Women in Chiropractic

August 31, 2022 00:34:44
Women in Chiropractic
ChiroCast: Insights for modern chiropractors
Women in Chiropractic

Aug 31 2022 | 00:34:44


Show Notes

Welcome to Catch Up with ChiroTouch with Dr. Ronnie Simms, the educational and inspirational podcast series featuring chiropractic’s most influential speakers.

In this episode, we celebrate and explore the expanding role of women in chiropractic. Dr. Cathy Wendland, principal of Colby Family Chiropractic and board member of the League of Chiropractic Women, joins the conversation to discuss the important contributions of women in a predominantly male-dominated field.

While only about 20% of employed chiropractors today are women, around 40% of chiropractic students are women, signaling a significant shift. As the gender makeup of practitioners begins to reflect that of patients, Dr. Cathy addresses the physical and mental challenges women face and the support systems available to help them thrive in the profession.

Catch Up With ChiroTouch (now ChiroCast) is brought to you by ChiroTouch, the leading chiropractic practice management and EHR software in the U.S. Visit us at www.chirotouch.com to learn how ChiroTouch can power your practice.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.680 --> 00:00:05.120 Welcome to this edition of catch up with Kiro touch. I'm your host, 2 00:00:05.280 --> 00:00:10.480 Dr Ronnie Sims, and I'm super excited today to have a repeat guest on 3 00:00:10.519 --> 00:00:16.280 our show, Dr Cathy from Georgia. Welcome Cathy. Thank you, Dr 4 00:00:16.359 --> 00:00:19.000 Ronnie. How are you doing? Well? Doing well. I'm so glad 5 00:00:19.000 --> 00:00:23.199 to have you back on. I really enjoyed our first conversation and I'm looking 6 00:00:23.239 --> 00:00:26.839 forward to seeing where this one goes today. So let's go ahead and dive 7 00:00:26.960 --> 00:00:32.719 right in. And so again, I appreciate you and I appreciate your willingness 8 00:00:32.719 --> 00:00:36.079 to come on and I know, like me, you have a huge vision 9 00:00:36.079 --> 00:00:40.679 for Chiropractic and you love Chiropractic and you love people and I know you're always 10 00:00:40.679 --> 00:00:45.200 building your teams and you're you're just an amazing advocate for the profession. I've 11 00:00:45.200 --> 00:00:50.479 heard you speak on big stages and you're super inspiring and you really Um I 12 00:00:50.520 --> 00:00:53.960 think, raised the consciousness of what we should be doing in Chiropractic. So 13 00:00:54.039 --> 00:00:58.119 I just appreciate you as a person and let's do rock and roll on this. 14 00:00:58.240 --> 00:01:03.959 So first question for your experienced opinion. How important is the woman chiropractor 15 00:01:04.120 --> 00:01:08.519 toward this amazing profession? Chiropractic. If you looked at our future, how 16 00:01:08.519 --> 00:01:11.519 do you see women in that? That's such a great question. It's a 17 00:01:11.560 --> 00:01:15.599 great way to start off because if you look at our profession historically, most 18 00:01:15.599 --> 00:01:19.400 people think of our profession as a very male dominated profession. But go back 19 00:01:19.439 --> 00:01:23.400 to the early days, the first Chiropractic textbook was written by a woman, 20 00:01:23.640 --> 00:01:26.959 right, and people seem to forget that, but minorth Paxson wrote the first 21 00:01:27.000 --> 00:01:32.439 Chiropractic textbook and then you had maybel very involved and in my experience you had 22 00:01:32.519 --> 00:01:36.920 Dr Nell very involved. So we always had a lot of women that were 23 00:01:36.959 --> 00:01:42.359 influential, but not necessarily in positions of leadership. And to the women's credit, 24 00:01:42.439 --> 00:01:46.799 I think that the doors just were not open for many years. You 25 00:01:46.840 --> 00:01:49.319 know, for most women, myself included, you had to show up and 26 00:01:49.359 --> 00:01:53.120 show up and show up, and every time you showed up there was never 27 00:01:53.159 --> 00:01:56.920 an opportunity. And then you show up again and there's still not an opportunity, 28 00:01:56.959 --> 00:02:00.000 and most women just kind of got to the point where they were fresh 29 00:02:00.040 --> 00:02:02.879 straight and they've been there for way too many opportunities that they got passed over 30 00:02:02.959 --> 00:02:07.599 four but now what we're seeing is in the last ten to fifteen years, 31 00:02:08.120 --> 00:02:15.520 we're seeing more and more opportunities for women and more and more organizations, universities, 32 00:02:15.120 --> 00:02:20.599 State Association, starting to realize that we need to have a better representation 33 00:02:20.800 --> 00:02:25.280 of who our profession actually is, as well as who we desire to serve. 34 00:02:25.719 --> 00:02:29.360 I mean, look at any school. The schools are fifty and fifty 35 00:02:29.360 --> 00:02:34.240 two percent female at this point. So we have to start seeing more women 36 00:02:34.840 --> 00:02:42.639 in leadership positions and letting our profession demonstrate more examples of success so that our 37 00:02:42.800 --> 00:02:46.879 future students, on our current students, have something to aspire to and someone 38 00:02:46.960 --> 00:02:50.639 to look toward as their mentor and as a leader, as a coach. 39 00:02:51.599 --> 00:02:54.919 That's awesome. Now I'm so glad that you're stepping up into leadership yourself, 40 00:02:55.080 --> 00:02:59.080 and I know we'll talk about that in a little bit later as to what 41 00:02:59.080 --> 00:03:01.520 you're doing with that. But no, I think you're spot on there and 42 00:03:01.520 --> 00:03:06.319 and it's time right, it's it's our culture is right for this right. 43 00:03:07.120 --> 00:03:09.960 Absolutely. Think about I mean women. Women are the nurturers, where the 44 00:03:10.000 --> 00:03:15.479 caregivers. We typically are the decision makers when it comes to financial decisions in 45 00:03:15.479 --> 00:03:17.759 the household. So you know, women hold the pocket book, they hold 46 00:03:17.759 --> 00:03:22.000 the purse strings, whatever the terminology you want to call it. We are 47 00:03:22.039 --> 00:03:24.919 responsible for the safety, the health, the well being of our families and 48 00:03:25.800 --> 00:03:30.599 oftentimes women are the providers. You know, in my own situation I am 49 00:03:30.639 --> 00:03:32.360 the sole provider for my family and have been for many, many years. 50 00:03:32.400 --> 00:03:38.919 So when you look at the position that women have to step into, juggling 51 00:03:38.000 --> 00:03:44.159 multiple hats, it only makes sense that when they step into Chiropractic as the 52 00:03:44.240 --> 00:03:49.039 doctor, as the office manager, as the associate, as the team leader, 53 00:03:49.080 --> 00:03:53.439 as the CEO of their practice, they're used to juggling multiple hats. 54 00:03:53.520 --> 00:03:57.840 They're used to not having someone else who takes care of all the smaller tasks. 55 00:03:58.120 --> 00:04:02.120 So they're very good at micromanaging, they're very good at multitasking, they're 56 00:04:02.199 --> 00:04:06.520 very good at shifting gears and making sure that everything gets done. So why 57 00:04:06.560 --> 00:04:11.520 wouldn't we want women in those leadership positions, because they already know how to 58 00:04:11.639 --> 00:04:15.439 juggle multiple opportunities and multiple tasks. Oh No, that's so true, that's 59 00:04:15.480 --> 00:04:19.680 so spot on. The woman is the key in the household today as far 60 00:04:19.759 --> 00:04:24.800 as um the kid's health and their health, and they make all these critical 61 00:04:24.839 --> 00:04:29.199 decisions and they should be in these leadership positions at our schools, at our 62 00:04:29.240 --> 00:04:34.839 associations and even locally. And so for me I've really it's not just hearing 63 00:04:34.879 --> 00:04:40.519 about this, I've lived this out for thirteen years because my number one right 64 00:04:40.560 --> 00:04:46.079 hand associate is the amazing Dr Krista, and you know, I just can't 65 00:04:46.079 --> 00:04:50.879 imagine my life without her. She she can tell me the plain and simple 66 00:04:50.920 --> 00:04:56.439 truth when I need to hear it. She's very direct with me and she 67 00:04:56.639 --> 00:04:59.920 is an amazing caregiver and she's an amazing leader in our community. And I 68 00:05:00.040 --> 00:05:04.399 think about the number of families that whose lives have been changed because of Dr 69 00:05:04.519 --> 00:05:09.519 Krista. These are individuals I never would have met, you know, just 70 00:05:09.560 --> 00:05:15.560 because she's Um so attractional and her personality and and she's very involved in a 71 00:05:15.560 --> 00:05:18.600 lot of different avenues that I never would have been invited into. And for 72 00:05:18.639 --> 00:05:24.600 me it's been an absolute game changer in my life, and I know exactly 73 00:05:24.680 --> 00:05:29.319 I mean. For me, especially the mid fifties guy who's set in his 74 00:05:29.439 --> 00:05:32.439 way, is kind of a hard headed new client. I refer them immediately 75 00:05:32.439 --> 00:05:36.600 to her because they will do whatever she says. They'll look at me and 76 00:05:36.600 --> 00:05:40.160 they all want do anything I tell them to do. But anyway, in 77 00:05:40.199 --> 00:05:42.720 your own experience with this, and I know you've always liked me, have 78 00:05:42.800 --> 00:05:46.160 been building teams and whatnot. Um, you know how important are our teams. 79 00:05:46.600 --> 00:05:49.720 You know for me it's it balances me out so well. But kind 80 00:05:49.720 --> 00:05:51.839 of speak into that a little bit. And where do you see the profession 81 00:05:51.879 --> 00:05:58.879 going as it relates to building these dynamic teams? I think the best future 82 00:05:58.959 --> 00:06:02.639 for our profession would be to see multiple doctors in an office together, and 83 00:06:02.680 --> 00:06:06.920 whether that's as like an owner associate model or whether that's as a team model. 84 00:06:08.879 --> 00:06:15.199 If we're going to start really seeing of these female students go into the 85 00:06:15.199 --> 00:06:18.879 profession and stay in the profession, then we have to provide opportunities or create 86 00:06:18.920 --> 00:06:23.240 opportunities where they can be successful. And listen, let's face it, we 87 00:06:23.319 --> 00:06:26.639 have to be able to define our own level of success, because just because 88 00:06:26.639 --> 00:06:30.160 one person wants to see a thousand people a minute, right doesn't mean that 89 00:06:30.199 --> 00:06:33.319 everybody wants to do that. And some people don't define success as seeing a 90 00:06:33.399 --> 00:06:38.959 gazillion patients. Some people define success as being able to do all the things 91 00:06:38.959 --> 00:06:42.199 that they want to do with their life as far as their family or as 92 00:06:42.199 --> 00:06:46.079 far as raising children, or as far as giving back to the profession or 93 00:06:46.360 --> 00:06:49.519 being able to speak and teach and lead, whether in the profession or outside 94 00:06:49.519 --> 00:06:53.439 of the profession, bringing more people to an understanding of a greater level of 95 00:06:53.439 --> 00:06:58.079 health. So everybody's definition of success is slightly different. But when you look 96 00:06:58.120 --> 00:07:01.920 at most women, society has placed a lot of demands on us. If 97 00:07:01.920 --> 00:07:04.839 a woman is going to have children, guests, who ends up taking care 98 00:07:04.839 --> 00:07:09.199 of the children? More often than not it's usually the woman, right and 99 00:07:09.319 --> 00:07:14.600 so there's so many more demands put on women that when we could create practices 100 00:07:15.199 --> 00:07:19.160 that allow several chiropractice to come together, where one can have a maternity leave 101 00:07:19.600 --> 00:07:24.319 or another one can take time off to go to their kids play or to 102 00:07:24.399 --> 00:07:28.800 be at a graduation or to go participate in a school event where they're donating 103 00:07:28.800 --> 00:07:31.480 their time or to go out and speak to the profession or to go out 104 00:07:31.519 --> 00:07:36.000 and speak to different organizations in their community, when we have an opportunity for 105 00:07:36.079 --> 00:07:41.879 people to come together and run a practice together, now we're creating that different 106 00:07:41.920 --> 00:07:46.199 definition of what a successful practice looks like. It doesn't necessarily mean eight hours 107 00:07:46.199 --> 00:07:49.240 a day, five days a week, twelve hours a day, four days 108 00:07:49.279 --> 00:07:53.560 a week. It could mean three hours a day. It could mean an 109 00:07:53.560 --> 00:07:56.199 hour in the morning and four hours in the afternoon, with time to get 110 00:07:56.199 --> 00:07:59.000 the kids off the bus or time to go to the gym or time to 111 00:07:59.000 --> 00:08:03.079 go do a lunch and learn in the community. We can create a new 112 00:08:03.240 --> 00:08:07.199 version of success and it can be defined by each individual chiropractor. So whether 113 00:08:07.319 --> 00:08:11.279 you're putting men into the office or you're putting women into the office, being 114 00:08:11.319 --> 00:08:16.040 able to have that flexibility so that you can travel, you can take time 115 00:08:16.079 --> 00:08:20.480 off, you're not chained to the adjusting table, you're able to have different 116 00:08:20.519 --> 00:08:24.879 providers that can give care to the patients while you're out doing something else that 117 00:08:24.959 --> 00:08:28.720 makes your heart happy. That's a greater level of success and I think that 118 00:08:28.800 --> 00:08:33.960 would open the door from where people staying in Chiropractic versus getting burned out and 119 00:08:35.000 --> 00:08:37.919 thing, you know what, I have to take time off to go address 120 00:08:37.039 --> 00:08:41.639 other family concerns or other life concerns and then never coming back into practice. 121 00:08:43.120 --> 00:08:48.840 So let's let's hopefully see some better opportunities in the future of chiropractic where it 122 00:08:48.960 --> 00:08:54.480 is more flexible and it is more conducive to that multitasking person that has to 123 00:08:54.559 --> 00:08:58.440 run a lot of different things in their life. Wow, that's a great 124 00:08:58.480 --> 00:09:01.279 way of looking at it and I think Um for me, and again I 125 00:09:01.320 --> 00:09:05.120 think about my own situation and you made me think of how I set my 126 00:09:05.200 --> 00:09:09.000 relationship up with Dr Krista. In the beginning was completely upside down because I 127 00:09:09.039 --> 00:09:13.759 just really didn't know. But as we began to see her life unfold, 128 00:09:13.799 --> 00:09:18.679 where she became a single parent and her demands increased, Um, you know, 129 00:09:18.759 --> 00:09:22.240 I used to think, oh, an associate should just be on a 130 00:09:22.240 --> 00:09:24.559 percentage and they should have to go out and beat the pavement. And and 131 00:09:24.600 --> 00:09:30.240 here's a person who's wired as an empathetic caregiver. She could be a good 132 00:09:30.240 --> 00:09:33.399 business builder, but she doesn't have the bandwidth for that. So we flipped 133 00:09:33.440 --> 00:09:37.799 that long ago and put her on a more of a higher salary with benefits. 134 00:09:39.360 --> 00:09:41.440 I wanted to take all the stress away from her because I knew how 135 00:09:41.480 --> 00:09:46.360 amazing she was as an empathetic caregiver and she's a great speaker and she's great 136 00:09:46.360 --> 00:09:50.480 at screen. I just didn't want to put that on her plate because I 137 00:09:50.480 --> 00:09:52.840 wanted to keep her life in alignment, and so I began to take care 138 00:09:52.840 --> 00:09:58.279 of more for her and began to funnel new patients to her and I became, 139 00:09:58.399 --> 00:10:00.960 you know, did more of the marketing and more business building and let 140 00:10:01.000 --> 00:10:05.000 her just be an amazing caregiver. And if I didn't adapt and pivot on 141 00:10:05.080 --> 00:10:07.200 that, I would have our relationship would have blown up. And so I 142 00:10:07.200 --> 00:10:09.879 think for me, from where I'm sitting now, I think what you said 143 00:10:09.960 --> 00:10:15.360 is so true. I don't think a lot of our chiropractors out there that 144 00:10:15.440 --> 00:10:18.720 have their own practice, that are thinking about hiring an associate, are thinking 145 00:10:18.759 --> 00:10:20.759 through all of this the way that you and I would. Who is it 146 00:10:20.799 --> 00:10:24.679 I'm looking for and what are my expectations of them? Um, you know, 147 00:10:24.759 --> 00:10:28.159 and am I going to generate new patients for them? Are they going 148 00:10:28.200 --> 00:10:30.240 to be required to go out and do it on their own? And I 149 00:10:30.240 --> 00:10:33.320 think we don't pay them enough out of school. I feel like we need 150 00:10:33.360 --> 00:10:35.519 to give them, you know, some really good salaries so they have some 151 00:10:37.480 --> 00:10:41.200 a safety net. I mean student loans now are crazy right, and and 152 00:10:41.240 --> 00:10:43.799 just the cost of living. So maybe speak further into that as you look 153 00:10:43.840 --> 00:10:48.039 at giving some advice to that doctor out there, and maybe the lead doctor 154 00:10:48.279 --> 00:10:52.159 is is a woman who has a vibrant practice that wants to bring some other 155 00:10:52.840 --> 00:10:58.000 practitioners on our team. What should they consider? Well, I think that 156 00:10:58.720 --> 00:11:01.840 a lot out of the students, and understand that I've been teaching at Life 157 00:11:01.919 --> 00:11:05.240 University for the last almost fourteen years, I think that a lot of students 158 00:11:05.279 --> 00:11:09.679 have a misconception about what they're worth is when they graduate, when they have 159 00:11:09.759 --> 00:11:13.639 no experience. Most of them won't have a license for at least ten to 160 00:11:13.679 --> 00:11:16.519 twelve weeks Um and maybe most of them have never worked in a job before. 161 00:11:16.559 --> 00:11:20.799 So they just assume that because they have a degree they're entitled to a 162 00:11:20.879 --> 00:11:24.120 huge paycheck and there has to be an exchange right. Otherwise they are just 163 00:11:24.159 --> 00:11:30.159 a liability to the practice. They're not an asset. Understanding what people's skills 164 00:11:30.200 --> 00:11:35.399 are, understanding what their personality types are, makes it a lot easier to 165 00:11:35.480 --> 00:11:39.639 decide. Is this an associate with a paid salary, is this an independent 166 00:11:39.679 --> 00:11:43.919 contractor, or is this someone in the middle? And I think the future 167 00:11:43.399 --> 00:11:48.559 is that somewhere in the middle, where there's a base pay plus a percentage 168 00:11:48.600 --> 00:11:52.159 or plus an incentive or plus a bonus or salary, you know, in 169 00:11:52.200 --> 00:11:58.440 addition to their salary, because most owners have gotten burned by the salary model. 170 00:11:58.840 --> 00:12:01.080 Let's face it, you pay somebody a salary they don't produce, you 171 00:12:01.200 --> 00:12:05.399 keep paying them, you keep paying them. It's coming out of your portion 172 00:12:05.480 --> 00:12:07.840 of the Pie and eventually they start to bring patients in and they want more 173 00:12:07.879 --> 00:12:11.840 money and the owner is sitting there going, but I just paid you a 174 00:12:11.919 --> 00:12:15.159 salary for the last six months and you didn't produce and now you want more 175 00:12:15.200 --> 00:12:20.000 money. It's hard for the owner. And then the new Grad is sitting 176 00:12:20.039 --> 00:12:22.679 there thinking, well, you know, I can make more money working at 177 00:12:22.679 --> 00:12:28.360 Burger King. Not Really, because if you're willing to do the work that 178 00:12:28.480 --> 00:12:33.600 it takes to be successful, there's no limit to how much you can earn, 179 00:12:33.000 --> 00:12:37.360 and there's a very big difference between earn and being paid. So I 180 00:12:37.399 --> 00:12:41.440 think that that somewhere in between the straight salary and the straight commission. There's 181 00:12:41.480 --> 00:12:46.600 that base plus and some people will fit into that model. Other people will 182 00:12:46.639 --> 00:12:52.600 fit into that salaried employee and that's where they will do their best work and 183 00:12:52.639 --> 00:12:56.200 they will absolutely excel in that position. And then you have some people who 184 00:12:56.240 --> 00:13:01.600 will absolutely excel when there are no restrictions on them whatsoever. Let me earn 185 00:13:01.600 --> 00:13:05.360 as much as I possibly can earn. Just turn me loose. So we 186 00:13:05.480 --> 00:13:09.759 have to be honest with ourselves. Where is my practice and what would fit 187 00:13:09.759 --> 00:13:13.799 best in my practice? And then our docs that are looking for these positions 188 00:13:13.879 --> 00:13:18.759 need to be honest with themselves. What are my skills, what's my personality 189 00:13:18.799 --> 00:13:24.840 type and what would best serve me and make me able to serve at my 190 00:13:24.919 --> 00:13:28.879 highest capacity. So when we're when we're truly honest with ourselves with what is 191 00:13:28.879 --> 00:13:31.279 it that I want and what do I expect from somebody if I step into 192 00:13:31.279 --> 00:13:35.600 this position, then we have a better opportunity, because you might have some 193 00:13:35.799 --> 00:13:39.840 of your associates that are on straight salary and others that are on a base 194 00:13:39.840 --> 00:13:46.200 plus, and it just depends on how they work and what motivates them. 195 00:13:46.720 --> 00:13:50.679 Listen, in Chiropractic we always talk about serving our way through and being in 196 00:13:50.679 --> 00:13:56.000 a life of service. That means different things to every person right and if 197 00:13:56.039 --> 00:14:01.320 we're going to serve at our highest, best capacity, what does that mean 198 00:14:01.440 --> 00:14:05.000 and how do we, as individuals, want to be rewarded for that level 199 00:14:05.000 --> 00:14:07.960 of service? Some just want to pat on the back, some want the 200 00:14:07.000 --> 00:14:13.639 accolades, some want verbal affirmation, some want finances and some want gifts. 201 00:14:13.080 --> 00:14:22.639 So when we understand how our associates or prospective associates work and what they're basically 202 00:14:22.639 --> 00:14:24.879 like, their love languages are, then we can understand how can I make 203 00:14:24.879 --> 00:14:31.080 them feel fulfilled, appreciated and, Um, successful in this next endeavor. 204 00:14:33.039 --> 00:14:37.159 That's a great answer. You're right on. I'll tell you, Um, 205 00:14:37.200 --> 00:14:41.080 if we only could have more business training near the end of school or even 206 00:14:41.080 --> 00:14:45.559 once you're out of school, there needs to be a chiropractic business university and 207 00:14:45.600 --> 00:14:48.240 I think what you're saying is spot on. And I personally use the base 208 00:14:48.279 --> 00:14:54.600 plus model. And to your point, if I don't do some pretty exhaustive 209 00:14:54.000 --> 00:14:58.919 planning and and trying to figure out what that Avatar looks like, what personnel 210 00:15:00.200 --> 00:15:03.120 trade should they be? M Are they high patients, low patients, extra 211 00:15:03.200 --> 00:15:07.639 version, all those things we look at and I think too often in Chiropractic 212 00:15:07.720 --> 00:15:11.279 we see practitioners plugging a square peg into a round hole and then even going 213 00:15:11.320 --> 00:15:13.960 a step further putting them on the wrong comp plan, like you said. 214 00:15:15.480 --> 00:15:20.080 So for me the base plus works great for caregivers, especially in that first 215 00:15:20.159 --> 00:15:22.679 year they had that Nice base as their building and as they're growing or how 216 00:15:22.720 --> 00:15:26.200 we're as we're helping them build and then, like I tell my associates, 217 00:15:26.559 --> 00:15:31.639 I don't want you rely on on your base past year one. You'RE gonna 218 00:15:31.679 --> 00:15:35.840 be so high into revenue percentage, profit sharing, things like that. And 219 00:15:35.879 --> 00:15:41.879 you know, other things is like malpractice insurance and continuing education workshops and healthcare, 220 00:15:43.039 --> 00:15:46.399 and these are all things I provide for my associates because I don't want 221 00:15:46.399 --> 00:15:50.440 them to worry about that. I want them to be unfettered so they can 222 00:15:50.799 --> 00:15:54.720 live their purpose out in our practice. So now, I appreciate your answer 223 00:15:54.720 --> 00:15:58.039 and I love that you're still in the trenches at school. I think that's 224 00:15:58.279 --> 00:16:00.840 a great place for you right now. Now, can you speak specifically to 225 00:16:03.360 --> 00:16:07.919 the woman chiropractor and what are some things that she could do if she's on 226 00:16:07.919 --> 00:16:10.200 her own? We might be speaking to that audience right now. They're on 227 00:16:10.240 --> 00:16:15.679 their own and maybe they're struggling with process procedure or perhaps here it's not attracting 228 00:16:15.759 --> 00:16:19.759 enough new patients. What are some little just little nuggets you could give them 229 00:16:19.799 --> 00:16:25.240 as far as attracting more new patients, you know, with some women's specific 230 00:16:25.279 --> 00:16:30.480 stuff. So let me say this. Most and this is gonna sound very 231 00:16:30.519 --> 00:16:33.799 stereotypical and I apologize, but but let me get it out and it will 232 00:16:33.799 --> 00:16:41.960 make sense. Most men played team sports. Most women played individual sports, 233 00:16:42.480 --> 00:16:47.720 meaning women were gymnasts, they may have been a cheerleader, they might have 234 00:16:47.759 --> 00:16:51.799 been a dancer, but they weren't on a football team where it was a 235 00:16:51.840 --> 00:16:56.879 team mentality. So most women have learned at this point, if they've made 236 00:16:56.879 --> 00:17:00.360 it through school, they are driven, they are the driver, they're a 237 00:17:00.440 --> 00:17:06.000 type, a right and it's it all relies on them. They've never learned 238 00:17:06.000 --> 00:17:10.279 to have a team back them up, because they probably didn't have one of 239 00:17:10.319 --> 00:17:15.359 those, and so they probably also didn't learn to have good coaches. And 240 00:17:15.519 --> 00:17:19.160 a lot of men in our profession are. They're very open to being coached 241 00:17:19.200 --> 00:17:25.240 by a man. There's some women who are open to being coached and unfortunately, 242 00:17:25.519 --> 00:17:29.599 not not to knock the men, but unfortunately there hadn't been enough women 243 00:17:29.599 --> 00:17:33.599 stepping up into that position. So a lot of times women would end up 244 00:17:33.599 --> 00:17:36.240 with a male coach who would basically tell them, you know, you need 245 00:17:36.279 --> 00:17:37.759 to get up in an hour early and do your hour of power, and 246 00:17:37.759 --> 00:17:41.880 women are like, but I just finished nursing and putting the baby to bed 247 00:17:41.920 --> 00:17:42.279 and then all of a sudden I had to get up in the middle of 248 00:17:42.359 --> 00:17:45.640 night and change the sheets and, you know, and nurse the more and 249 00:17:45.720 --> 00:17:48.160 change a diaper and I just finally got two hours of sleep and you want 250 00:17:48.200 --> 00:17:49.000 me to get up an hour early to an hour of power? Are you 251 00:17:49.119 --> 00:17:53.119 crazy? But that was the only message women were getting and I think right 252 00:17:53.160 --> 00:17:57.680 now we're so blessed to see in our profession there's a lot more women coaches 253 00:17:57.720 --> 00:18:02.240 and a lot more women mentor is out there and a lot of the male 254 00:18:02.359 --> 00:18:07.599 coaching programs are either incorporating women or really starting to study and understand what a 255 00:18:07.599 --> 00:18:12.039 woman needs. And not to completely divide us because we're chiropractors, period, 256 00:18:12.200 --> 00:18:18.799 end of story. But our needs are different, our day to day activities 257 00:18:18.920 --> 00:18:22.480 are different, the demands placed on us are different. Many people know that 258 00:18:22.559 --> 00:18:26.519 I've I've spoken on some of the biggest stages for the last ten years and 259 00:18:26.680 --> 00:18:30.519 I speak with a lot of the great men in our profession that I absolutely 260 00:18:30.519 --> 00:18:33.400 love in a door. But when they would walk out the door to go 261 00:18:33.440 --> 00:18:36.359 to a seminar, sometimes they leave the practice, go home, pick up 262 00:18:36.359 --> 00:18:38.119 a suitcase and walk out the door, kiss somebody good. Buy It that. 263 00:18:38.279 --> 00:18:41.680 I love your kids. See You tomorrow or see in you know, 264 00:18:41.759 --> 00:18:45.000 two days. That's not the situation. As a woman like I had to 265 00:18:45.039 --> 00:18:51.160 finish the practice, negotiate every single step of the way, have my nanny 266 00:18:51.279 --> 00:18:53.359 helping me, pack up my clothes, make sure that the laundry was done, 267 00:18:53.400 --> 00:18:56.720 the groceries were ordered, the food was in the fridge, the kids 268 00:18:56.720 --> 00:19:00.000 would be taking care of for the weekend and and I had to leave and 269 00:19:00.039 --> 00:19:03.480 then hurry up and get back to make sure that the homeschool work was done 270 00:19:03.480 --> 00:19:08.039 in time for Monday morning. Very different scenarios. So the demands placed on 271 00:19:08.079 --> 00:19:14.200 women and our profession are so drastically different, not because of the profession, 272 00:19:14.640 --> 00:19:18.480 but because of the society that we've all grown up in and what we, 273 00:19:18.599 --> 00:19:22.960 as young children, were exposed to in the expectations put on us. So 274 00:19:22.079 --> 00:19:26.279 that leads us to a position where there's so much different expectations that I think 275 00:19:26.319 --> 00:19:32.000 for women we need to be okay with saying maybe I don't know how to 276 00:19:32.000 --> 00:19:33.839 do it all. I might have been the top in my class and I 277 00:19:33.839 --> 00:19:37.759 had to push myself and I was very driven in order to get to this 278 00:19:37.880 --> 00:19:41.599 level of success, but it's okay to ask for help. Women are not 279 00:19:41.880 --> 00:19:45.839 typically very good at that because we've learned how to just keep moving forward and 280 00:19:45.839 --> 00:19:49.119 don't let anybody see us cry and don't let anybody see the vulnerable side, 281 00:19:49.160 --> 00:19:55.559 and we've learned how to go through and do everything with no help. So 282 00:19:55.920 --> 00:19:59.039 for women, if you're listening, if you've never asked for help before, 283 00:19:59.079 --> 00:20:02.200 it could be scary, it could be intimidating, it could feel like, 284 00:20:02.240 --> 00:20:03.880 you know, if I let one little crack show, the dam is just 285 00:20:03.920 --> 00:20:07.920 gonna burst button. I will assure you when you ask for help from someone 286 00:20:07.960 --> 00:20:12.279 that's been there, gone through it, figured out how to get over those 287 00:20:12.319 --> 00:20:18.119 obstacles that you're facing right now, you'll get over them faster, with a 288 00:20:18.160 --> 00:20:22.480 lot less struggle and a lot less stress and a lot less money, energy 289 00:20:22.599 --> 00:20:26.440 time wasted, that you'll be able to get to the next level of success 290 00:20:26.880 --> 00:20:30.119 so much faster. So ask for help, reach out to other women that 291 00:20:30.160 --> 00:20:33.279 are doing it, reach out to mentors or reach out to a coach or 292 00:20:33.480 --> 00:20:36.319 or, if you don't know who to reach out to, reach out to 293 00:20:36.319 --> 00:20:37.359 me. I'll connect with someone. Or if you want to work with me, 294 00:20:37.440 --> 00:20:41.839 that's fine, but reach out to someone who can say look, it 295 00:20:41.920 --> 00:20:45.279 doesn't have to be this hard. There's a way to do this easier, 296 00:20:45.599 --> 00:20:52.400 better, faster and get to your desired level of success without all the pitfalls. 297 00:20:52.519 --> 00:20:56.440 And for women it's you know, how do I manage the office? 298 00:20:56.680 --> 00:20:59.359 What do I do with my kids? Do I bring my babies into the 299 00:20:59.400 --> 00:21:02.319 office? Do I have my babies with me in the office? Do I 300 00:21:02.400 --> 00:21:06.079 take off time when I'm going to have children? Or what if your children 301 00:21:06.079 --> 00:21:07.960 are already grown? What do you do now? What if you don't desire 302 00:21:07.960 --> 00:21:11.720 to have children? But what if you want to have a family based practice? 303 00:21:12.000 --> 00:21:17.400 So all of those thoughts go into how do I define my own level 304 00:21:17.400 --> 00:21:21.880 of success? And I think it's essential that you reach out to other women, 305 00:21:21.920 --> 00:21:26.119 because women work in community. We like to have these conversations. We 306 00:21:26.240 --> 00:21:30.319 do better when we're surrounded by like minded individuals, even if it's somebody on 307 00:21:30.359 --> 00:21:33.559 the other end of the phone, even if you're just face timing with someone 308 00:21:33.680 --> 00:21:37.160 or skyping or zooming or whatever you want to do, but if you have 309 00:21:37.359 --> 00:21:41.640 someone else that you can reach out to and say, AH, this isn't 310 00:21:41.720 --> 00:21:45.119 working, or wow, that was really stressful, or wow, I just 311 00:21:45.200 --> 00:21:48.079 had my greatest success or my biggest victory and I need someone to share it 312 00:21:48.119 --> 00:21:52.799 with. Women do better in community. So if you're already out there or 313 00:21:52.839 --> 00:21:56.960 you're getting into practice and you don't have a community, it's time. It's 314 00:21:57.000 --> 00:22:02.079 time to get into one, because that will help you define your own success 315 00:22:02.440 --> 00:22:08.559 and get there faster without all the pitfalls. Wow, that's powerful. Are 316 00:22:08.599 --> 00:22:12.759 you a coach? I am. I did take the last three years off 317 00:22:12.839 --> 00:22:19.480 because my children and I had to go through some stuff that was challenging and 318 00:22:19.519 --> 00:22:22.599 I felt that it was an integrity for me to be coaching any of my 319 00:22:22.720 --> 00:22:27.799 clients. So I released all my clients and graciously they all understood, loved 320 00:22:27.839 --> 00:22:32.839 me, supported me, and I just recently have gotten back and taking some 321 00:22:32.880 --> 00:22:36.119 of my clients back on, taking some new clients back on and uh, 322 00:22:36.960 --> 00:22:41.119 and it's a great feeling because I forgot how much I enjoy it and thankfully 323 00:22:41.160 --> 00:22:44.680 my clients has said to me, you know, like you are that good, 324 00:22:44.720 --> 00:22:47.680 like we're glad we waited for you, because it was worth the wait. 325 00:22:47.839 --> 00:22:51.440 So I am starting to take some clients back on, just a few, 326 00:22:51.599 --> 00:22:55.279 not too many, but I do have a couple opportunities available. You. 327 00:22:55.279 --> 00:23:00.279 You your answer to that last question. It can it kind of exhausted 328 00:23:00.319 --> 00:23:06.119 me to think about what you described right there. And and most guys like 329 00:23:06.200 --> 00:23:08.799 me. We can respect it, but we when you don't live it, 330 00:23:08.880 --> 00:23:14.039 you don't really know what that feels like. So how does I mean beyond 331 00:23:14.039 --> 00:23:17.960 what you just said, with coaching and accountability groups and, you know, 332 00:23:18.039 --> 00:23:22.599 staying in community and being opening your Heart Up to coaching, and maybe it's 333 00:23:22.599 --> 00:23:25.920 hard sometimes you get criticized too and to be able to put your heart out 334 00:23:25.920 --> 00:23:29.240 there. But beyond that, you know, you seem again like me, 335 00:23:29.960 --> 00:23:33.319 you're always working on keeping your life in alignment, which sometimes it's overwhelming. 336 00:23:33.400 --> 00:23:37.240 You can't and that you were smart enough to hit pause on some things, 337 00:23:37.519 --> 00:23:41.000 because I think you felt like, I need to give my energy to my 338 00:23:41.079 --> 00:23:42.359 kids right now, or I need to get my energy to the practice or 339 00:23:42.680 --> 00:23:45.960 you know, if you spread thisself too thin, you know you're gonna be 340 00:23:45.000 --> 00:23:49.720 ineffective in every area. And so how do what are some things you do 341 00:23:49.839 --> 00:23:55.440 personally in the recovery and repair space of your life so that when you show 342 00:23:55.480 --> 00:24:03.079 up on Monday you're your normal energetic Dr Cathy? So I have certain non 343 00:24:03.079 --> 00:24:08.039 negotiables and my non negotiables like my day is ruined if I don't start with 344 00:24:08.039 --> 00:24:14.400 my nonnegotiables. So I start every day and that's my children buzzing right now. 345 00:24:14.720 --> 00:24:18.799 I start every day with my own personal time. So when I wake 346 00:24:18.920 --> 00:24:22.799 up, I stay in the bed, I do some stretches. That helped 347 00:24:22.799 --> 00:24:25.839 me, as a chiropractor, be able to, you know, use my 348 00:24:25.920 --> 00:24:27.480 hands, my arms, my elbows, my wrist, my shoulders, because, 349 00:24:27.519 --> 00:24:30.480 let's face it, as women, we're adjusting people twice our size all 350 00:24:30.559 --> 00:24:34.519 day long. I don't know many men who adjust patients twice their size, 351 00:24:34.680 --> 00:24:38.519 because most of them I know are five ten, six foot, a hundred 352 00:24:38.559 --> 00:24:42.519 and eighty two D to twenty. As women, up five three D and 353 00:24:42.559 --> 00:24:47.519 twenty five pounds. Like half of my patients are double my size and that's 354 00:24:47.559 --> 00:24:51.920 an ongoing daily issue that I have to address, and that's the same for 355 00:24:51.960 --> 00:24:55.599 most women I talked to. So I start every day, um, just 356 00:24:55.920 --> 00:25:02.200 in my own mind, just gratitude and attitude, attitude, thankful expectation and 357 00:25:02.279 --> 00:25:06.880 stretching, and then cardio, before anything hits my mouth, before food hits 358 00:25:06.920 --> 00:25:08.880 my mouth, some form of cardio, because I feel like I have to 359 00:25:10.039 --> 00:25:14.160 earn the day and I've got to earn it by, you know, moving 360 00:25:14.160 --> 00:25:17.799 my body and making my body prepared for that, and that puts me in 361 00:25:17.799 --> 00:25:19.480 the right frame of mind where like I've already earned through the burn, I'm 362 00:25:19.519 --> 00:25:26.920 ready to be Um of service and I'm ready to have gifts bestowed upon me. 363 00:25:26.319 --> 00:25:30.079 So for me, that's what charges me up. If I missed that 364 00:25:30.160 --> 00:25:33.640 morning cardio and the whole rest of the day is shot because I don't feel 365 00:25:33.640 --> 00:25:34.759 like I can catch up, even when I go to the gym, I 366 00:25:34.799 --> 00:25:37.079 just don't feel like I can catch up. So I might do my cardio, 367 00:25:37.200 --> 00:25:40.319 head to the gym lift. I might, you know, hit the 368 00:25:40.359 --> 00:25:45.079 gym I have in the basement, but I have to physically move in order 369 00:25:45.200 --> 00:25:49.319 to mentally be prepared to go serve others. I've got to serve me before 370 00:25:49.319 --> 00:25:52.640 I can serve others, and that goes from my children as well. I've 371 00:25:52.640 --> 00:25:56.079 got to serve me before I can serve you, and then I'm a better 372 00:25:56.599 --> 00:26:00.519 servant to my children and I'm a better servant to my community. And I 373 00:26:00.559 --> 00:26:04.640 think it's important for us to whatever time frame you need to serve you in. 374 00:26:06.119 --> 00:26:07.880 It could be at the evening, could be after everybody's gone to bed. 375 00:26:08.640 --> 00:26:11.119 For me, a lot of times it's two o'clock in the morning because 376 00:26:11.119 --> 00:26:14.759 the east coast is quiet and then I can deal with my west coast people. 377 00:26:15.160 --> 00:26:18.079 But you have to carve out some kind of time to serve yourself, 378 00:26:18.680 --> 00:26:22.920 because we talk about getting lost in service, but the reality is you can 379 00:26:23.000 --> 00:26:29.920 lose yourself in service and then who are you? You have no idea anymore. 380 00:26:30.480 --> 00:26:33.519 So making sure that you are grounded and who I am, what I 381 00:26:33.599 --> 00:26:37.279 do, why I do it, so that I can do it better. 382 00:26:37.640 --> 00:26:41.319 That's huge. You have to understand why you do this. You don't do 383 00:26:41.759 --> 00:26:47.279 what we do to make money. That's a byproduct. Why do you do 384 00:26:47.319 --> 00:26:49.480 what you do? For me, why am I a chiropractor? Because no 385 00:26:49.599 --> 00:26:53.720 parents should ever have to bury a child, because babies aren't pin cushions right 386 00:26:53.839 --> 00:26:56.799 and I don't want them experimenting on Children. I want to make sure that 387 00:26:56.920 --> 00:27:02.039 every man, every woman and every child on the planet has the opportunity to 388 00:27:02.160 --> 00:27:07.200 grow up healthy, without interference and function at the greatest capacity. I want 389 00:27:07.200 --> 00:27:11.240 to make sure that everybody has an opportunity to know that their bodies were designed 390 00:27:11.559 --> 00:27:15.079 to be healthy. I want every woman to know that she gets to choose 391 00:27:15.400 --> 00:27:19.480 how to birth her baby. It's not a delivery, it's not a ups 392 00:27:19.519 --> 00:27:25.039 truck. A woman has the right to choose how she births her baby and 393 00:27:25.319 --> 00:27:30.319 she has the right to know and be empowered to feel that she can do 394 00:27:30.400 --> 00:27:33.240 it on our own is she so chooses. So for me it's about why 395 00:27:33.279 --> 00:27:37.200 do we do what we do, and if you stay connected to your why, 396 00:27:37.240 --> 00:27:40.759 then you can filter out all the other stuff that comes at you, 397 00:27:40.799 --> 00:27:44.119 because opportunities will come, they may not be the right ones for you. 398 00:27:44.839 --> 00:27:52.319 So knowing how to stay grounded to what really matters is essential to being able 399 00:27:52.359 --> 00:27:57.720 to serve on a level that's right for you. I love it. Yeah, 400 00:27:57.720 --> 00:28:02.319 I mean that's it's a beautiful way to put it and you're so right. 401 00:28:02.440 --> 00:28:07.440 I feel like so many practitioners I talked with, they lose their health, 402 00:28:07.799 --> 00:28:11.640 they lose their mind, they lose their relationships in the act of service 403 00:28:12.039 --> 00:28:15.359 because, to your point, they're not carving out that time. And so 404 00:28:15.640 --> 00:28:19.119 that was beautiful. Now, Um, we're kind of winding down here. 405 00:28:19.359 --> 00:28:22.759 There's so much you and I could talk about. You hit on some really, 406 00:28:22.799 --> 00:28:27.480 really good stuff so far. You mentioned accountability. Um, you mentioned 407 00:28:29.160 --> 00:28:33.480 women being part of something, you know, that's bigger than themselves within chiropractic. 408 00:28:33.640 --> 00:28:37.240 Um, what are some opportunities out there? I don't really know a 409 00:28:37.240 --> 00:28:41.480 lot about that. Um. Are there organizations they can join? Um? 410 00:28:41.519 --> 00:28:45.839 What would be your advice on that? Yes, I would. I would 411 00:28:45.839 --> 00:28:48.920 be remiss if I did not mention that for the first time ever, we 412 00:28:48.960 --> 00:28:53.920 have a female president of the I C A, Dr Selena Sacabouze Jackson, 413 00:28:55.119 --> 00:28:59.000 right, and she's phenomenal. She's also not only is she the president of 414 00:28:59.039 --> 00:29:02.359 the I C A, she is also the treasurer of the League of Chiropractic 415 00:29:02.400 --> 00:29:04.839 women, which she's one of the founding members. I've I've served on the 416 00:29:04.839 --> 00:29:07.960 board. I'm very honored to be on the Board for the last ten, 417 00:29:08.079 --> 00:29:11.759 twelve years. What we're ten years old. So I've been on the board 418 00:29:11.880 --> 00:29:15.720 for for the majority of the last ten years and we've got incredible women that 419 00:29:15.799 --> 00:29:19.759 not only serve on the board of the L cw but that are members of 420 00:29:19.759 --> 00:29:23.480 the L CW. So League of Chiropractic women was founded by a group of 421 00:29:23.480 --> 00:29:29.839 women that said, look, there's all these organizations that serve us as chiropractors, 422 00:29:29.839 --> 00:29:33.759 but none specifically tailored to the unique needs of women in Chiropractic and by 423 00:29:33.799 --> 00:29:37.519 women in Chiropractic. We're talking about the Chiropractor, we're talking about spouses see 424 00:29:37.599 --> 00:29:41.680 as the admins at the different universities and, of course, the students, 425 00:29:41.759 --> 00:29:48.319 as well as patient advocates. So this organization was was formed in March to 426 00:29:48.559 --> 00:29:53.759 address the unique needs of women and to help to help inspire women, empower 427 00:29:53.799 --> 00:29:57.519 women, connect women so that we can thrive in practice and in our personal 428 00:29:57.559 --> 00:30:00.599 lives. And it's been so to an honor and beyond the board Um. 429 00:30:00.680 --> 00:30:04.079 For anyone who's interested in finding out more, just go to Elsie Women Dot 430 00:30:04.079 --> 00:30:07.960 Com or Elsie women dot com slash joint to find out about joining. But 431 00:30:08.359 --> 00:30:15.359 it's a it's a wonderful opportunity to get around like minded women that are driven, 432 00:30:15.640 --> 00:30:19.359 that are busy, that are doing what you're doing and can either be 433 00:30:19.480 --> 00:30:23.920 a hand up or a helping hand or just an arm to give you a 434 00:30:25.000 --> 00:30:26.240 hug when you need it and just kind of say, yeah, I've been 435 00:30:26.279 --> 00:30:30.160 there, I know it's challenging, but let's get through this together. And 436 00:30:30.599 --> 00:30:37.160 thankfully I've made some of the greatest relationships of my life through the League of 437 00:30:37.200 --> 00:30:41.160 Chiropractic women by getting to know so many of these amazing women. So there's 438 00:30:41.240 --> 00:30:44.319 lots of opportunities, you know, with with one of our malpractice companies. 439 00:30:44.400 --> 00:30:48.680 Chirosecure, I get to host empowering women and Chiropractic um one of the different 440 00:30:48.680 --> 00:30:52.799 boards that I sit on. I get to do different Um weekly webinars where 441 00:30:52.839 --> 00:30:56.839 I get to bring on different speakers, sometimes men, sometimes women, but 442 00:30:56.440 --> 00:31:00.599 creating those opportunities for women is huge. When I started speaking, there were 443 00:31:00.640 --> 00:31:04.519 basically no women speaking on the platforms. It was Sharon Gorman, genie home 444 00:31:04.960 --> 00:31:08.960 and basically than Kathy winland just kind of, you know, pushed the door 445 00:31:10.000 --> 00:31:12.680 open and got in there. But when the League of Chiropractic women started, 446 00:31:12.839 --> 00:31:17.480 it was there was no such thing as seeing women on platforms. And I 447 00:31:17.519 --> 00:31:21.400 went to the first event and recorded all these different women that were just amazing 448 00:31:21.880 --> 00:31:25.640 and started reaching out to people like Danny Knowles and saying hey, mile high 449 00:31:25.680 --> 00:31:27.920 has got a great event, here's three women in your area that would be 450 00:31:27.920 --> 00:31:30.839 great speakers, and he was very receptive to it. Him and his wife 451 00:31:30.920 --> 00:31:34.759 Rachelle, Paul Reid Cairo fest. Hey Paul, here's some great women up 452 00:31:34.759 --> 00:31:40.640 in the Pacific northwest that would be great for your stage and he was receptive 453 00:31:40.680 --> 00:31:44.759 to it. And little by little the big events started putting women on their 454 00:31:44.799 --> 00:31:47.559 stages to the point where now, like you know, when you go to 455 00:31:47.599 --> 00:31:49.400 cal gym, you're gonna see some great women on that stage. You go 456 00:31:49.440 --> 00:31:52.319 to Chiro Fest, you go to New Beginnings, you go to focus. 457 00:31:52.319 --> 00:31:56.279 Okay, see, you know, like I could keep naming them mile high. 458 00:31:56.400 --> 00:32:00.839 They've all incorporated women onto their stages and when and women in the audience 459 00:32:01.480 --> 00:32:07.039 see a woman on stage, they resonate more because you understand me and I 460 00:32:07.119 --> 00:32:10.519 understand you and you understand where I'm coming from and you were able to get 461 00:32:10.559 --> 00:32:14.640 to that level of success and if you could do it, then perhaps I 462 00:32:14.640 --> 00:32:17.359 could do it. And so the more we put women in those leadership positions 463 00:32:17.359 --> 00:32:22.960 and put women in those speaking positions, the more we empower the younger dots 464 00:32:23.079 --> 00:32:28.880 and the students and the prospective students to look at this and go wow, 465 00:32:28.920 --> 00:32:32.920 I can do this. So to to create those opportunities where women can come 466 00:32:32.920 --> 00:32:38.799 together is essential for the success of women in our profession and to have successful 467 00:32:38.839 --> 00:32:45.160 women in our profession, I believe, is essential to chiropractic succeeding and reaching 468 00:32:45.200 --> 00:32:49.000 more people. I could not agree more and that that was a beautiful and 469 00:32:49.119 --> 00:32:52.880 to a great conversation today. I can't tell you how much. I appreciate 470 00:32:52.920 --> 00:32:57.720 you with your willingness to do this. You're you're leaving an incredible legacy and 471 00:32:57.799 --> 00:33:01.319 Chiropractic, both in your community, your practice, with your work with these 472 00:33:01.359 --> 00:33:06.440 women's associations, as well as your work at Life University. So I just 473 00:33:06.440 --> 00:33:09.960 want to applaud you and encourage you and speak truth over you and just just 474 00:33:10.000 --> 00:33:14.559 say keep on going for us. We need you and uh so I just 475 00:33:14.559 --> 00:33:16.559 want you to know how much we appreciate you. I know Kyra touch appreciates 476 00:33:16.599 --> 00:33:21.799 you and for those that are on this webinar today, I just want to 477 00:33:21.839 --> 00:33:25.000 applaud you for taking the time for personal development. No better time spent than 478 00:33:25.039 --> 00:33:30.079 working on yourself, and I know today's is going to really inspire you and 479 00:33:30.240 --> 00:33:36.319 hopefully it causes you to take some beautiful action going forward because, like Kathy 480 00:33:36.400 --> 00:33:38.519 said, we need you right now, our profession needs you, the world 481 00:33:38.559 --> 00:33:44.160 needs you and it's time. And so I'm excited for the future Chiropractic even 482 00:33:44.200 --> 00:33:46.079 more so aboutter today's call man. That was great. I'm all fired up 483 00:33:46.160 --> 00:33:50.680 right now. Um and again I want to thank Kira touch for their willingness 484 00:33:50.720 --> 00:33:54.119 to Um, look at the profession and see that there is a need and 485 00:33:54.200 --> 00:34:00.960 that need is around leadership and helping us grow healthy business. This is I 486 00:34:00.000 --> 00:34:02.920 mean, we're in the business of saving lives and when business is good, 487 00:34:04.000 --> 00:34:07.920 everyone wins, and so I love what you said about that. And I 488 00:34:07.960 --> 00:34:10.960 just think pier touch, great job for having this Webinar, because this is 489 00:34:10.960 --> 00:34:15.199 going to make an impact and we're gonna keep having these episodes. And Kathy, 490 00:34:15.239 --> 00:34:17.639 I want to make you a regular guest on here because you are so 491 00:34:17.800 --> 00:34:22.440 inspiring. So once again I want to thank you all and remember take time 492 00:34:22.440 --> 00:34:25.760 for yourself, like Cathy said, work on yourself, make sure you get 493 00:34:25.760 --> 00:34:30.159 plenty of rest, make sure your diets dialed in, make sure you get 494 00:34:30.159 --> 00:34:31.840 your cardio, make sure you do your affirmations, make sure you have your 495 00:34:31.880 --> 00:34:36.119 quiet time, because the world's counting on you right now. We needed you 496 00:34:36.159 --> 00:34:37.800 to be at your best. So, once again, thanks for tuning in 497 00:34:37.880 --> 00:34:40.360 and have a great day. By thank you.

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