00:26:19.480 --> 00:26:22.920 keep that paint bucket near and dear, whether it's, you know, like 416 00:26:22.960 --> 00:26:27.880 you said, going to seminars. I think you need to do that regular 417 00:26:27.960 --> 00:26:33.680 I think you need to have maybe not some people called Accountability Group and Circle 418 00:26:33.759 --> 00:26:37.720 of influence people within your you know, your core five or six or ten 419 00:26:37.759 --> 00:26:40.640 docks that are in your area that you can, you know, bounce questions 420 00:26:40.640 --> 00:26:42.519 off of and, if something comes up, you can lean on. I 421 00:26:42.519 --> 00:26:45.720 think you need to, I think you have need to have a core group 422 00:26:45.759 --> 00:26:48.279 of people that and then I think, I think you need to continuously invest 423 00:26:48.319 --> 00:26:53.920 in yourself and personal development, growth and understanding. You know all components of 424 00:26:53.960 --> 00:26:59.160 life. I think you know our practices or any business as a reflection of 425 00:26:59.200 --> 00:27:03.279 the owner. And the cleaner the owners houses, the more in order it 426 00:27:03.400 --> 00:27:06.400 is, the more in order the businesses. And so I mean, I 427 00:27:06.400 --> 00:27:10.839 think you pourn in yourself, person of element or stay in the green book, 428 00:27:10.880 --> 00:27:12.480 staying true to your principle, whatever it might be, whatever got you 429 00:27:12.519 --> 00:27:18.720 into Chiropractic, will help facilitate keeping you engage in a line and whatnot. 430 00:27:18.720 --> 00:27:21.440 And like you know, Gretzky says, you got to skate to where the 431 00:27:21.440 --> 00:27:22.480 pucks at. Things are always changing, right, we gotta. Yeah, 432 00:27:22.480 --> 00:27:26.160 we got a predicted that puck's going and skates where it's going to be and 433 00:27:26.279 --> 00:27:29.079 not, you know, stay and stay where we're at. So, as 434 00:27:29.119 --> 00:27:34.880 you look at going from three to thirty three employees, you know that's a 435 00:27:34.920 --> 00:27:40.279 lot right. Yeah, that going. Wow, there's a lot to that. 436 00:27:40.440 --> 00:27:47.759 Of spending some time on defining each role within the practice and what personality 437 00:27:47.839 --> 00:27:52.279 types best fit that role so that when you go out and hire you're not 438 00:27:52.319 --> 00:27:56.599 just going from your gut. You have this massive layer of objectivity in there. 439 00:27:56.680 --> 00:28:00.839 So when they when they finally land on Dr Paul's lap at that level, 440 00:28:00.960 --> 00:28:03.440 he can now obviously go with his gut more, knowing they fit the 441 00:28:03.480 --> 00:28:07.759 Avatar, fit the job description, it got the energy level I need them 442 00:28:07.799 --> 00:28:11.440 to have. Then you meet with them. And so how did that evolve 443 00:28:11.480 --> 00:28:15.920 in your career? You know, it evolved as exact thing, like it 444 00:28:15.960 --> 00:28:21.920 was a continuous work in progress. Blessed to have it. My wife is 445 00:28:22.000 --> 00:28:25.559 great at reading people. She did a lot of I would do like our 446 00:28:25.559 --> 00:28:30.759 initial group interviews and then we'd bring bring people in for individual interviews and she's 447 00:28:30.279 --> 00:28:33.279 shoot, that was really cuz of Heidi. Like she's she would she had 448 00:28:33.319 --> 00:28:36.920 a great read for people. I'm again, so right there. It was 449 00:28:36.960 --> 00:28:38.799 recognition, like I'm okay at this, but she's really good at it, 450 00:28:38.839 --> 00:28:41.000 so I'm just gonna lie. I'm just gonna allow her to do it because 451 00:28:42.519 --> 00:28:45.920 it just decreases pain points down the road if you have the better you know, 452 00:28:47.000 --> 00:28:48.000 higher, slow, fire, fast, right, I was told by 453 00:28:48.079 --> 00:28:52.440 coach one time. And so really making sure it's the right person for the 454 00:28:52.519 --> 00:28:56.319 right role at the right time, not only for you but for them. 455 00:28:56.400 --> 00:29:00.599 Right. Yeah, there's lots to go into, but yeah, it was 456 00:29:00.720 --> 00:29:03.160 a continuous work in progress and we grow. We all grow over it as 457 00:29:03.200 --> 00:29:07.720 we are, grow with it as we're, you know, adding people to 458 00:29:07.759 --> 00:29:11.359 our team. So yeah, definitely stretches you as a leader, doesn't it? 459 00:29:11.680 --> 00:29:14.400 Yeah, and I would say that that's probably the biggest pain point of 460 00:29:14.400 --> 00:29:19.319 expansion, is is the HR role, like just people. It's the biggest 461 00:29:19.960 --> 00:29:25.000 it's the biggest hurdle in any business. And Yeah, you mentioned all the 462 00:29:25.079 --> 00:29:27.720 rights. You know, the right person, obviously, and then the right 463 00:29:27.880 --> 00:29:32.039 role. And I'm again going back to a guy been talking with lately. 464 00:29:32.599 --> 00:29:37.440 He has zero definition and job descriptions written for any role in this practice. 465 00:29:37.480 --> 00:29:40.680 He just more of a Cairo man, kind of organic, you know, 466 00:29:41.039 --> 00:29:45.319 and I'm going, man, he go, he's churning through sea's. So 467 00:29:45.400 --> 00:29:48.039 that was my first advice was, man, you got to right out really 468 00:29:48.079 --> 00:29:52.519 clean. That's descript that's look organic and they're also perishable. So we have 469 00:29:52.759 --> 00:29:59.480 some in order. That's a good point, man. One more step on 470 00:29:59.519 --> 00:30:04.359 this. As as you look at where you've been and where you are and 471 00:30:04.440 --> 00:30:10.200 you look back at the importance that your team's played, because you said something 472 00:30:10.279 --> 00:30:14.279 very interesting to me is as the leader of your company, you're not expected 473 00:30:14.319 --> 00:30:18.559 to be great at everything, but your team is. Yeah, and that 474 00:30:18.559 --> 00:30:22.960 goes self awareness again, find finding, you know, we all have weaknesses 475 00:30:22.960 --> 00:30:26.200 and we all have strengths, and finding, you know, finding those straints 476 00:30:26.200 --> 00:30:30.240 and helping people strengthen their strengths and then finding people that you know we're their 477 00:30:30.279 --> 00:30:33.559 weaknesses. You can somebody that's that's a strainth for them and allowing them to 478 00:30:33.839 --> 00:30:37.519 express who they are in that role. Yeah, wow, wow, so 479 00:30:37.599 --> 00:30:40.920 much to talk about, buddy. Can keep going on, but I think 480 00:30:41.000 --> 00:30:45.880 the goal of this podcast, and you've hit it perfect, is to realize 481 00:30:45.920 --> 00:30:52.079 who's listening and what can we do to help them grow and help them expand 482 00:30:52.160 --> 00:30:56.480 chiropractic to more households. There is no competition and Chiropractic, as we know, 483 00:30:56.680 --> 00:31:00.480 no I think as far as legacy, I think you've done a great 484 00:31:00.559 --> 00:31:03.599 job. I mean, I don't know how many docks you had on your 485 00:31:03.599 --> 00:31:07.400 team. Right now, what are you at? You know, right now 486 00:31:07.440 --> 00:31:10.240 with Carowe, we had we're well in my region down here, and thank 487 00:31:10.240 --> 00:31:12.519 you, where we have eight offices right now. Okay, that's exciting. 488 00:31:12.640 --> 00:31:17.680 So when you before you sold, you probably had five or six right, 489 00:31:17.880 --> 00:31:19.519 I had my four Yat you're no more expanding. We have another six or 490 00:31:19.559 --> 00:31:23.680 seven we've opened or bought in Seattle. And Yeah, so we're the northwest 491 00:31:23.680 --> 00:31:27.720 has grown. They've gone from forty clinics to eighty six clinics. I think 492 00:31:27.759 --> 00:31:33.480 throughout the country. Now is your role right now more to coach and and 493 00:31:33.559 --> 00:31:37.240 to be that true north or that anchor for some of these guys. I'm 494 00:31:37.279 --> 00:31:41.319 still coaching a little bit with the docks, but you know, I'd say 495 00:31:41.319 --> 00:31:45.039 the majority I'm doing is Ma stuff, merger and acquisition. So there's, 496 00:31:45.160 --> 00:31:47.240 you know, guys like Ron that want to, you know, are interested 497 00:31:47.279 --> 00:31:49.960 in becoming part of our team. I communicate with him and got it. 498 00:31:51.119 --> 00:31:55.079 Look for that stuff. Yeah, now that's super exciting. So I really 499 00:31:55.079 --> 00:31:59.079 appreciate you taking the time. Really we could do a whole step better on 500 00:31:59.119 --> 00:32:04.039 this. But any any last little pearls of wisdom you would have for docs 501 00:32:04.079 --> 00:32:07.039 out there who are right in the middle of their goal setting and their vision 502 00:32:07.839 --> 00:32:13.599 exercises, I think, going back to the paint bucket, keep your core 503 00:32:13.720 --> 00:32:17.039 values as close to you as you can when making any decision, whether it's 504 00:32:17.079 --> 00:32:21.480 personally or professionally, and that will serve you well, and it might not 505 00:32:21.559 --> 00:32:23.160 look like it at the time. It might be a little bit slower than 506 00:32:23.200 --> 00:32:27.920 you want, Ye, but just hold hold your line right and know that 507 00:32:27.920 --> 00:32:31.000 that the upside will come. I love it, man and good old fashioned 508 00:32:31.000 --> 00:32:37.839 hard work. Right exactly exactly do the work? Remind me. Were you? 509 00:32:37.839 --> 00:32:39.960 You were a tackle? Are you? I was a center. Oh, 510 00:32:40.039 --> 00:32:45.799 you were a center. Out of the shotgun. Huh, we're about 511 00:32:45.920 --> 00:32:49.559 fifty up under center and that's awesome. So you're the basically the quarterback of 512 00:32:49.559 --> 00:32:52.559 the line. Yep, that's exciting. Well, certainly play it out in 513 00:32:52.599 --> 00:32:57.960 practice. Chiropractics better because you decided to become a chiropractor. Brother. Thank 514 00:32:58.000 --> 00:33:01.400 you, bright I greatly appreciate you. I consider you just a such a 515 00:33:01.440 --> 00:33:06.279 close friend and Chiropractic and in the Lord. So Hey, for those of 516 00:33:06.319 --> 00:33:08.599 you that tuned in today, I know you had a great time with this 517 00:33:08.640 --> 00:33:13.880 one. This one is so rich, so full of information, and I 518 00:33:13.880 --> 00:33:16.640 want to make sure if you haven't been to a chirofest event, it is 519 00:33:16.680 --> 00:33:20.920 by far my favorite event. I go every year. I don't care if 520 00:33:20.960 --> 00:33:22.519 it's in cordline or Boise, wherever, I'm going to that one. I 521 00:33:22.559 --> 00:33:29.000 just love the feel of it. There's always inspirational speakers there, that fellowship 522 00:33:29.000 --> 00:33:31.319 and the hanging out in between speakers, you just can't beat it. So 523 00:33:31.720 --> 00:33:36.519 that was my shameless plug for chirofest this year. Thank you. It's in 524 00:33:36.559 --> 00:33:39.720 Boise. What weekend is that? September, sixteen and seventeen, ways close 525 00:33:39.759 --> 00:33:43.839 to an abrutry weekend. Yeah, I love it so. And it used 526 00:33:43.839 --> 00:33:46.440 to be came what big top? Your one was big top. Yes, 527 00:33:46.519 --> 00:33:49.759 yeah, that was in a tense. I never got to be in the 528 00:33:49.799 --> 00:33:52.400 tent. I came after the tent. That's good Memoryeah, I was a 529 00:33:52.400 --> 00:33:54.400 long time yeah, thirteen. So anyway, I greatly appreciate you and, 530 00:33:54.440 --> 00:33:59.400 like I said, docs that are out there listening in. You're never going 531 00:33:59.400 --> 00:34:04.720 to regret time spent on personal development. And right now and of q one, 532 00:34:04.799 --> 00:34:08.159 middle of qtw whatever, you have to sit down and, for your 533 00:34:08.159 --> 00:34:13.519 team's sake, for your community's sake, spend some time writing at your vision, 534 00:34:13.760 --> 00:34:16.760 writing out your goals. Make them specific, measurable, attainable, relevant 535 00:34:16.800 --> 00:34:20.559 and time down. We calm, smart goals, but make sure you do 536 00:34:20.599 --> 00:34:24.440 that and then also spend time on your Y, go away by yourself or 537 00:34:24.480 --> 00:34:29.079 your spouse, get out in nature, do something to clear head, to 538 00:34:29.079 --> 00:34:32.280 get away from a practice us and begin to write down your why, and 539 00:34:32.320 --> 00:34:37.400 then the mission plan will come to you with hard work, man and so, 540 00:34:37.480 --> 00:34:39.519 Paul, I appreciate you. I also want to tell Kiro touch how 541 00:34:39.559 --> 00:34:45.360 much I appreciate them, modally for allow me to host this podcast, but 542 00:34:45.440 --> 00:34:49.840 just for the spirit in this that Kiro touch basically is looking at how can 543 00:34:49.880 --> 00:34:53.320 we help the profession reach their full potential, and that's why we're doing these 544 00:34:53.320 --> 00:34:58.559 podcasts. So once again, thank you, Kyra touch, and we can't 545 00:34:58.559 --> 00:35:00.400 wait to see you for our next episode. And again, thank you, 546 00:35:00.480 --> 00:35:02.599 Dr Paul. You're welcome, brother. Thank you,

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