What Documentation to Use with Different Classes of Patients

May 11, 2022 00:23:19
What Documentation to Use with Different Classes of Patients
ChiroCast: Insights for modern chiropractors
What Documentation to Use with Different Classes of Patients

May 11 2022 | 00:23:19


Show Notes

Welcome to Catch Up with ChiroTouch, the educational and inspirational podcast series with chiropractic’s most influential speakers.

In this episode, Dr. Mark Studin joins Dr. Brian Blask to educate us on what documentation to use for different classes of patients such as personal injury, workers comp, Medicare, and managed care.

Dr. Studin, founder of the Personal Injury & Primary Spine Care Program, specializes in helping Chiropractors use their clinical excellence to get lawyers and medical care providers to seek chiropractic for management of their spine cases. Over the last four decades, Dr. Studin has collaborated with more than 300,000 lawyers in 49 states resulting in more than 1.5 million PI referrals into chiropractic practices nationally.

Tune into this episode for an important lesson on what to include in your documentation when caring for personal injury, workers comp, Medicare, and managed care patients.

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:01.560 --> 00:00:04.799 Hi Everyone, and welcome to this episode of catch up with CAIRA touch. 2 00:00:04.799 --> 00:00:08.839 I'm your host, Dr Brian Blast. Today I have a return guest. 3 00:00:09.000 --> 00:00:12.759 Dr Mark Student Is Back. He's in the hot seat today to talk to 4 00:00:12.800 --> 00:00:19.160 me about what documentation to use for different classes of patients, such as personal 5 00:00:19.160 --> 00:00:24.600 injury, workers compensation, Medicare and manage care. Dr Marks been in practice 6 00:00:24.600 --> 00:00:29.640 since one thousand nine hundred and eighty one, teaches both chiropractic and medical academia 7 00:00:29.679 --> 00:00:35.399 as a national lecturer and consults doctors of Chiropractic in forty nine states. I 8 00:00:35.479 --> 00:00:39.200 give you the very abridge version of this background. Bottom Line, Dr Mark 9 00:00:39.280 --> 00:00:44.479 knows his stuff and I'm excited to spend some time again with him today. 10 00:00:44.520 --> 00:00:48.359 Thanks for joining me, Dr Mark. Hey Brian, thank you for those 11 00:00:48.439 --> 00:00:51.679 nice accolades. Now, unfortunately I have to I have to live up to 12 00:00:51.719 --> 00:00:53.840 them. Well, yeah, I mean, if you've been in the business 13 00:00:53.840 --> 00:00:59.439 long enough, it's an experience. So just before we started we talked about, 14 00:00:59.600 --> 00:01:03.719 you know, which baseball team that we both followed, and fact I 15 00:01:03.760 --> 00:01:07.439 want to let you know that I tell my clients if you start with me 16 00:01:07.480 --> 00:01:12.599 and you were Red Sox, Fan your feet automatically doubles. Okay, and 17 00:01:12.760 --> 00:01:17.480 don't be surprised if I don't pick up the phone off. Okay, because 18 00:01:17.760 --> 00:01:19.359 US Yankee fans, you know, we think of the Red Sox. Oh, 19 00:01:19.480 --> 00:01:23.319 of course. If if there's a red sox fan on my little league 20 00:01:23.359 --> 00:01:26.480 team, I make them that last all, your kinder than I am. 21 00:01:26.519 --> 00:01:30.280 It's just it's just the way it is. You know, just don't know. 22 00:01:30.359 --> 00:01:34.920 I don't know. So that's just the way life goes. But we're 23 00:01:34.959 --> 00:01:40.280 talking today about documentation. Correct what do you want me to delve into first? 24 00:01:40.599 --> 00:01:42.480 Well, it's a big it's obviously a large part of the business. 25 00:01:42.480 --> 00:01:46.120 When it comes to a chiropractor. We are a valume based business, as 26 00:01:46.159 --> 00:01:49.799 most people are, and we have to make sure we're doing compliant documentation. 27 00:01:49.920 --> 00:01:53.920 But the bet were fast about it. So the first thing I hear from 28 00:01:53.959 --> 00:01:57.799 my cash practices, or when I'm to work with cash practices, I'm sure 29 00:01:57.799 --> 00:02:01.359 you do as well, is kind of a shorter report. I needed less 30 00:02:01.359 --> 00:02:06.200 detail in the for my cash patients. Okay, so I'm going to give 31 00:02:06.239 --> 00:02:10.919 you a broad stroked on this and a couple of stories to help underscore the 32 00:02:12.000 --> 00:02:16.520 reality. It is a rookie mistake. That is the shortest road to hell, 33 00:02:16.560 --> 00:02:21.919 and I mean hell, to think that you have different standards for different 34 00:02:22.000 --> 00:02:29.080 financial classes. You have one standard of documentation and if you don't believe me, 35 00:02:29.199 --> 00:02:32.120 just ask your license. You Board. I've gotten many, many phone 36 00:02:32.120 --> 00:02:36.800 calls and one just sticks out in my head and it was a very good 37 00:02:36.800 --> 00:02:40.960 friend of mine call me up and said, you know, I had all 38 00:02:42.000 --> 00:02:46.759 these cash patients and I did this level of documentation, but from Blue Cross 39 00:02:46.800 --> 00:02:50.919 Bu Shield I did that level of documentation. Now getting called in by the 40 00:02:50.960 --> 00:02:54.840 license, Youre Board because Blue Cross made her a complaint. The patient made 41 00:02:54.919 --> 00:02:59.400 a complaint, on and on and on, and I'm a healer. I 42 00:02:59.400 --> 00:03:01.080 could just put what I want. I don't have to do too much, 43 00:03:01.199 --> 00:03:06.639 especially the cash and blue cross was complaining, and the reason being is because 44 00:03:06.680 --> 00:03:09.639 the patient no longer had benefits than they turned to cash. He did a 45 00:03:09.680 --> 00:03:14.960 different level of documentation. Blue course, subpoena the records. Now they got 46 00:03:14.960 --> 00:03:19.319 the blue cross records in the cash records and it was two standards of documentation. 47 00:03:19.800 --> 00:03:22.639 Turn them in to the licensure board and the guy had a dance, 48 00:03:22.719 --> 00:03:25.039 the dance and not the happy one, and he was and he was actually 49 00:03:25.159 --> 00:03:30.560 cited by the licensure board from this conduct, and I can go on and 50 00:03:30.599 --> 00:03:35.120 on and on and on. You have one standard, folks. It's the 51 00:03:35.120 --> 00:03:38.199 same thing. You're going to build a nine, nine two hundred two and 52 00:03:38.280 --> 00:03:42.639 right now it's based upon time and elements and levels of complication. The nine, 53 00:03:42.960 --> 00:03:46.520 nine two hundred and three. You have to meet those levels, based 54 00:03:46.599 --> 00:03:51.120 upon what those levels are, and bill for it. Now it's very important 55 00:03:51.159 --> 00:03:54.680 that you understand what those levels are. And when I am I've talked about 56 00:03:54.680 --> 00:03:59.319 this in our previous podcast, when I on board a client, the very 57 00:03:59.400 --> 00:04:02.479 first thing I do, as I say, send me all of your intake 58 00:04:02.599 --> 00:04:08.319 forms, your last new patient, your em evaluation, including the intake, 59 00:04:08.360 --> 00:04:11.560 which is your evaluation in management, nine two or two, two, three, 60 00:04:11.560 --> 00:04:13.639 two, four, twenty five, and your first. So No, 61 00:04:14.319 --> 00:04:15.839 and I want to see what you're doing. And they say, well, 62 00:04:15.959 --> 00:04:19.120 do you want to pay? I case, I said it doesn't matter, 63 00:04:19.160 --> 00:04:24.480 I want to see your last one because I will know if you have compliance 64 00:04:24.519 --> 00:04:30.319 issues. Now I happen to have a relationship with the attorneys for various different 65 00:04:30.360 --> 00:04:35.240 insurance companies, both personal injury and non personal injury, and I know what 66 00:04:35.279 --> 00:04:40.319 they're looking for. They look for things like predetermined treatment plans. They look 67 00:04:40.360 --> 00:04:45.240 for things like cutting corners. The last one was a lawsuit from Lacrosse Blue 68 00:04:45.279 --> 00:04:48.480 Shield against the doctor. They invoked the Rico case, and Rico is under 69 00:04:48.519 --> 00:04:55.319 the Organized Racketeering Act, which means use a paper instrument to deforti financial institution, 70 00:04:55.399 --> 00:05:00.439 meaning your your or eanm notes, your solf notes, to De Fraud 71 00:05:00.399 --> 00:05:05.360 The insurance company, which is a financial institution in a systematizes matter. So 72 00:05:05.480 --> 00:05:12.839 what this doctor did was is the doctor cut every corner, but he build 73 00:05:13.000 --> 00:05:15.000 for a nine, nine, two hundred and three. Cut every corner. 74 00:05:15.040 --> 00:05:19.120 So the carrier said, I'm subpoenaing your last fifty records. Is there a 75 00:05:19.160 --> 00:05:24.480 pattern? So again, it doesn't matter if it's personal injury, it's managed 76 00:05:24.519 --> 00:05:29.879 care. Cash is even worse than getting in trouble because then you get in 77 00:05:29.959 --> 00:05:32.480 trouble with an insurance company, a patient of US insurance, who do they 78 00:05:32.480 --> 00:05:36.800 complain to? They complain to the Insurance Company, but when you have a 79 00:05:36.839 --> 00:05:43.720 patient that has no insurance and only cash, the only people they can complain 80 00:05:43.800 --> 00:05:47.800 to is your state licensure board, and they complain vociferously because you're taking money 81 00:05:47.839 --> 00:05:51.920 out of their pocket, not the insurance company's pocket and they get angrier, 82 00:05:53.240 --> 00:05:58.279 and the and the state licensure boards are so grossly understaff that if they get 83 00:05:58.279 --> 00:06:00.040 their hooks into you, they've got to make an example out of you. 84 00:06:00.240 --> 00:06:06.839 So the bottom line is there is one standard of documentation depending upon the level 85 00:06:06.879 --> 00:06:13.639 of evaluation you're doing, and you've got to understand what elements are required for 86 00:06:13.839 --> 00:06:17.240 that element. So when we start a client and on our consulting side, 87 00:06:17.279 --> 00:06:24.759 there is actually a whole section dedicated to documentation and it's called documentation made easy. 88 00:06:24.879 --> 00:06:28.560 Now I do have to tell you that if you follow the Cairo touch 89 00:06:28.680 --> 00:06:32.360 of bouncing ball, and I mean that sincerely, when you follow what's supposed 90 00:06:32.399 --> 00:06:36.439 to be done, past medical history, review of systems, it's all in 91 00:06:36.480 --> 00:06:43.680 there, you'll be fine and most people get in trouble when you start cutting 92 00:06:43.680 --> 00:06:48.120 corners. Follow the bouncing ball. It's there for you to use. And 93 00:06:48.160 --> 00:06:53.680 if you have the the the bullet touch program which is partially a macro set, 94 00:06:53.800 --> 00:06:56.839 amongst other things in there that I helped them, by the way, 95 00:06:56.879 --> 00:07:00.600 they don't pay me and I say things they don't like. Sometimes don't really 96 00:07:00.639 --> 00:07:05.639 care, but the reality is is that if you use what's there, the 97 00:07:05.839 --> 00:07:11.839 system that. I've said this before. The the Algorithm, which means computer 98 00:07:11.839 --> 00:07:17.959 program will protect you from you. And I've seen a myriad of other system 99 00:07:17.959 --> 00:07:23.040 I've seen every system in our industry because I do compliance reviews with every doctor 100 00:07:23.040 --> 00:07:27.519 I on board. And you know, as much as you might complain about 101 00:07:27.720 --> 00:07:30.720 Cairo touch, you have, what yours is is light years ahead of just 102 00:07:30.800 --> 00:07:35.600 about every other program I've seen in the industry if used properly, and all 103 00:07:35.600 --> 00:07:40.319 it matters is how to push the buttons and once you're comfortable, it's just 104 00:07:40.399 --> 00:07:43.399 easy. That's a detail that we're looking for right. I mean it's it's 105 00:07:43.439 --> 00:07:46.160 I love the the anecdotal, you know, reference to other providers. Say 106 00:07:46.160 --> 00:07:49.040 Hey, I'm not just saying yes, you have to do more detail for 107 00:07:49.079 --> 00:07:53.639 cash patients, I'm telling you what has happened in the real world. So 108 00:07:53.759 --> 00:08:00.839 yes, don't be lazy. Use the program document appropriately so you don't have 109 00:08:00.879 --> 00:08:05.399 that legal exposure. Here's the other issue with legal exposure, and this I've 110 00:08:05.439 --> 00:08:09.240 seen on the personal injury side sue to trickle down to the managed care side. 111 00:08:09.279 --> 00:08:13.920 It's called predetermined treatment plans. And the carrier, the carriers for the 112 00:08:13.920 --> 00:08:18.079 past few years, you know, and in war they come up with names 113 00:08:18.079 --> 00:08:26.199 for campaigns like dday was the attack on Normandy. They come up with names. 114 00:08:26.240 --> 00:08:30.120 The carrier has a name called fraud for profit, and what they've done 115 00:08:30.199 --> 00:08:35.240 is they've come up with a profit center and there and they're they're charging fraud. 116 00:08:35.320 --> 00:08:37.879 So what they are saying is is if you have a predetermined treatment plan, 117 00:08:39.000 --> 00:08:41.159 that's fraud. So what they'll do is they'll doc they'll get it, 118 00:08:41.399 --> 00:08:48.399 they'll put their computers to work and they'll crudge out statistics that ninety six percent 119 00:08:48.480 --> 00:08:52.519 of your patients get x rays, ninety seven percent of your patients have the 120 00:08:52.559 --> 00:08:58.799 same diagnosis, s four percent, and and that's a predetermined treatment plan. 121 00:08:58.960 --> 00:09:03.840 Now that is true if you don't have the appropriate documentation behind it. Also, 122 00:09:03.919 --> 00:09:11.000 if you follow some of the Gurus in the self proclaimed gurus and the 123 00:09:11.039 --> 00:09:15.120 personal injury world who are trying to sell you programs, will tell you you 124 00:09:15.240 --> 00:09:18.919 need to do twenty, thirty or forty diagnosis on every patient. Well, 125 00:09:18.919 --> 00:09:22.879 guess what the purpose of that is to build more money out of the insurance 126 00:09:22.919 --> 00:09:28.480 company on its on a on a predetermined plan. You will win and then 127 00:09:28.519 --> 00:09:31.120 you'll give it all back threefold. In Arico case, you've got to be 128 00:09:31.200 --> 00:09:35.039 real careful. So I mean it's just unusual. Try to stay, if 129 00:09:35.080 --> 00:09:37.120 you can, as a rule, within the Hick for twelve and if you 130 00:09:37.159 --> 00:09:41.720 need to do more occasionally, that's fine. But if you're just doing that 131 00:09:41.799 --> 00:09:46.759 because it was it was sold to you by a plan on this on this 132 00:09:46.840 --> 00:09:50.919 program you're buying because you're going to get all these Pi cases and make more 133 00:09:50.000 --> 00:09:54.799 money, you what you want to do is you want to try to get 134 00:09:54.879 --> 00:10:00.559 that person who told you to do that to personally indemnify you for any and 135 00:10:00.679 --> 00:10:03.240 all retribution, which they'll never do, because you've got to be careful. 136 00:10:03.279 --> 00:10:07.600 You're going to be in the crossairs. So that's the type of legal explosure 137 00:10:07.679 --> 00:10:15.320 you have to be careful of. And I am the most aggressive conservative person 138 00:10:15.440 --> 00:10:20.159 you will ever meet when it comes to compliance. I am ultra, ultra 139 00:10:20.480 --> 00:10:24.879 conservative. It's got to be on firm ground and listen, you know, 140 00:10:24.919 --> 00:10:28.399 we talked, I don't know if it was in this programmer last but I've 141 00:10:28.440 --> 00:10:33.720 presented to over three hundred fiftyzero lawyers in thirty nine states, including many, 142 00:10:33.840 --> 00:10:37.600 many inside the insurance of this dream. So as a result of that, 143 00:10:37.759 --> 00:10:41.919 I get to see what they're going after. I know what's happening before they 144 00:10:41.960 --> 00:10:45.399 do it, because I talk to them. They tell me what's going on 145 00:10:45.799 --> 00:10:48.480 and we get to look at trends and we had to get to look at 146 00:10:48.519 --> 00:10:52.279 actual things occurring in the courts or's going to occur to keep you ahead of 147 00:10:52.320 --> 00:10:58.440 the curve. And it's conservative, Conservative, conservative. If you're doing something 148 00:10:58.480 --> 00:11:03.600 that's a by report code, be careful, be careful if you're take if 149 00:11:03.639 --> 00:11:07.080 you're billing insurance companies for it, and if you're doing something to buy report 150 00:11:07.080 --> 00:11:11.679 code, and even if you're taking their money on lean and not billing them 151 00:11:11.679 --> 00:11:16.879 directly, you're still taking their money. So be careful, be careful, 152 00:11:16.879 --> 00:11:20.919 be careful. As we you know, we'd started getting deeper into documentation. 153 00:11:20.960 --> 00:11:24.919 Then what's important there? Then within a soak, done like a general everyday 154 00:11:24.039 --> 00:11:26.840 visit while we're seeing patients, you know, multiple times. So what what 155 00:11:26.879 --> 00:11:31.879 are the important components there in what you consider an important component of so oak? 156 00:11:31.919 --> 00:11:35.000 Note, everybody, get a pencil of paper out. I'm about to 157 00:11:35.000 --> 00:11:39.399 tell you something very short you have to write down, which will protect you. 158 00:11:39.960 --> 00:11:43.440 Okay, and then I'll give you a little anecdote about what happened to 159 00:11:43.480 --> 00:11:48.840 someone who chose not to listen for every area you touch. Write this down. 160 00:11:48.000 --> 00:11:56.960 For every area you touch you need a symptom, a clinical find them 161 00:11:56.720 --> 00:12:03.039 and the diagnosis documented on every visit. You don't need anything else. For 162 00:12:03.200 --> 00:12:09.519 every are you touch you need a symptom, a clinical finding and a diagnosis. 163 00:12:09.840 --> 00:12:13.840 There was a young man in Gloucester Massachusetts about ten years ago, maybe 164 00:12:13.879 --> 00:12:18.960 seven years, ten years ago, and encompass insurance, which is a subsidiary 165 00:12:20.039 --> 00:12:26.200 of all state, suit him under ego and the Federal Racketeering Act for billing 166 00:12:26.240 --> 00:12:33.519 fraudulently on a systematized matter. You see, he was patients came in and 167 00:12:33.559 --> 00:12:39.480 he would diagnose cervical, cervical and Lumbar, lumbar, and rarely, if 168 00:12:39.480 --> 00:12:43.639 ever, diagnosed thoracic because people don't complain about that. So what they did 169 00:12:43.759 --> 00:12:50.039 was is they did a computer program, they rent a spreadsheet on them and 170 00:12:50.080 --> 00:12:54.399 they found he had seventy two cases and encompass and seventy two cases, seventy 171 00:12:54.480 --> 00:13:00.600 of them he adjusted and documented that. He adjusted thoracic and built for that 172 00:13:00.679 --> 00:13:05.120 extra region without diagnosic thoracic or having a symptom for but he said, I'm 173 00:13:05.159 --> 00:13:09.039 a full spine adjuster and it's part of the spine and it needs to be 174 00:13:09.039 --> 00:13:13.559 corrected. And on the healer. So they, the attorney, retained me 175 00:13:13.600 --> 00:13:18.200 to do a forensic analysis. Now I get twenty five hundred a case a 176 00:13:18.440 --> 00:13:22.879 chart for forensic analysis. It takes me two full days of work to do 177 00:13:22.039 --> 00:13:28.080 one chart in a forensic analysis. After ten charts, I said to the 178 00:13:28.120 --> 00:13:35.000 attorney settled, there's a pattern of fraud because he did not document a symptom 179 00:13:35.039 --> 00:13:37.200 and a diagnosis for the region he touched. Yeah, he took an x 180 00:13:37.279 --> 00:13:41.759 ray of it. He sees rotation and there's motion, peal patient and on 181 00:13:41.840 --> 00:13:46.120 and on and on. But he did not diagnosis, symptom or a diagnosis. 182 00:13:46.159 --> 00:13:50.879 So therefore it's constitutes insurance fraud and I said settle now. He had 183 00:13:50.000 --> 00:13:56.080 seven seventy two cases and out of those seventy two cases, here collected five 184 00:13:56.200 --> 00:14:00.120 hundred and Fiftyzero dollars. That was over seven years. That's less than one 185 00:14:00.159 --> 00:14:03.480 case a month, not a whole lot, less than one case a month. 186 00:14:05.360 --> 00:14:07.480 So he said on the Heeler, I did the work, I'm not 187 00:14:07.519 --> 00:14:09.519 giving it back. You know what the Guy Hears every morning? Now, 188 00:14:09.519 --> 00:14:16.440 attention walmart shoppers. He lost and I'm not being sarcastic. He lost the 189 00:14:16.480 --> 00:14:20.279 case five hundred and fifty plus treble damages, which is too one and Rico. 190 00:14:20.360 --> 00:14:24.919 He got a judgment against them from one point six five million dollars. 191 00:14:24.960 --> 00:14:28.840 His legal fees were over three hundredzero dollars and he went bankrupt. But he 192 00:14:28.919 --> 00:14:33.240 still has to pay them back because he has a federal judgment against them and 193 00:14:33.360 --> 00:14:39.200 they garnish his entire life until that's paid back. Didn't listen, so you've 194 00:14:39.200 --> 00:14:43.919 got to understand. Now again let's talk about thoractic spin. Now I teach 195 00:14:43.960 --> 00:14:48.399 a three chiropractic colleges and two medical schools at various levels, and one of 196 00:14:48.399 --> 00:14:52.279 the things we talked about is e listening. So a lot of us, 197 00:14:52.399 --> 00:14:56.360 like myself, for a full spine adjuster. Someone will complain of a cervical 198 00:14:56.399 --> 00:14:58.720 problem, lumbar's problem, so I'll take my hand and run it down the 199 00:14:58.720 --> 00:15:03.919 SP on. I've never had an area that needed to be adjusted, whether 200 00:15:03.039 --> 00:15:07.440 we're not taught, and tender fibers, so I'll miss it. Jones, 201 00:15:07.480 --> 00:15:11.399 is this tender t six on the right? Yes, so I would diagnose 202 00:15:11.879 --> 00:15:18.159 or symptom elicited symptom t sis on the right pain scale, two out of 203 00:15:18.200 --> 00:15:22.879 ten on a pain scale of zero, one of ten. Okay, that's 204 00:15:22.960 --> 00:15:28.879 number one. And then my diagnosis is mild phacitus and the thoractic spine and 205 00:15:28.000 --> 00:15:33.480 I document it. Now. I have a symptom, a clinical finding which 206 00:15:33.519 --> 00:15:37.519 is almost identical and the diagnosis for that area I justed. So you've got 207 00:15:37.519 --> 00:15:41.759 to be careful for every area you touch. Let me say it again, 208 00:15:41.799 --> 00:15:48.840 this is a nonnegotiable mark rule to keep you out of the crosshairs. For 209 00:15:48.919 --> 00:15:54.600 every area you touch. You need a symptom, a clinical finding and a 210 00:15:54.720 --> 00:16:00.639 diagnosis for every area you touching. It must be documented on every soap note. 211 00:16:02.000 --> 00:16:07.600 Please don't repeat for me on your soap notes past medical history or review 212 00:16:07.639 --> 00:16:12.519 of systems. I've seen all this crap. Okay, now, symptom, 213 00:16:12.559 --> 00:16:18.039 clinical finding, diagnosis, anything else you want to put you more than Malcolm. 214 00:16:18.120 --> 00:16:21.240 It's fluff. It's not necessary. Those are e. those are m 215 00:16:21.320 --> 00:16:25.399 issues. So you want to cull it down to just those things and that 216 00:16:25.440 --> 00:16:30.360 will protect you from any issues. That does the education that we need here 217 00:16:30.639 --> 00:16:36.559 and in the industry and very easy to do in Cairo. Touch with the 218 00:16:36.559 --> 00:16:40.759 bullet, touch macros again, when you say those things. People think that, 219 00:16:40.799 --> 00:16:41.879 they roll their eyes and I think all that's just more to work for 220 00:16:41.960 --> 00:16:45.279 me. Right, I have to do that. Yeah, but you're protecting 221 00:16:45.320 --> 00:16:49.279 yourself and you're doing it with one or two clicks. It's taking you five 222 00:16:49.320 --> 00:16:55.000 seconds to protect yourself against possible bankruptcy, right, as you spoke about. 223 00:16:55.159 --> 00:16:59.639 So being able to use a system and document appropriately protects you. That's why 224 00:16:59.639 --> 00:17:07.440 it's important. I want to shift gears to imaging. Do I need to 225 00:17:07.519 --> 00:17:11.240 order MRIs for non personal injury cases? I know you spoke before, we 226 00:17:11.279 --> 00:17:15.759 spoken in a previous podcast about MRIs and personal injury. So I want your 227 00:17:15.759 --> 00:17:21.160 focus more here on MRI's for personal injury and non personal injury cases. Please, 228 00:17:21.240 --> 00:17:25.880 if you're ordering MRIS FOR JUST PI cases, be prepared to lose your 229 00:17:25.920 --> 00:17:32.119 license. Simple because are you pandering to the plaintiffs attorney to make the case 230 00:17:32.440 --> 00:17:37.079 if you order an MRI of every Pi case? Listen, that's absurd. 231 00:17:37.559 --> 00:17:41.160 You treat the patient. I don't care if it's a personal injury non personal 232 00:17:41.240 --> 00:17:48.839 injury. It doesn't matter if there's a significant ridiculopathic or milopathic component. Regardless 233 00:17:48.880 --> 00:17:53.079 of the ideology, you should consider an MRI because x ray is not going 234 00:17:53.119 --> 00:17:57.920 to show you that space occupying leisure. You have to know. Is there 235 00:17:59.039 --> 00:18:00.519 or Herny at it? This is it? Is it a protrusion? Is 236 00:18:00.559 --> 00:18:06.039 it an extrusion? Is it a fragmentation? Do you have a tumor? 237 00:18:06.119 --> 00:18:10.039 Is An epidurl? Is it as an intradul do you have is? Do 238 00:18:10.119 --> 00:18:12.279 you have a varicks? And you have to know what variicies are. Is 239 00:18:12.319 --> 00:18:15.880 Their court a demon or a milopathy or a mile of Malaysia? Actually, 240 00:18:18.079 --> 00:18:19.559 you have to know all of these things and you got to kind of know 241 00:18:19.599 --> 00:18:23.640 what those things mean as well. Remember, when you went to school, 242 00:18:23.680 --> 00:18:30.599 you were given the minimal amount of knowledge to graduate and pass your licensure boards. 243 00:18:30.680 --> 00:18:33.759 After that it's on you. So if you don't know all of those 244 00:18:33.759 --> 00:18:38.200 things I just shared with you, go learn, go learn. You need 245 00:18:38.279 --> 00:18:42.279 to know when you need to take an MRI, if a patient has radiating 246 00:18:42.319 --> 00:18:48.200 pain down a limb, if it's lancenating electric if when you do a compression 247 00:18:48.279 --> 00:18:52.920 the patient, patient gets worse. You need to consider those things. All 248 00:18:52.960 --> 00:18:59.240 of those things are critically important and I don't care whether there are a Pi 249 00:18:59.359 --> 00:19:02.839 case or not. None of it should matter. That's what you do with 250 00:19:02.839 --> 00:19:08.079 a patient and don't be delivering a high velocity thrust into a patient where you 251 00:19:08.079 --> 00:19:11.759 don't know what's going on. GET THAT MRI ordered. You know, for 252 00:19:11.799 --> 00:19:17.400 me I usually, and this is an unofficial statistic, I've not done a 253 00:19:17.440 --> 00:19:22.400 full research program one, but about three percent of your patients should be getting 254 00:19:22.519 --> 00:19:26.440 MRI's. That's an unofficial number, three out of a hundred. If you 255 00:19:26.480 --> 00:19:30.799 have a pure Pi practice the number goes up to eighty and eighty five percent. 256 00:19:30.839 --> 00:19:33.799 We're out of family practice and I'm very few PI cases, not a 257 00:19:33.799 --> 00:19:37.119 whole lot, but when I had a Pi practice, a lot, because 258 00:19:37.400 --> 00:19:41.880 my car accident cases, a lot of them radiating pain. That's what we 259 00:19:41.920 --> 00:19:45.599 need. So there's your answer. MRI is a tool and if you don't 260 00:19:45.720 --> 00:19:49.839 use it you can hurt your patient. If you don't know, you don't 261 00:19:49.839 --> 00:19:56.240 guess, and that is a hard, hard rule. And again, document 262 00:19:56.279 --> 00:20:00.640 the rationale and findings correct well, you always have to document why, why 263 00:20:00.680 --> 00:20:04.279 are you ordering the MRI? And then you have to document how it change 264 00:20:04.279 --> 00:20:08.119 a treatment plan. That's critical. Those are two things that will get you 265 00:20:08.119 --> 00:20:12.920 out of trouble and fall out of the predetermined treatment plan scenario and that the 266 00:20:14.000 --> 00:20:17.279 carriers are looking to take you to task with. How does it Change Your 267 00:20:17.279 --> 00:20:22.960 Treatment Plan? It might be considering the neurosurgical consultation. I'm not adjusting this 268 00:20:22.079 --> 00:20:27.000 area, or it might say it confirmed that there is a space occupying lesion, 269 00:20:27.440 --> 00:20:32.839 but there is no necessity for referral because there is not a room around 270 00:20:32.839 --> 00:20:36.559 the quarter root that it wouldn't create damage. So you need to document all 271 00:20:36.640 --> 00:20:40.160 of those things and that's critical and it can be done in that crows and 272 00:20:40.279 --> 00:20:41.799 a lot of the a lot of those macros are already done for you in 273 00:20:41.839 --> 00:20:45.319 the bullet touch Pi side. Yeah, and just dropping your documentation, just 274 00:20:45.599 --> 00:20:49.160 go on with your day, but use it to protect yourself no matter what. 275 00:20:49.200 --> 00:20:53.799 And let's recap here. We want to elicit for our our listeners is 276 00:20:53.960 --> 00:21:00.880 the need to document every case and not differentiate whether it's cash, person injury 277 00:21:00.240 --> 00:21:06.559 or Kriscom Medicare. You need full documentation, and I think you did a 278 00:21:06.559 --> 00:21:11.079 wonderful job kind of hitting that, hitting that point on the head, so 279 00:21:11.119 --> 00:21:15.519 that we understand as a as a practitioner, don't don't deviate, don't be 280 00:21:15.559 --> 00:21:19.319 lazy. Put as much detail in there as you can. So lastly, 281 00:21:19.400 --> 00:21:23.480 for our listeners that haven't heard you before, can you go into some information 282 00:21:23.559 --> 00:21:26.599 about how they can get in touch with you get more information about what you 283 00:21:26.640 --> 00:21:30.680 guys teach for the Academy of Chiropractic. What we do in the Academy of 284 00:21:30.759 --> 00:21:37.480 Chiropractic. It's easy. We have a full online university and our courses are, 285 00:21:37.599 --> 00:21:41.480 I think, the best of the industry. There are professors are it's 286 00:21:41.480 --> 00:21:45.680 always with a chiropractor, but we might have a Harvard train near radiologist and 287 00:21:45.759 --> 00:21:52.759 Albert Einstein College train of Vasculine Orologists. I mean, I could go on 288 00:21:52.799 --> 00:21:56.839 and on and on and on. It's just great academics. So go to 289 00:21:56.920 --> 00:22:02.119 teach doctorscom for academics. You want to get in the consulting side, if 290 00:22:02.160 --> 00:22:04.640 you want to learn how to get your referral sources to run after you. 291 00:22:06.319 --> 00:22:08.799 And I like personal injury, I love trauma care and I like getting paid 292 00:22:08.920 --> 00:22:15.759 more than less, go to teach Chiros Shiroscom. So it's our the teach 293 00:22:15.839 --> 00:22:21.720 doctorscom. Teach chiroscom. You can go to the Academy of chiropracticcom. You 294 00:22:21.799 --> 00:22:27.599 seal our awards pages where people have earned a fellowship or qualifications, and you 295 00:22:27.640 --> 00:22:30.960 can earn those as well. Or call me my phone number six three, 296 00:22:32.039 --> 00:22:34.079 one seven eight, six, four, two five three. That's three, 297 00:22:34.160 --> 00:22:40.680 one seven eighty six, four two five three, and she call me about 298 00:22:40.680 --> 00:22:42.359 anything. I'd love to just chat. Love talking about this stuff. I'll 299 00:22:42.440 --> 00:22:48.039 chat with you about anything at any time. I truly appreciate it. You 300 00:22:48.319 --> 00:22:51.359 do a great job for our industry, so thank you again for taking the 301 00:22:51.359 --> 00:22:55.279 time. Thank you for coming on to the PODCAST. It's been eye opening, 302 00:22:55.319 --> 00:22:57.200 I think, for a lot of practitioners. Also, thank you to 303 00:22:57.200 --> 00:23:00.279 our listeners for tuning in to catch up with Cairo touch. If it wasn't 304 00:23:00.319 --> 00:23:03.559 for you, then we wouldn't have a reason to be putting on all this 305 00:23:03.640 --> 00:23:07.519 content. So thank you. You can find more catch up with Cairo touch 306 00:23:07.559 --> 00:23:12.400 episodes on spotify, itunes and Cairo touchcom slash podcast. Again, I'm your 307 00:23:12.400 --> 00:23:17.200 host, Dr Brian Blast, and I wish everyone listening well adjusted day.

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